Longevity Sample Clauses

Longevity. Any full-time employee who has completed ten years of continuous service shall be paid, in addition to his/her normal salary, the sum of $300.00 annually and an additional $300.00 for each additional five years of continuous service. An employee shall be eligible to receive this payment if his/her anniversary date is on or before December 1. The longevity payment shall be paid in the employee's first paycheck received in December. An employee who retires or terminates prior to December 1, but after his/her anniversary date, which is on or after December 2, will be entitled to the appropriate longevity payment upon retirement or termination.
Longevity. All of the calculations are base rates and not inclusive of longevity.
Longevity. A. The Macomb County Board of Commissioners hereby establishes a policy of payment of additional compensation to those County employees having a record of long continued employment and service with the County of Macomb, as recognition of the value of experience gained by such length of service and to encourage same. B. All employees represented by the bargaining unit shall be included in the Macomb County Longevity Compensation Policy. C. The basis of longevity compensation is as follows: 1. Eligibility of an employee shall initially commence when such employee shall have completed at least five (5) full years of continuous employment on or before October 31st of any year except as the following prorated formula shall apply: a. Employees who complete at least five (5) full years of continuous employment during the months of November and December only, of any year, shall receive a prorated share of longevity as follows: November 1 through November 15 --- 95% November 16 through November 30 --- 90% December 1 through December 15 --- 85% December 16 through December 30 --- 80% b. The schedule of payments and provisions of the Longevity Compensation Policy remains unchanged, except as amended above. 2. Credit shall be given retroactive for continuous employment years of service by County employees existent as of the effective date of this longevity policy. 3. Continuous employment for the purpose of this policy shall not be considered as interrupted when absences arise as paid vacations, paid sick leave, paid Worker's Compensation period not to exceed one year, or leave of absence authorized by the Sheriff and approved by the Human Resources Director; provided such leave of absence periods shall not be considered in the computation of years of service for longevity compensation. 4. The following schedule of payment shall be used as a basis for computation of longevity, paid to such employee as of October 31st, provided such employee is qualified as to length of service as per Section C, paragraph 1.a., as amended, provided, that the compensation to be utilized for computation purposes for a part-time employee entering upon full-time employment shall be the average compensation received by such employee in the previous five (5) years of employment until such time as five (5) years of full-time employment is attained. 5. The following schedule of payment shall apply: Step Continuous Years of Service Amount 1 5 through 9 $ 672 2 10 through 14 $1,344 3 15 through ...
Longevity. At the beginning of 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, and 40 years of permanent employment with the Board, the employee shall receive longevity salary increments in accordance with the current salary schedule.
LongevitySection 1. Each full-time employee of the bargaining unit shall receive longevity pay based upon the hourly rate payable biweekly as defined by Appendix A and total length of service with the Fire bargaining unit. Longevity pay shall be effective beginning with the first full pay period following completion of the specified years of service. Payment shall be made on a prorated basis on each regular pay day. Section 2. For purposes of longevity pay, any employee who terminates employment and who is later reemployed shall be treated as a new employee. However, if a reemployed employee reimburses the City of Lincoln his pension contributions, such employee shall receive credit for initial time served as a City employee while working in the Fire bargaining unit. Section 3. For purposes of this Article longevity pay is considered part of base pay for purposes of pension contributions.
Longevity. Each member of the unit who has completed nine (9) years of service as a Livonia Public Schools employee shall receive twenty -five cents ($.25) in addition to the regular hourly rate as longevity payment. Each member of the unit who has completed fourteen (14) years of service as a Livonia Public Schools employee shall receive sixty -five cents ($.65) in addition to the regular hourly rate as longevity payment. Each member of the unit who has completed nineteen (19) years of service as a Livonia Public Schools employee shall receive eighty cents ($.80) in addition to the regular hourly rate as longevity payment.
Longevity. Starting date of employment with Xxxxxx Area Schools shall be used for purposes of determining longevity. If, however, employees have been receiving longevity benefits prior to the 1986-1989 contract, they will not be deprived of any previously enjoyed conditions or advantages. Longevity shall be paid on the following schedule (Part-time custodians will not accrue longevity):
LongevityIn addition to an employee's base salary provided for in Section 1 (A), each full time employee of the bargaining unit shall annually receive longevity pay based upon the total length of service with the City. Such pay shall be effective beginning with the first full pay period following completion of the specified years of service. Payment shall be made on a prorated basis on each regular pay day. The longevity schedule shall be as follows: Completed Years of Service Annual Pay 15 years (Beginning 16th Year) $1,504 20 years (Beginning 21st Year) $1,965 25 Years (Beginning 26th Year) $2,546 * Employees receiving longevity pay at the ten year xxxx ($990) as of August 12, 2004, shall continue to receive such pay until reaching the fifteen year xxxx.
Longevity. All employees covered by the terms of this Agreement shall receive one-half (1/2) longevity credit for each biweekly pay period in which the employee is compensated for more than forty (40) hours of regular time and overtime combined, and shall receive longevity pay as hereinafter provided: (a) Each employee’s basic rate of pay shall be increased by
LongevitySection 1 An annual longevity bonus shall be paid to each employee for completion of each year of continuous service with the City according to the following non-cumulative schedule: a) five (5) years up to ten (10) years $400 b) ten (10) years up to fifteen (15) years $800 c) fifteen (15) years up to twenty (20) years $1,200 d) twenty (20) years or more $1,600 Section 2 Longevity bonus payments for all employees shall be calculated and paid annually on the first full pay period in December of each year. A pro-rated longevity payment shall be made only upon service or disability retirement.