Outcome. Include the following: 1) evaluation of project’s ability to meet goals and expected performance measures and provide explanation for why goals were not met, if applicable; 2) identify successful outcomes, areas for improvement, and quantifiable metrics (including the assigned metric in Exhibit A, if applicable) as a result of the project; and 3) final project photos, if an implementation construction project.
Outcome. Measurable change that occurs as a result of a program’s overall performance in implementing its planned Activities.
Outcome. The results of program operations or activitIes; the effects triggered by the program. For example, increased knowledge, changed attitudes or beliefs, reduced tobacco use, reduced morbidity and mortality.
Outcome. The individual has been employed in a job of his/her choice and has completed five (5) working days on the job. An individual can be placed in a family business as long as the job meets the definition of competitive integrated employment. The Contractor has identified needed supports, and assisted the individual with negotiating job accommodations.
Outcome a desirable situation, condition, or circumstance in a member’s life that can be a result of the support provided by effective care management. Outcomes defined include:
a) Clinical outcome is an identified need, condition or circumstance that relates to a member’s individual physical, mental, or emotional health, safety, or well-being. Clinical outcomes are objectively measurable by someone other than the member, and their presence or absence can be determined without knowing the member’s preferences regarding the condition or circumstance. Clinical outcomes, along with functional outcomes, are referred to as “long term care” outcomes on the Member Care Plan (MCP).
b) Functional outcome is an identified need, condition or circumstance that results in limitations on the member’s ability to perform certain functions, tasks, or activities and require additional support to help the member maintain or achieve their highest level of independence. This includes, but is not limited to, assistance with Activities of Daily Living and Instrumental Activities of Daily Living. The presence, absence, or degree of functional outcomes can be objectively measurable by someone other than the member, and their presence or absence can be determined without knowing the member’s preferences regarding the functional ability. Functional outcomes, along with clinical outcomes, are referred to as “long term care” outcomes in the member’s MCP.
Outcome. Honor 75% - 100% 75% - 100% 90% - 100% 85% - 100% Good Standing 55% - 74% 55% - 74% 80% - 89% 65% - 84% 0% 0% NA 0% 0% Remediation 31% - 54% 31% - 54% 61% - 79% 46% - 64% Critical 0% - 30% 0% - 30% 0% - 60% 0% - 45% School outcomes will be evaluated in light of contextual information, including student demographics, school mission, and state/federal requirements. OPERATIONAL Measure Points Points FINANCIAL Measure Points Points Possible Earned Possible Earned Educational Program 1a 25 0 Near-Term 1a 50 0 1b 25 0 1b 50 0 1c 25 0 1c 50 0 1d 25 0 1d 50 0 Financial Management & Oversight 2a 25 0 Sustainability 2a 50 0 2b 25 0 2b 50 0 2c 25 0 2c 50 0 Governance & Reporting 3a 25 0 2d 50 0 3b 25 0 Total Financial Points 400 0 3c 25 0 % of Financial Points 0% 3d 25 0 3e 25 0 3f 25 0 SCORECARD iSUCCEED VIRTUAL HIGH SCHOOL ACADEMIC YEAR Measure Points Possible K-8 Points Earned K-8 Points Possible 9-12 Points Earned 9-12 Points Possible K-12 Points Earned K-12 Points Possible Alternative Points Earned Alternative 1a 50 0 50 0 50 0 1b 50 0 50 0 50 0 2a 50 0 50 0 50 0 50 0 2b 50 0 50 0 50 0 50 0 3a 100 0 50 0 3b 100 0 50 0 4a 100 0 50 0 50 0 4b 100 0 50 0 50 0 5a 125 0 125 0 100 0 400 0 525 0 525 0 300 0 0% 0% 0% 0% Measure Points Points 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 0 #DIV/0! iSVHS has chosen not to include mission-specific measures. School Environment 4a 25 0 4b 25 0 Additional Obligations 5a 25 0 Total Operational Points 400 0 % of Operational Points 0% All proficiency and growth measures will be scored using the ISAT by SBAC, or any state-required standardized test as may replace it. Subject area (math and ELA) may be replaced by similar subject areas if necessary due to statewide changes. On all applicable measures, standard rounding to the nearest whole number will be used for scoring purposes. Measures based on ISAT outcomes exclude alternate ISAT data; as a result, the outcomes shown may differ slightly from those published on the State Department of Education's website.
Outcome. Ensure FEMA assistance does not duplicate insurance proceeds.
Outcome. SSD and Partner Districts are committed to a collaborative model to include expectations in the following categories:
Outcome. To minimize the introduction and spread of Invasive Plants on Highways and Gravel Pits.
Outcome. To provide safe passage of pedestrians and animals underneath or beside a Highway.