EXPERT PROCEDURE. 19.1 Whenever, in these Conditions, any person is to be appointed as an Expert or any matter is to be referred to an Expert or whenever, during the term of the Agreement, the Parties agree that a dispute between them shall be resolved by an Expert, the provisions of Article 19 shall apply.
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EXPERT PROCEDURE a. For any Dispute related to matters of a technical nature requiring expertise in a particular field or area of law, the Parties hereby agree that such determination may be conducted expeditiously by an expert. This expert must be selected unanimously by the Parties to the Dispute. The expert is not an arbitrator of the Dispute and shall not be deemed to be acting in an arbitral capacity.
EXPERT PROCEDURE. Where it is provided herein that a matter in dispute may or shall be referred to an Expert or in the event of any dispute between the Parties relating to this Agreement and the Parties agree that such dispute may be settled by utilizing the services of an Expert, the dispute shall be referred to, and determined by, an Expert in accordance with the provisions of this Section 9.18.
EXPERT PROCEDURE. 7.1 The Purchaser shall provide Croda International with a copy of a report by an independent expert (the "PURCHASER'S REPORT" and the "PURCHASER'S EXPERT") addressing any technical or factual issues in relation to any Environmental Indemnity Matter or Environmental Warranty Matter which are the subject of any dispute between Croda International and the Purchaser which is unresolved within 30 days of Croda International or the Purchaser giving Notice of the dispute referring to this paragraph 7 and identifying the relevant issue (the "INITIAL DISPUTE NOTICE"), provided that this paragraph 7 shall not apply to any issue which is to be determined by the Environmental Authority or Court in any Claim (if applicable). The Purchaser's Report shall be so provided within 10 days of the date of the Initial Dispute Notice.
EXPERT PROCEDURE. (a) Where the Parties have agreed to refer a dispute to an Expert, then the following provisions will apply.
EXPERT PROCEDURE. (1) This Annex shall apply where a matter is to be determined by an expert pursuant to Article 3.4 of this Framework Agreement.


  • Payment Procedure (a) The Lead Securitization Note Holder, in accordance with the priorities set forth in Section 3 and subject to the terms of the Lead Securitization Servicing Agreement, will deposit or cause to be deposited all payments allocable to the Notes to the Collection Account or Companion Distribution Account pursuant to and in accordance with the Lead Securitization Servicing Agreement. The Lead Securitization Note Holder (or the Master Servicer acting on its behalf) shall (i) deposit such amounts to the applicable account within two (2) Business Days after receipt of properly identified and available funds by the Lead Securitization Note Holder (or the Master Servicer acting on its behalf) from or on behalf of the Mortgage Loan Borrower and (ii) remit from the applicable account (A) prior to the Securitization Date, within two Business Days of receipt of properly identified funds (unless otherwise specified pursuant to an interim servicing agreement) and (B) on or after the Securitization Date, (1) with respect to the Lead Securitization Note, the remittance date under the Lead Securitization Servicing Agreement for the Lead Securitization Note and (2) with respect to the Non-Lead Securitization Note, (x) prior to the Non-Lead Securitization, the remittance date under the Lead Securitization Servicing Agreement for the Lead Securitization Note and (y) on or after the Non-Lead Securitization, the earlier of the remittance date under the Lead Securitization Servicing Agreement and the business day immediately succeeding the “determination date” set forth in the Non-Lead Securitization Servicing Agreement for the Non-Lead Securitization Note, all payments received and allocable pursuant to this Agreement and the Lead Securitization Servicing Agreement with respect to the Non-Lead Securitization Note (net of amounts payable or reimbursable from such account) by wire transfer to accounts maintained by the applicable Note Holder.

  • Arbitration Procedure The Arbitrator/Board of Arbitration may determine its own procedure, but shall give full opportunity to all parties to present evidence and make representations in order to determine the issue in dispute.

  • Appeal Procedure The Appeal will be deemed an appeal of the entire Arbitration Award. In conducting the Appeal, the Appeal Panel shall conduct a de novo review of all Claims described or otherwise set forth in the Arbitration Notice. Subject to the foregoing and all other provisions of this Paragraph 5, the Appeal Panel shall conduct the Appeal in a manner the Appeal Panel considers appropriate for a fair and expeditious disposition of the Appeal, may hold one or more hearings and permit oral argument, and may review all previous evidence and discovery, together with all briefs, pleadings and other documents filed with the Original Arbitrator (as well as any documents filed with the Appeal Panel pursuant to Paragraph 5.4(a) below). Notwithstanding the foregoing, in connection with the Appeal, the Appeal Panel shall not permit the parties to conduct any additional discovery or raise any new Claims to be arbitrated, shall not permit new witnesses or affidavits, and shall not base any of its findings or determinations on the Original Arbitrator’s findings or the Arbitration Award.

  • Procedure If any action is brought against an Underwriter, a Selected Dealer or a Controlling Person in respect of which indemnity may be sought against the Company pursuant to Section 6.1, such Underwriter, such Selected Dealer or Controlling Person, as the case may be, shall promptly notify the Company in writing of the institution of such action and the Company shall assume the defense of such action, including the employment and fees of counsel (subject to the reasonable approval of such Underwriter or such Selected Dealer, as the case may be) and payment of actual expenses. Such Underwriter, such Selected Dealer or Controlling Person shall have the right to employ its or their own counsel in any such case, but the fees and expenses of such counsel shall be at the expense of such Underwriter, such Selected Dealer or Controlling Person unless (i) the employment of such counsel at the expense of the Company shall have been authorized in writing by the Company in connection with the defense of such action, or (ii) the Company shall not have employed counsel to have charge of the defense of such action, or (iii) such indemnified party or parties shall have reasonably concluded that there may be defenses available to it or them which are different from or additional to those available to the Company (in which case the Company shall not have the right to direct the defense of such action on behalf of the indemnified party or parties), in any of which events the reasonable fees and expenses of not more than one additional firm of attorneys selected by such Underwriter (in addition to local counsel), Selected Dealer and/or Controlling Person shall be borne by the Company. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, if any Underwriter, Selected Dealer or Controlling Person shall assume the defense of such action as provided above, the Company shall have the right to approve the terms of any settlement of such action which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld.

  • General Procedure (a) At each Closing, and effective as of each Closing Date, each party shall deliver to the party entitled to receipt thereof the documents required to be delivered pursuant to Article VII and such other documents, instruments and materials (or complete and accurate copies thereof, where appropriate) as may be reasonably required in order to effectuate the intent and provisions of this Agreement, including the applicable Appendix D, and all such documents, instruments and materials shall be satisfactory in form and substance to counsel for the receiving party.

  • Dispute Resolution Procedure 21.1 All disputes or grievances arising between the Parties shall as far as practical be resolved at the workplace level through consultation. Accordingly the following procedure must be followed:

  • Disbursement Procedure (a) The Borrower may request Additional Disbursements of the Additional Loans during the Availability Period by delivering to IFC, at least 10 Business Days prior to the proposed date of disbursement, an Additional Disbursement request substantially in the form of Schedule 2.

  • Amendment Procedure (a) Except as provided in subsection (b) of this Section 11.3, this Declaration may be amended, after a majority of the Trustees have approved a resolution therefor, by the affirmative vote of the holders of not less than a majority of the affected Shares. The Trustees also may amend this Declaration without any vote of Shareholders of any class of series to divide the Shares of the Trust into one or more classes or additional classes, or one or more series of any such class or classes, to change the name of the Trust or any class or series of Shares, to make any change that does not adversely affect the relative rights or preferences of any Shareholder, as they may deem necessary, or to conform this Declaration to the requirements of the 1940 Act or any other applicable federal laws or regulations including pursuant to Section 6.2 or the requirements of the regulated investment company provisions of the Code, but the Trustees shall not be liable for failing to do so.

  • Settlement Procedures (a) The collection of the Pool Receivables shall be administered by the Servicer in accordance with this Agreement. The Seller shall provide to the Servicer on a timely basis all information needed for such administration, including notice of the occurrence of any Termination Day and current computations of the Purchased Interest.

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