DISTRICT SICK LEAVE RESERVE a) Each employee shall annually be assessed two (2) days of sick leave to be transferred to the District Sick Leave Reserve. Such transfer shall be effective on the first day of the regular school year, or on the first day of the employee’s work year should the employee be hired as a full-time permanent employee after the start of the school year. b) If 50% or more of the days placed in the District Sick Leave Reserve remain unused on the final day of the school year, one (1) sick day will be returned to each participating member of each participating unit at that time, not to exceed the cap of days per member. c) In the event that the District Sick Leave Reserve usage will exceed the total number of sick days used in a given year, a Meet and Confer of the District Sick Leave Reserve Committee of each of the participating units will be held to discuss increasing the donation of sick days. d) The District Sick Leave Reserve shall be annually reduced to zero on the first day of the fiscal year. e) Upon receipt of a request from a member of this bargaining unit for personal sick leave, the Sick Leave Reserve Committee (SLRC) shall meet to vote approval of the request, provided the following guidelines shall have been fulfilled: 1. The unit member requesting such leave shall have exhausted all accumulated personal sick days and other days of temporary leave. 2. The unit member shall have demonstrated that the request is due to a personal illness of substantial and critical need as evidenced by a letter from a certified medical physician. 3. The request must be for no more than thirty (30) workdays. f) Available Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) leave shall be used concurrently with use of the Sick Leave Reserve days. (refer to Article
DISTRICT SICK LEAVE RESERVE a. Each employee shall annually be assessed two (2) days of sick leave to be transferred to the District Sick Leave Reserve. Such transfer shall be effective on the first day of the regular school year or on the first day of the employee’s work year should the employee be hired as a full-time permanent employee after the start of the school year.
DISTRICT SICK LEAVE RESERVE. Each employee shall annually be assessed two (2) days of sick leave to be transferred to the District Sick Leave Reserve. Such transfer shall be effective on the first day of the regular school year, or on the first day of the employee’s work year should the employee be hired as a full-time permanent employee after the start of the school year. If 50% or more of the days placed in the District Sick Leave Reserve remain unused on the final day of the school year, one (1) sick day will be returned to each participating member of each participating unit at that time, not to exceed the cap of days per member. In the event that the District Sick Leave Reserve usage will exceed the total number of sick days used in a given year, a Meet and Confer of the District Sick Leave Reserve Committee of each of the participating units will be held to discuss increasing the donation of sick days. The District Sick Leave Reserve shall be annually reduced to zero on the first day of the fiscal year. Upon receipt of a request from a member of this bargaining unit for personal sick leave, the Sick Leave Reserve Committee (SLRC) shall meet to vote approval of the request, provided the following guidelines shall have been fulfilled:
DISTRICT SICK LEAVE RESERVE a. Each employee shall annually be assessed two (2) days of sick leave to be transferred to the District Sick Leave Reserve. Such transfer shall be effective on the first day of the regular school year, or on the first day of the employee’s work year should the employee be hired as a full-time permanent employee after the start of the school year. b. If 50% or more of the days placed in the District Sick Leave Reserve remain unused on the final day of the school year, one (1) sick day will be returned to each participating member of each participating unit at that time, not to exceed the cap of 180 days per member. c. In the event that the District Sick Leave Reserve usage will exceed the total number of sick days used in a given year, there will be a Meet and Confer of the District Sick Leave Reserve Committee of each of the participating units will be held to discuss increasing the donation of sick days. d. The District Sick Leave Reserve shall be annually reduced to zero on the first day of the next fiscal year.


  • Leave Reserved The Company agrees to commence discussions with the Union in relation to the future implementation by the Union of a Bargaining Agents Fee, subject to the clause having been approved by the New South Wales Industrial Relations Commission.

  • Sick Leave Allowance Faculty with a full-time assignment shall accrue sick leave at the rate of eight

  • Sick Leave Pool The purpose of the emergency sick leave pool is to furnish additional sick days for certified staff under the negotiated agreement. This leave can only be used during the school year after the teacher has exhausted all regular accumulated sick leave and discretionary leave. Leave will be granted for catastrophic illness or injury of the employee only, on a first-come, first-ask basis. The emergency sick leave pool will be funded by the days certified staff has over the 80-day maximum sick leave this is given to each employee on July 1 of each year. All days over the 80-day accumulated sick leave the employees receive will be put into an emergency sick leave pool with an accumulation not to exceed 80 days for the pool. The maximum number of emergency sick leave pool days that may be accumulated during the school year is 20 days. A written application along with a physician’s statement documenting the nature of the catastrophic illness or injury must be sent to the building principal. The Emergency Sick Leave Pool Committee will meet within 10 calendar days after receiving the application to consider the request. The application may be sent to the building principal before the employee’s regular sick leave ends. The Emergency Sick Leave Pool Committee will consist of six members. One member from each of the four schools (“Primary, Intermediate, Middle, and High School”) the Superintendent and the building principal from the building of the applicant. All members will meet to determine ach request; however, the committee member representing the same building as the applicant will not vote. The building principal and superintendent will vote in all cases. The committee members will serve for a period of two years. The Primary and Middle School members will be elected on even calendar years and the Intermediate and the High School members will be elected on odd calendar years. If a member of the committee leaves the employment of the USD 210 before the end of his/her term, the committee will appoint a new committee member form the affected building. The committee members will be in place by September 1 of each year. The emergency sick leave bank may not be used to cover employees who are receiving pay, salary protection payments, and disability insurance payments or are eligible to receive compensation from workers’ compensation or KPERS disability.

  • Accumulated Sick Leave ‌ The Employer shall inform all employees at least once each year of the number of sick days accumulated and shall make the information available to an employee on request.

  • Sick Leave Use An employee shall be granted sick leave with pay to the extent of the employee's accumulation for absences necessitated by the following conditions:

  • Sick Leave Usage 1. Sick leave may be used by an employee when sick, injured, or quarantined. Also sick leave may be used on the occasion of an illness in the employee's family, where a need can be shown. 2. In computing compensation payable for sick leave, the compensation paid shall be the amount the employee would earn during the sick leave period if working at their current rate of pay and work schedule without the inclusion of overtime earnings.

  • Vacation Carryover (a) A regular employee may carry over up to 10 days' vacation leave per year. Vacation carryover will not exceed 10 days at any time. An employee will not receive pay in lieu of vacation time, except upon retirement or termination, or as requested by the employee in Clause 18.13 (Vacation Payout). (b) A single vacation period, which overlaps the end of a vacation year, will be considered as vacation for the vacation year in which it commenced. The portion of vacation taken subsequent to but adjoining the end of the vacation year will not be considered as vacation carryover, nor as a seniority choice for the subsequent vacation year.

  • Accrued 100% sick leave The use of sick leave under this subsection is at the employee's discretion.

  • Sick Leave Payout No cash payment for unused sick leave will be paid to any employee leaving the service of the Employer.

  • Sick Leave Abuse ‌ When the Employer suspects sick leave abuse, the employee will be provided the opportunity to explain the circumstances surrounding their sick leave use prior to disciplining the employee, or making reference to sick leave use in the employee’s performance evaluation. The Employer may not adopt or enforce any policy that counts the use of paid sick leave time as an absence that may lead to or result in disciplinary action for an authorized purpose. The Employer may not discriminate or retaliate against an employee for the use of paid sick leave for an authorized purpose.