Employee Elections Sample Clauses
Employee Elections. 1. All employees will be required to supply the Company, by a date determined by the Company, with information necessary to enable the Company to make decisions relating to employee displacements in Locations, and the Province. This information will be provided by employees on the Option/Election Form and a Location Preference Ranking Form, both of which are computer readable. The employees will rank all locations outside of their own in order of preference on the Location Preference Ranking form.
2. The information provided by the employee on the forms will amount to a decision by each employee, unless amended as set out in 11.6(4). The Company will be entitled to rely on this information for purposes of applying the provisions of Article 11.
3. In addition to providing other information requested on the Forms provided, employees shall elect to be placed into positions in their OGLs in one of two streams, either the Equal Stream or the Lower Stream. The employee may also elect to displace outside his/her OGL pursuant to 11.11.1(2) by supplying the required information.
4. Each employee will ensure the Company has an updated Option/Election Form, to be maintained in his/her personnel file. When the Company initiates a layoff of employees under this Article, employees will have the opportunity to amend the Option/Election Form. Revisions to the Option/Election Form must be received prior to freeze date. The employee will be provided with a written confirmation of the information provided (refer to Article 11.1). If there is no request to amend by the employee by freeze date, the information contained in the confirmation shall be deemed accurate for all purposes.
Employee Elections. 1. All employees whose Job Groupings are in the OGL of the overcomplement position(s), will be required to supply the Company, by a date determined by the Company, information necessary to enable the Company to make decisions relating to employee displacements in Locations, and the Province. The information required is:
a) Does the employee wish to voluntarily terminate if given the opportunity
b) Is the employee willing to move
c) Is the employee willing to change from Regular Full Time to Regular Part Time or vice versa.
2. The Company will be entitled to rely on this information for purposes of applying the provisions of Article 11.
3. Employees will have seven (7) days to provide their elections to his/her Human Resources Office.
Employee Elections. 11.7 FAILURE TO COMPLETE THE FORM 11.8 CASH OUT DURING THE NOTICE PERIOD 11.9 GENERAL Displacement Chart 11.10 SENIOR CHOICE/JUNIOR FORCE (Province Displacement) 11.11 DISPLACEMENTS 11.11.1 Equal Stream 11.11.2 Lower Stream 11.11.3 Senior Choice/Junior Force (Within Location) 11.12 DISPLACEMENT AND RECALL RIGHTS 11.12.1 Probationary Employees 11.12.2 Regular Seasonal
Employee Elections. 1. All employees will be required to supply the Company, by a date determined by the Company, with information necessary to enable the Company to make decisions relating to employee displacements in Locations, and the Province. This information will be provided by employees on the Option/Election Form and a Location Preference Ranking Form, both of which are computer readable. The employees will rank all locations outside of their own in order of preference on the Location Preference Ranking form.
2. The information provided by the employee on the forms will amount to a decision by each employee, unless amended as set out in
Employee Elections. During the 60-day period immediately preceding January 1st of a calendar (i.e. November 2 to December 31 of the preceding calendar year), an eligible employee must be given the right to enter into a salary reduction agreement for the calendar year, or to modify a prior agreement (including reducing the amount subject to this agreement to $0). However, for the year in which the employee becomes eligible to make salary reduction contributions, the period during which the employee may enter into a salary reduction agreement or modify a prior agreement is a 60-day period that includes either the date the employee becomes eligible or the day before that date. For example, if an employer establishes a SIMPLE plan effective as of July 1, 2014, each eligible employee becomes eligible to make salary reduction contributions on that date and the 60-day period must begin no later than July 1 and cannot end before June 30, 2014.
Employee Elections. These to be held every two years. Alternate members are also to be elected at this time to cover absences. Alternate members shall be allowed to sit in on all meetings on a rotational basis to gain understanding of procedures. This is to be done with one alternate at any one time, with the alternate acting in an observer capacity only. The procedure for filling casual employee vacancies is to be developed by the Committee.
Employee Elections. During the 60-day period immediately preceding January 1st of a calendar (i.e. November 2 to December 31 of the preceding calendar year), an eligible employee must be given the right to enter into
Employee Elections. All employee elections under this Article shall be made in accordance with the plan provisions.
Employee Elections. [ ] Monthly (12 paychecks per year) [ ] Twice monthly (24 paychecks per year) [ ] Bi-Weekly (26 paychecks per year) [ ] Weekly (52 paychecks per year)
Employee Elections. 1. All employees whose job groupings are in the OGL of the overcomplement position(s), will be required to supply the Company, by a date determined by the Company, information necessary to enable the Company to make decisions relating to employee displacements in Locations, and the Province. The information required is:
a) Does the employee wish to voluntarily terminate if given the opportunity
b) Is the employee willing to move
c) Is the employee willing to change from Regular Full Time to Regular Part Time or vice versa. * The parties will consult on a bi-lateral information package to be provided to employees at the time they are asked to make elections
2. The Company will be entitled to rely on this information for purposes of applying the provisions of Article 11.
3. Employees will have seven (7) days to provide their elections to his/her Human Resources Office.