Promotional Examinations Sample Clauses
Promotional Examinations. All promotional examinations shall be competitive and shall be conducted in the same manner as open examinations except that admission to a promotional examination shall be restricted to persons in the employ of the County who have served at least six months following regular appointment to the classified service and who meet the published requirements for the examination. The Commission shall determine whether an examination shall be held on a promotional or open basis. 1492 Disposition of Papers and Records Prescribed application forms of persons who fail to appear for the written test and examination records of candidates who fail to qualify in the written test shall be destroyed at any time after thirty days from the date of promulgation of the eligible list. Examination records of candidates who qualify in an examination shall be retained during the life of the eligible list or for 15 months, whichever is longer, and the examination records of each appointee shall be filed in his/her permanent personnel folder. Following the period during which competitors may inspect their examination papers, and after their ratings in each part of the examination have been transferred to examination records, examination materials such as question booklets, answer sheets and work papers may be destroyed, but general qualification appraisal sheets and applications shall be retained at least 15 months from the date of the promulgation of the eligible list.
Promotional Examinations. Whenever a promotional position in the classified Civil Service is to be filled for which no reinstatement list exists, the appointing authority shall receive the entire eligible list for the promotional position to be filled, from which a selection shall be made.
Promotional Examinations. Employees working in a contingent appointment will have contingent appointment time with the County credited toward experience required for promotional examinations.
Promotional Examinations. Supervisors shall be released from duty without loss of compensation while competing in County promotional examinations that are scheduled during duty hours.
Promotional Examinations. The filling of vacant positions should be used to provide career mobility for employees and should be based on the relative merit and fitness of the applicants. The University shall fill a vacant position with the qualified list of candidates passing the written test, who, in its judgment, is most qualified to perform the duties as described in the class specification, and position description. Unit members promoted to the ranks of corporal or sergeant shall receive the minimum salary range for that position or a ten percent (10%) increase in base salary, whichever is greater.
2.1 A written exam will be required of all employees who wish to be considered for a promotion and meet the minimum requirements as stipulated in Sections 2.13 and 2.14. Written exams will be based upon a job task analysis of the class of positions being tested and an assessment of the knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary to perform the requirements of the classes. The passing score that must be obtained will be seventy-five percent (75%).
2.2 An employee must submit a request to take a promotional exam to the UCF Police Department Human Resources liaison no later than the first business day after January 1 of each calendar year. Such request shall indicate the class(es) to which the employee would like to be promoted.
2.3 Employees will be notified in writing of their eligibility or ineligibility for the promotional examinations for which they have submitted a request. Sergeant and corporal promotional exams shall be given on even numbered years. Police Officer First Class promotional examinations shall be given on odd numbered years.
2.4 The Exam Administrator is to notify the University Human Resources Office and the Chief no later than January 15 of each calendar year, regarding: the date(s) of the exam; the place where the exam will be administered; the major categories to be covered by the exam; and the bibliography of courses from which exam questions have been taken (e.g., name of textbooks, departmental policies, general orders, special orders, etc.).
2.5 No later than February 1st of each calendar year, the University shall furnish to those eligible employees whose exam requests are on file in the University, a copy of the "NOTICE OF PROMOTIONAL EXAM" issued by the Exam Administrator. Only those employees whose names are furnished to the Exam Administrator will be eligible to take the promotional exam.
2.6 The Exam Administrator will notify each employee who takes a p...
Promotional Examinations. 16.1 The County agrees that the Fire Chief will consult with representatives of the Union as to the training and experience requirements which will be established for promotional examinations in the various Firefighter classifications. The Union shall be consulted on any additions or deletions to the current study material and there shall be no additions or deletions made to the study material following the announcement of the opening date to sign up for the promotional exam, except by mutual agreement. The County shall provide each applicant with an electronic copy of all suggested study material either via email attachment or a USB device, excluding books published by an outside publisher. All books published by an outside publisher that are being considered for the next promotional examination will be selected and advertised via ASOM upon certification of a new promotional list.
16.2 It is the intent of the County that appointments to exempt positions in the Fire-Rescue Department shall be filled from the Miami-Dade Fire-Rescue Department, whenever possible in the judgment of the Fire Chief or County Mayor. If qualified applicants from within the Department are not appointed, the Fire Chief will counsel the employee concerned.
16.3 If an employee is to be passed over for promotion, the Fire Chief shall counsel the individual as to the reason prior to the list of personnel to be promoted being announced.
16.4 The time in grade eligibility requirement for promotional exams shall be measured in terms of continuous service from date of hire. An interruption for an authorized leave of absence shall not constitute a break in continuous service, but the time in a leave of absence shall not be credited as time in service.
16.5 The time in grade eligibility criteria for promotional exams shall be twenty-one (21) calendar days, excluding weekends and holidays, prior to the expiration date of the respective certified eligibility list and service in the Miami-Dade Fire Rescue Department or as specified by merger agreement:
A. Lieutenant – Five (5) years continuous service from date of hire as a Firefighter except that all employees hired on or after October 1, 2004, shall be required to be a State Certified, Department Protocol Paramedic. Additionally, all employees will be required to possess the following to be eligible for promotional exams:
1. Associate Degree or higher (In accordance with Article 17), OR State of Florida Fire Officer I certification.
2. State ...
Promotional Examinations. Regular employees shall be allowed special leave with pay, during regular working hours, to take merit system promotional examinations scheduled by the County of Marin.
Promotional Examinations. The City shall give six (6) months advance notification of the week in which a promotional examination for a classification in the representation unit is to be scheduled, said notification to be posted on all Fire Department bulletin boards. The union president may, at the request of department management, approve a shorter posting requirement if the need arises. Each employee who qualifies to participate in the promotional examination shall be provided personal notice of the date, time and location the examination will be held as soon as the schedule is established. The City shall endeavor, insofar as is possible, to avoid scheduling said promotional examinations during the period from June 15 to September 15 each year. Class specifications for certain promotional positions within the representation unit permit employees to participate in examination processes based, in part, upon paid experience acquired in other fire departments which is similar to that which is acquired by employees of the Hayward Fire Department. An evaluation of previous experience form other departments for this purpose shall be made by the Fire Chief according to the following criteria:
a. The previously employing department has response requirements similar to the Hayward Fire Department including first aid and medical emergency responses, and structural fire responses including commercial and industrial occupancies; and
b. The previously employing department has an in-service training program to maintain the proficiency of its employees. This evaluation of previous experience shall be accomplished for new employees of the Hayward Fire Department during their initial training period and they shall be advised as to the results of said evaluation and the extent, if any, to which their previous experience will be applied towards eligibility to participate in promotional examinations.
Promotional Examinations. Written and oral examinations shall be based on the classification vacancy to be filled.
Promotional Examinations. Examinations shall, where practicable, as determined by the Board of Education, be limited to promotional applicants. When no promotional field of competition exists or when there is doubt of its adequacy, the Board may order an open examination or simultaneous open and promotional examinations. All applicants must meet the minimum qualifications of the class.