CONSIDERING THAT. The overall goal is to achieve a consensual transition by a successful integration of digital technologies at the workplace and by reaping the opportunities as well as preventing and minimising the risks for both workers and employers and to ensure the best possible outcome for both employers and workers; Multiple topics play a role or should be taken into account. A broad multidisciplinary approach is suggested, which captures the relevant workplace elements; Most of these topics are interlinked and should not be dealt with in isolation; There is a need for tailoring the approach to the size of enterprise and to deal with different situations or circumstances whereas some features are the same for all enterprises independently of their size; A shared commitment by employers, workers and their representatives for an agreed and jointly managed process is important for success. The presence or introduction of digital technologies or tools has an impact on several topics that are often interrelated. These topics are shown in the diagram: • Work content – skills • Working conditions (employment terms and conditions, work-life balance) • Working conditions (work environment, health and safety) • Work organisation In the different steps of the process, all these topics have to be discussed and taken into account. In relation to the topics referred to above the following issues should also be discussed and taken into account as part of the process: • Digital skills and securing employment • Modalities of connecting and disconnecting • Artificial Intelligence (AI) and guaranteeing the human in control principle • Respect of human dignity and surveillance Digital technologies or tools can also be used/introduced to improve on those topics (e.g. by better work organisation, communication, more learning possibilities, improved work relations, better work-life- balance, gender equality).
CONSIDERING THAT. The overall goal is to achieve a consensual transition by a successful integration of digital technologies at the workplace and by reaping the opportunities as well as preventing and minimising the risks for both workers and employers and to ensure the best possible outcome for both employers and workers; Multiple topics play a role or should be taken into account. A broad multidisciplinary approach is suggested, which captures the relevant workplace elements; Most of these topics are interlinked and should not be dealt with in isolation; There is a need for tailoring the approach to the size of enterprise and to deal with different situations or circumstances whereas some features are the same for all enterprises independently of their size; A shared commitment by employers, workers and their representatives for an agreed and jointly managed process is important for success. The presence or introduction of digital technologies or tools has an impact on several topics that are often interrelated. These topics are shown in the diagram: • Work content – skills • Working conditions (employment terms and conditions, work-life balance) • Working conditions (work environment, health and safety) • Work relations • Work organisation In the different steps of the process, all these topics have to be discussed and taken into account. In relation to the topics referred to above the following issues should also be discussed and taken into account as part of the process: • Digital skills and securing employment • Modalities of connecting and disconnecting • Artificial Intelligence (AI) and guaranteeing the human in control principle • Respect of human dignity and surveillance Digital technologies or tools can also be used/introduced to improve on those topics (e.g. by better work organisation, communication, more learning possibilities, improved work relations, better work-life- balance, gender equality). • The first stage ‘Joint exploration/preparation/underpinning’ is about exploring, raising awareness and creating the right support base and climate of trust to be able to openly discuss the opportunities and challenges/risks of digitalisation, their impact at the workplace and about the possible actions and solutions. • The second stage ‘Joint mapping/regular assessment/analysis’ is a mapping exercise looking into the topic areas in terms of benefits and opportunities (how successful integration of digital technology can benefit the workers and the en...
CONSIDERING THAT. Provider has obtained Original Material and Associated Personal Data as described in further detail hereunder; Provider has been requested to provide Recipient with its Original Material for use by Recipient’s Scientist for the purpose of the Recipient’s Research Project as described below; The purpose and means of the Recipient’s Research Project have been determined by Recipient; Provider agrees to provide its Original Material and Associated Personal Data and Recipient agrees to receive those subject to the terms and conditions specified below; Provider furthermore has certain Confidential Information concerning its Original Material as specified hereunder; Such Confidential Information of Provider is considered to be secret and confidential by both Parties and may constitute a valuable commercial asset to Provider; Provider is willing, subject to the terms and conditions hereof, to respectively supply Original Material, Information and Associated Personal Data for no other purpose than the performance of the Research Project, as described below (the “Purpose”). Recipient's Scientist: Provider’s Scientist
CONSIDERING THAT. The Partners have agreed to co-operate in the production of globally applicable Technical Specifications and Technical Reports for a 3rd Generation Mobile System based on the evolved ANSI-41 core networks and the radio access technologies to be transposed by the relevant standardization bodies (Organizational Partners) into appropriate deliverables (e.g., standards). - 3GPP2 is established for the preparation, approval, and maintenance of the above mentioned Technical Specifications and Technical Reports. - 3GPP2 is not to be construed as a legal entity. The 3GPP2 partnership is characterized by the following attributes: - uses minimum production time for Technical Specifications and Technical Reports from conception to approval; - uses fast, electronic based approval processes; - makes maximum use of modern (electronic) working methods; and - ensures that decision making takes place at the lowest appropriate levels.
CONSIDERING THAT. The Parties have concluded Framework Collaboration Agreement K1577/AB (the “Agreement”) establishing the framework for collaboration between them in areas of mutual interest, including but not limited to fundamental physics, information technologies and engineering;
CONSIDERING THAT. Studio Xxxxx specialises in the search and inventory of locations, and signs agreements with the owners of these locations (the “Owners”) in view of the use of these locations by professional photographers and directors, such as the User, for different types of photo, video, or film shoots and events.
CONSIDERING THAT. The Super Charm-Tau (SCT) project is under consideration of being im- plemented in Russia; • The accelerator and detector technologies being developed for SCT are essential for other state-of-art collider experiments, such as FCC-ee, CLIC, ILC and CEPC; • The Partners have expressed their interest to take part in and contribute to the SCT project; • BINP’s role as initiator and coordinator of the SCT project; • The mutual benefit of the Parties that shall result from collaboration be- tween them; HAVE AGREED AS FOLLOWS:
CONSIDERING THAT. On the date that Controller started using Processor’s shared hosting platform, we have made an agreement where Processer will be hosting a business application for Controller. For the implementation of this agreement, normal personal data will be processed. Controller attaches great value to the protection of these personal data, therefore Controller is responsible for the data Processor will be processing and we capture in this data processing agreement:
CONSIDERING THAT. VBA is primarily concerned with producing and trading in (air) suspension systems and related articles for vehicles ranging from ca. 1.750 to 7.500 kg;
CONSIDERING THAT. TXX is the company that provides Personal Mobile Service (PMS) and that has specific network technology and computer systems for sending and receiving Short Text Messages (“SMS”); ii The CONTRACTING PARTY is interested in providing services to its respective Direct Clients, providing informational material, by sending SMS, using, for that purpose, TIM's communication service platform. The SMS A2P is a form of communication where the SMS is sent or terminated from an application, and not between cell phones; as in the case of SMS P2P. THE PARTIES decide to enter into this Agreement for the Provision of Services (“Agreement”), which will be governed by the following clauses: