Employer Definition Sample Clauses
Employer Definition. For purposes of this Section 4 all references to “Employer” shall include the Employer and its Subsidiaries.
Employer Definition. Ford shall be the employer of the Seconded Employees for all purposes and Vastera shall not be considered the employer for any purpose. Ford will instruct Seconded Employees to conform to Vastera policies while at Vastera facilities regarding safety and health, personal and professional conduct (including the wearing of an identification badge or personal protective equipment and adhering to plan regulations and general safety practices or procedures) generally applicable to such facilities, which rules and regulations Vastera will provide upon request, and otherwise conduct themselves in a businesslike manner. Seconded Employees also shall be subject at all times to Ford's policies and procedures. During the Assigned Period, Ford shall retain responsibility for all payments and benefits due to the Seconded Employees in connection with their work relating to the Business and pro-rated for part-time seconded employment, including but not limited to
(i) the payment of Seconded Employees' base salary or other components of pay (less any applicable withholding or other taxes or any amounts deducted from such wages pursuant to normal payroll practices of Ford);
(ii) the provision of all other employee benefits generally provided by Ford to other non-represented Seconded Employees; (iii) payment of all federal, state, or local taxes withheld or otherwise required to be paid with respect thereto, and (iv) the liability for statutory benefits, including workers' compensation.
Employer Definition. During the Assigned Period, Ford shall retain responsibility for all payments and benefits due to the Ford Assigned Employees in connection with the work relating to the Business, including but not limited to
(i) the payment of Ford Assigned Employees' base hourly wage or other components of pay as required under the Ford-UAW CBA now in existence or as modified hereafter (less any applicable withholding or other taxes or any amounts deducted from such wages pursuant to normal payroll practices of Ford);
(ii) the provision of all other employee benefits generally provided by Ford to other hourly employees of Ford covered by the Ford-UAW CBA;
(iii) payment of all federal, state, or local taxes withheld or otherwise required to be paid with respect thereto; and
(iv) the liability for statutory benefits, including workers' compensation, payable to employees.
Employer Definition. Wherever the term “District” or “District Management” appears within this Collective Agreement it shall mean the Employer, being the Capital Regional District.
Employer Definition. Visteon shall be the employer of the Leased Employees and ACH shall not be considered the employer. Visteon will instruct Leased Employees to (i) conform to applicable law and ACH policies while at ACH facilities regarding safety and health, personal and professional conduct (including the wearing of an identification badge or personal protective equipment and adhering to plant regulations and general safety practices or procedures) generally applicable to such facilities, which policies, procedures, rules and regulations ACH will provide as soon as practicable after the date hereof, and as soon as practicable upon any modification, termination or adoption of any such policy, procedure, rule or regulation; and (ii) to otherwise conduct themselves in a lawful and businesslike manner. Leased Employees also shall be subject at all times to ACH's and Visteon's policies and procedures. During the Lease Period, Visteon shall retain responsibility for all payments and benefits due to the Leased Employees in connection with their work relating to the Business and pro-rated for part-time employment, including but not limited to:
(i) the payment of Leased Employees' base hourly wage or other components of pay as required under the applicable CBA (less any applicable withholding or other taxes or any amounts deducted from such wages pursuant to normal payroll practices of Visteon);
(ii) the provision of all other employee benefits under the applicable CBA;
(iii) payment of all federal, state, or local taxes withheld or otherwise required to be paid with respect thereto; and
(iv) the liability for statutory benefits, including workers' compensation, payable to employees.
Employer Definition. This Agreement is made for, and on behalf of, and shall be binding upon, all Employers, as defined herein. As used in this Agreement, Employer means:
(a) Any person, firm, corporation or other entity of whatsoever nature regularly engaged in the performance of work covered by this Agreement who or which at the time of the execution of this Agreement was, or at any time since has become, a member of the Association or has given the Association authorization to bind it to the provisions of this Agreement; or,
(b) Any person, firm, corporation or other entity of whatsoever nature regularly engaged in the performance of work covered by this Agreement who or which at the time of execution hereof was, or at any time since has become, a member of any other employer organization which executes this Agreement or any counterpart hereof; or
(c) Any person, firm, corporation or other entity of whatsoever nature regularly engaged in the performance of work covered by this Agreement who or which executes this Agreement or any counterpart hereof; or
(d) Any person, firm, corporation or other entity which joins or participates with, or in any way assists, directly or indirectly, an Employer as defined above, in evading the requirements of this Agreement.
(e) This Agreement is binding upon each Employer regardless of whether it changes its name, address, or business form (e.g., sole proprietor or corporation). Prior to adopting a new or different name, address, or business form, or adding an additional name, address, or business form, the Individual Employer shall give written notice to the Union of any intent to change the name, address, or business form of its business, or to perform business under more than one name or business form or at more than one address.
(f) This Agreement is binding upon any sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation or other entity, including a joint venture, that is owned, managed or controlled, in whole or in part, by an Individual Employer or its owner, officer, partner, shareholder, responsible managing officer, or responsible managing employee, and that is created or utilized as a device or subterfuge to evade the terms and conditions of this Agreement. This Agreement is also binding on any sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, or other entity, including a joint venture that joins or participates with, or in any way assists, directly or indirectly, an Individual Employer in evading the requirements of this Agreement.
Employer Definition. Employer an employer is defined as an individual firm, corporation or that contracts and supplies equipment, labour and/or material or engages in any manner or undertakes to perform any function of the Painting and Decorating industry. The Employer shall carry Workmen's Compensation, pay Unemployment Insurance and Vacation Pay, and comply with all federal, and municipal laws pertaining to the painting industry. It is understood that any person working with the tools of the trade must be a member of the Union in good standing and is subject to all terms and conditions of this agreement.
Employer Definition. (a) Employer - an employer is defined as an individual firm, corporation or co-partnership that contracts and supplies equipment, labour and/or material or engages in any manner or undertakes to perform any function of the Painting and Decorating Industry. The Employer shall carry Workplace Safety and Insurance Board coverage, pay Employment Insurance and Vacation Pay, and comply with all federal, provincial and municipal laws pertaining to the painting industry.
(b) It is understood that any person working with the tools of the trade must be a member of the Union in good standing and is subject to all terms and conditions of this agreement.
Employer Definition. The term "
Employer Definition. Visteon shall be the employer of the Leased Employees and ACH shall not be considered the employer. Visteon will instruct Leased Employees while at ACH facilities (i) to conform to ACH policies and applicable law regarding safety and health, and personal and professional conduct (including wearing an identification badge or personal protective equipment and adhering to plant regulations and general safety practices or procedures) generally applicable to such facilities, which policies, procedures, rules and regulations ACH will provide as soon as practicable after the date hereof, and as soon as practicable upon any modification, termination or adoption of any such policy, procedure, rule or regulation; and (ii) to otherwise conduct themselves in a lawful and businesslike manner. Leased Employees also shall be subject at all times to Visteon's policies and procedures. During the Lease Period, Visteon shall retain responsibility for all payments and benefits due to the Leased Employees in connection with their work relating to the Business, including but not limited to:
(i) the payment of Leased Employees' base salary or other components of pay (less any applicable withholding or other taxes or any amounts deducted from such wages pursuant to normal payroll practices of Visteon);
(ii) the provision of employee benefits applicable to Leased Employees;
(iii) payment of all federal, state, or local taxes withheld or otherwise required to be paid with respect thereto, and
(iv) the liability for statutory benefits, including workers' compensation.