DRIVER-TRAINERS. The following provisions shall apply to bus drivers who train new drivers:
DRIVER-TRAINERS. The following provisions shall apply to drivers who train new drivers:
DRIVER-TRAINERS. Drivers who wish to be driver trainers shall be certified by the State as on-board instructors. The number of driver trainers shall be determined by the Board or its designee. Any regular driver who wishes to be considered as a driver trainer must submit a request for consideration in writing no later than the first workday of each school year or upon a vacancy in the position. Drivers do not have to be certified to apply. An interview will be granted to all drivers who have applied for the trainer position.
DRIVER-TRAINERS. The Company shall have the right to designate and assign Driver Trainers in its sole discretion . The Company’s selection and assignment of Driver Trainers in all departments shall be based upon an employee expressing interest in the position, so long as the employee meets all qualifications as determined solely by the Company . Such designation and assignment requires that the individuals be deemed qualified by the Company’s Safety Department Head, and possess any necessary DMV, SED, or DOT qualifications . A Driver Trainer may not pick a run that exceeds thirty (30) hours per week, and must be available to train for a minimum of ten (10) hours per week without exceeding forty (40) hours, unless approved by management . Driver Trainer shall be entitled to pick weekend charter work . Driver Trainers shall be entitled to the training hours for the 8 paid holidays (as designated by the Company), including guaranteed
DRIVER-TRAINERS. The Company shall have the right to designate and assign Driver Trainers in its sole discretion. Such designation and assignment requires that the individuals be deemed qualified by the Company's Safety Department Head, and possess any necessary DMV, SED, or DOT qualifications. A Driver Trainer may not pick a run that exceeds 28 hours a week, and must be available to train for a minimum of 12 hours a week without exceeding 40 hours of work (including driving and training) in any week, i.e., a Driver Trainer may not perform work in excess of 40 hours a week. Driver Trainers shall be entitled to the training hours for the 8 paid holidays (as designated by the Company), including guaranteed run hours plus training time. If the Driver Trainer's scheduled work day does not fall on the designated holiday, the Driver Trainer will receive a paid day off from one of their scheduled workdays. Driver Trainers may be required to perform training work during driver guarantee work weeks, April break, summer (minimum of three weeks work between last week in June and third week in August; Division will attempt to accommodate vacation choices, but Department needs will prevail). Driver Trainers must be available to assist with, including the preparation of vans, the deli very of camp vans and return of camp vans. Camp van work may result in overtime hours (hours in excess of fmty in a week) and may require weekend work, as needed. Driver Trainers will be eligible for a Trainer Bonus, in the sole discretion of the Company, based on such factors as level of qualifications, full use of training credentials, cooperation, attendance, and merit.
DRIVER-TRAINERS. Driver Trainers will make a minimum of their earnable days run rates plus a premium of fifty-five dollars ($55.00).
DRIVER-TRAINERS. (A) The District shall create and maintain up to eight (8) positions called Driver Trainers. The position shall be a twelve (12) month position with a guarantee of eight (8) hours per day. The position shall be a differential position with an annual rate of $2.00 per hour for each hour. (B) In the first week of June in each year, any current driver or attendant who is properly qualified and/or certified to train bus drivers under state law may declare his/her intent to train or not to train for the upcoming year. All drivers making this declaration shall then be permitted to bid for the driver trainer positions that the District will be maintaining for that year. The bid will be held in June, and selections will be made by the end of June through the process described in Subsection (D) herein. (C) Driver Trainers are subject to the provisions of Section 17.4(C). The District will provide notice to all drivers who have previously been qualified and/or certified to train bus drivers under state law at the start of each school year as to the state requirement for maintaining such qualification/certification. The District will also provide such employees with time off to attend required classes upon request (this time will be unpaid unless vacation days are used and will also provide those employees with the opportunity to train a driver where necessary to maintain state qualification/certification. If the trainer is one of the top thirty (30) drivers in seniority among drivers, the trainer shall retain his/her classification of “Lead Driver I" in the event the trainer reverts to a regular driving position. (D) The position of Trainer shall include, but not be limited to the following: Training in all driving phases Training and education for students School and student safety projects Map and route reading Submission of all reports in a timely manner Test giving, grading and reporting Driver-trainers shall be permitted to perform check runs with experienced drivers, but shall not have the authority to fail an experienced driver. If the driver-trainer does not pass the experienced driver after the check run, the experienced driver shall repeat the check run with a supervisor, who shall pass or fail the driver. The position shall report to the Assistant Manager responsible for Driver Training.
DRIVER-TRAINERS. Driver Trainers shall be paid an additional amount per hour as follows while training: • Year 1 $1.00/hr • Year 2 $1.00/hr • Year 3 $1.00/hr • Year 4 $1.00/hr • Year 5 $1.00/hr
DRIVER-TRAINERS. The Employer may unilaterally assign an employee to the classification of Driver Trainer by mutual consent without regard to seniority and may similarly unilaterally remove an employee from such classification.
DRIVER-TRAINERS. Drivers who become “trainers” will be paid at their hourly rate and report their hours on time cards. Trainers are not permitted to exceed forty hours in any given week including regular route hours, field trips, holidays and training hours without permission of the Transportation Director(s).