Show Up Time An employee who reports to work in the usual manner without having been notified that there is no work available and is sent home because of lack of work before having worked four (4) hours shall receive a minimum of four (4) hours pay at their prevailing hourly rate. The employee shall also receive their full accommodation allowance if and when applicable. Each employee must inform the Employer of a means of being contacted on short notice. If an attempt is made by the Employer at least two (2) hours before the employee’s shift commences by way of the contact information provided, in an effort to inform the employee of a lack of work, and the Employer is unable to do so, the employee will not be entitled to show up time.
Flex Time Upon agreement of the supervisor's immediate supervisor, an individual flex-time schedule may be established.
WASH-UP TIME 37.01 Where the Employer determines there is a clear-cut need, wash-up time, to a maximum of ten (10) minutes immediately before the end of a work period, will be permitted.
Crib Time (i) When an Employee is required to work overtime after the usual ceasing time for the day or shift for two hours or more, he/she shall be allowed to take, without deduction of pay, a crib time of twenty minutes in duration immediately after such ceasing time and thereafter, after each four hours of continuous work, he/she shall be allowed to take also, without deduction of pay, a crib time of 30 minutes in duration. (ii) In the event of an Employee remaining at work after the usual ceasing time without taking the crib time of twenty minutes and continuing at work for a period of two hours or more, he/she shall be regarded as having worked twenty minutes more than the time worked and be paid accordingly.
Central Time After all Parties have been notified, the provisions of paragraphs (b) and (c) of this Section 2.1 shall apply.”
Travel Time Leave provided in paragraphs A and B of this Article shall apply to and cover actual and necessary travel to and from such meetings required during normal working hours on the day of the meeting or negotiations, except that MSEA-SEIU bargaining team members traveling 100 miles or more to negotiations shall be entitled to travel time outside of days of negotiations.
Pacific Time If enabled by Platform, the Same Day ACH means that the transfer will be performed within one (1) business day. Any same day ACH transfer scheduled after the cut-off time will be treated as if it were scheduled as next day ACH transfer. In some circumstances, transactions may be delayed for risk or compliance reasons.
Sick Time An employee shall have all of his/her accrued sick leave credits transferred when the employee is transferred to a different State agency.
Break Time For daily work assignments of six or more hours, permanent and probationary employees (except bus drivers and bus aides) shall be entitled to one 15-minute break for each half of the work assignment. For work assignments of less than six hours, such employees shall be entitled to one 15-minute break. Employees who spend a majority of the workday working with a Video Display Terminal (VDT) shall be permitted to perform other job-related duties (i.e., work not involving use of a VDT) 10 continuous minutes out of each hour. Such time shall not be cumulative and shall be in addition to break time established above.
Work Time Work time is defined as all hours actually spent in pay status including travel time required by and at the direction of the Employer before, during or after the regularly-assigned workday.