Families Sample Clauses
Families. For Clients whose housing plans include agreed upon goals of accessing information on health, education, housing, budgeting, child care and/or other services as defined in in the program component selected above, in order to make informed decisions about their health, education, finances, housing and other identified needs, 100% were provided with such information, as individually appropriate, in order to enable them to make informed decisions on meeting those needs. a) 100% of clients have come in to the program through local coordinated access.
Families. At least 100 % of Clients accesses additional social and/or outpatient treatment services as needed in the housing plan iii Measure 3
Families. At least 80 % of Clients access another community housing setting such as transitional housing, residential treatment program, or permanent housing. ii Measure 2
Families. We acknowledge and amplify the voice of families so that they have the information, resources and opportunities to raise their children successfully.
Families. Families have a target child who enters in their two-year-old year (may be as young as 16 months). • Visits take place with parent/primary caregiver and child together. • Family participation in the program is voluntary. • The program prioritizes historically marginalized communities where there is often limited access to high quality early childhood services or educational programs, and extensive housing and food insecurity. • The program works with families who speak over 40 different home languages. • Staff are from the communities in which they work. Staff have diverse experiential, cultural, and linguistic backgrounds like the families with whom they work.
Families. Employees attending approved conferences, meetings, or conventions with their families 7 shall be reimbursed for the employee’s actual and necessary expenses.
Families. A student’s proposal to bring his or her spouse and/or dependents is subject to the host institution’s approval. The exchange student will pay all additional costs.
Families. This allocation refers to families with at least one minor child, households with an expectant mother, or households that are working towards reunification with minor children.
Families. Please forward a copy of the student’s Report Card (and NAPLAN results) to: Name: _ _ Relationship to student:_ _ _ Address (AND/OR) Email: _ By enrolling your child at Townsville Central State School, you are indicating that you accept our dress code (as detailed in Student Information and Permission Booklet) and our required standards as determined and endorsed by the P&C Association and management of the school. Parent signature: Date: I am able* / not able to volunteer time to assist the Tuckshop Convenor–(*please contact me on above number) I would like to donate $ to assist with the school’s contribution to Tuckshop Signed: Date Phone: ............................................................. Mobile:..........................................................
Families. The coalition strives to ensure safe families and this will be accomplished by: Conducting a study of living conditions in families with children in the low- and middle income group. Offering stays at family high schools. Expanded counseling of families to be.