Establishment Variables. The values of establishment-level variables do not vary across the records of the persons insured through the policyholder-establishment pair.
Establishment Variables. C-11 C-13 C-14 C-15 3.4.1 Employers, Exchanges, and Other Establishments .............................................. 3.4.2 Types of Coverage through the Establishment ................................................ C-15 C-18 3.4.3 Out-of-Pocket Premiums............................... C-19 3.5 Plan Variables.............................................................. C-20 3.5.1 Household Reports of HMOs........................ 3.5.2 Change in Plan Name.................................... C-21 C-21 3.6 Links to Job Providing Insurance ................................ C-22 4.0 Linking to Other Files ................................................................ C-23 Section Page 4.1 National Health Interview Survey ............................... 4.2 Longitudinal Analysis ................................................. C-23 C-23 5.0 Using MEPS Data for Trend Analysis....................................... C-24 References .............................................................................................. C-26 D. Variable-Source Crosswalk ................................................................... D-1 A. Data Use Agreement Individual identifiers have been removed from the micro-data contained in these files. Nevertheless, under sections 308 (d) and 903 (c) of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 242m and 42 U.S.C. 299 a-1), data collected by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) and/or the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) may not be used for any purpose other than for the purpose for which they were supplied; any effort to determine the identity of any reported cases is prohibited by law. Therefore in accordance with the above referenced Federal Statute, it is understood that:
Establishment Variables. The values of establishment-level variables do not vary across the records of the persons insured through the policyholder-establishment pair.
3.4.1 Employers, Exchanges/Marketplaces, and Other Establishments The type of establishment providing coverage (TYPEFLAG_M23) is on the record. This variable is the source for types of establishments providing employer-based and non-employer-based, private coverage. TYPEFLAG_M23 replaces the previously delivered variable, TYPEFLAG. In this file, TYPEFLAG_M23 includes the answers to HX200, HX300, and HP40. Study designers analyzed the frequency of source type selections collected at these questions and determined infrequently used categories no longer provided meaningful distinctions. Therefore, selection options were collapsed into the following categories: Table 3 2 UNION 2 UNION (THROUGH CURRENT OR PREVIOUS JOB) 8 PREVIOUS EMPLOYER 10 SPOUSE PREVIOUS EMPLOYER 3 EMPLOYER/UNION COVERAGE NOT REPORTED IN EMPLOYMENT SECTION 21 STATE EXCHANGE NAME 4 STATE EXCHANGE OR FEDERAL MARKETPLACE 5 INSURANCE COMPANY - FROM AN AGENT 6 INSURANCE COMPANY 7 HMO 5 INSURANCE COMPANY OR FROM AGENT/BROKER 3 GROUP 6 GROUP OR ASSOCIATION 12 UNKNOWN TYPE - OUTSIDE RU 7 PLAN OF SOMEONE NOT LIVING HERE 11 SCHOOL 13 UNKNOWN TYPE - COLLECTED AT OTHER 13 OTHER TYPEFLAG_M23 reflects the type of establishment when the establishment was first reported, but it is not necessarily updated. For example, analysts must link to the Jobs file to obtain information on employees who left their job since the interview in which the employer was first reported (see Section 3.6). For employment-based coverage through both an employer and a union (such as insurance through a labor-management committee), analysts should note that as of Panel 23 Round 9, Panel 24 Round 7, Panel 25 Round 5, and Panel 26 Round 3, in cases where more than one source is reported for employer-based coverage, the Employment section of CAPI requires that a primary source be identified. That is, if the respondent indicates both the employer/business and the union provide insurance at EM710, they are now required to identify the primary source of health insurance: either the employer/business or the union, but not both. If analysts wish to identify the jobholders reporting coverage through both establishments, they can refer to the variable EmplUnionProv in HC 237 Jobs PUF. EmplUnionProv will show that the current coverage was selected as the primary source of health insurance [i.e. Empl...