Financial Rules. Financial Rules will be mutually agreed by the Parties and adopted by the Company subject to the approval of the Board.
Financial Rules. The financial rules applicable to the Agency shall be adopted by the Administrative Board after consulting the Commission. Those rules may deviate from Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No 1271/2013 if the specific operational needs for the functioning of the Agency so require and only with the prior agreement of the Commission. PE633.002v01-00 60/68 AG\1174391EN.docx
Financial Rules. 4.2.1. The Policy Board will agree resource allocation directly for business plans submitted during normal business. It will also agree financial rules and protocols relating to the Working Group which will maximise the partnership’s impact on local and national agreed targets
4.2.2. The Partnership will through the Policy Board appoint staff as necessary to conduct business on behalf of the Partnership’s activities.
4.2.3. The partnership Treasurer will monitor the partnership’s costs monthly and report to the Policy Board.
4.2.4. The Policy Board shall keep under review the consistency and appropriateness of accounting policies.
4.2.5. The Policy Board shall review all financial statements especially in relation to: The extent to which the financial statements are affected by policy decisions; Devolved budgets; The clarity of disclosures; Significant adjustments resulting from any audit; Compliance with accounting standards; Compliance with legal requirements; Review of the policies and process for identifying and assessing business risks and the management of those risks by the Partnership.
Financial Rules. ● Each member of the Network is responsible for covering the costs for its participation in the Network’s activities. ● During the first two years of the operation of the Network, the costs related to the operation and development of the Network will be co-funded under the Erasmus+ project “Establishment of a transnational network of adult education providers for the promotion of social inclusion of vulnerable groups” – STEP UP, Project N° 621376-EPP-1- 2020-1-EL-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN, in accordance to the financial conditions and rules applied under the relevant Grant Agreement. ● Any new member of the Network cannot benefit from the financial support provided under the Grant Agreement for the Erasmus+ project “Establishment of a transnational network of adult education providers for the promotion of social inclusion of vulnerable groups” – STEP UP, Project N° 621376-EPP-1-2020-1-EL-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN. ● All signatory parties commit that they will comply with the financial rules and conditions stated in the Grant Agreement and its Annexes as regards the financial support provided under this Grant Agreement. ● Any cost that is not foreseen in the Grant Agreement will be undertaken by the member(s).
Financial Rules. The direct expenditure resulting from the execution of the programme by the Organisation under the foregoing Arrangement shall be charged to a programme budget which shall be established and administered by the Organisation in accordance with the relevant provisions of its financial rules. The programme's share of the Organisation's common and support costs shall be established and allocated to the programme budget in accordance with the relevant principles and procedures adopted by the Organisation.
Financial Rules. 4.1 All cooperative programs, activities and projects under this MoU shall be subject to the availability of funds and the pre-approval of both Parties in line with their respective Policies.
4.2 The development and implementation of specific activities based on this MoU shall be separately negotiated and agreed between faculties, academies or institutes which carry out the specific projects prior to the initiation of such activities.
4.3 Any such program-specific agreement in 3.2 above shall form part of this MoU and be subject to the provisions herein.
4.4 The Parties shall each nominate officers to coordinate activities under this MoU.
4.5 All activities under this MoU shall comply with national laws and existing policies, protocols, rules, guidelines and mandates of both parties.
Financial Rules. 13.1. JMD Scholarship-holders
13.2. Self-funded students
Financial Rules. The Financial Rules shall lay down all the other arrangements relating to the Organisation’s budget, accounting system and finances. They shall be subject to the unanimous approval of the Council.
Financial Rules. 20 The EUROPEAN MOLECULAR BIOLOGY CONFERENCE, hereinafter referred to as “the Conference”, Having regard to the Agreement of 13 February 1969, by which it was established, hereinafter referred to as “the Agreement”, Bearing in mind that it derives the funds needed for accomplishing the purposes defined in Article II of the Agreement from divers sources, Considering that it has entrusted the execution of its General Programme to the European Molecular Biology Organization, hereinafter referred to as “EMBO”, an incorporated association under Swiss law, and that the Secretary General of the Conference will have to call upon EMBO’s services in the performance of these duties, Lays down the following Financial Rules:
Financial Rules. Any additional rules concerning the financing of the SCCBI and the disbursement of funds may be adopted by the Board providing they are not inconsistent with the provisions contained in this Agreement or state statutes.