Employment Insurance Benefits. Sick pay coverage from the 16th to 30th week of total disability is provided by the Employment Sick Pay Benefit available through your local Human Resources Development Canada Office. The two (2) week waiting period under E.I. rules is waived.
Employment Insurance Benefits. Sick pay coverage from the 16th to 30th week of total disability is provided by the Employment Insurance Illness Benefit available through the local E.I.C.
Employment Insurance Benefits. Eligible employees may be entitled to collect Employment Insurance benefits in amounts and for a time period as provided for under the Employment Insurance Act.
Employment Insurance Benefits. Eligible employees will be entitled to collect E.I. benefits in amounts and for a time period as provided for under the Employment Insurance Act.
Employment Insurance Benefits. Sick pay coverage for full time employees from the 16th to the 30th week of total disability is provided by the Employment Insurance Sick Benefit available through the local HRDC office. Note that the two week waiting period under EI rules is waived.
Employment Insurance Benefits. 30.1 The members agree to waive their right to their Employment Insurance Rebate.
Employment Insurance Benefits. All employees covered under the Employment Standards Act are entitled to take a Family Medical Leave. Those employees who have 600 insurable hours can also access Compassionate Care Employment Insurance (EI) benefits for up to six weeks. In order to access these benefits, employees must serve a two-week unpaid waiting period. Employees entitled to EI benefits can apply for employment insurance. Employees are required to provide a medical certificate to Employment Insurance in order to receive the benefit. The medical certificate can be found on the EI website. Employment Insurance permits the sharing of the six-week benefit by two or more working members of the family. If the benefit is shared, only one employee serves the waiting period. Employees may take the eight-week leave all at once or divide it into parts with a minimum of one-week segments.
Employment Insurance Benefits. Eligible employees will be entitled to collect E.I. benefits in amounts and for a time period as provided for under the Employment Insurance Act. Seniority shall accrue during a parental leave of absence and benefits accumulated prior to said leave shall be maintained. Benefits provided for in this Article are in addition to any and all maternity leave benefits that are available to an employee.
Employment Insurance Benefits. Supplemental................................ 23
Employment Insurance Benefits. All employees covered under the Employment Standards Act are entitled to take a Family Medical Leave. Those employees who have insurable hours can also access Compassionate Care Employment Insurance (El) benefits for up to six weeks. In order to access these benefits, employees must serve a unpaid waiting period. Employees entitled to El benefits can apply for employment insurance. Employees are required to provide a medical certificate to Employment Insurance in order to receive the benefit. The medical certificate can be found on the El Employment Insurance permits the sharing of the benefit by two or more working members of the family. If the benefit is shared, only one employee serves the waiting period. Employees may take the leave all at once or divide it into parts with a minimum of segments.