Prohibition on Use of Public Funds for Political Activity In performing the Services, Contractor shall comply with San Francisco Administrative Code Chapter 12G, which prohibits funds appropriated by the City for this Agreement from being expended to participate in, support, or attempt to influence any political campaign for a candidate or for a ballot measure. Contractor is subject to the enforcement and penalty provisions in Chapter 12G.
Advertising and Publicity No Credit Party shall issue or disseminate to the public (by advertisement, including without limitation any “tombstone” advertisement, press release or otherwise), submit for publication or otherwise cause or seek to publish any information describing the credit or other financial accommodations made available by the Lenders pursuant to this Agreement and the other Loan Documents without the prior written consent of the Administrative Agent. Nothing in the foregoing shall be construed to prohibit any Credit Party from making any submission or filing which it is required to make by applicable law or pursuant to judicial process; provided, that, (i) such filing or submission shall contain only such information as is necessary to comply with applicable law or judicial process and (ii) unless specifically prohibited by applicable law or court order, the Borrower shall promptly notify the Administrative Agent of the requirement to make such submission or filing and provide the Administrative Agent with a copy thereof.
Confidentiality and Publicity 26.1 All proprietary or confidential information (“Proprietary Information”) disclosed by either Party during the negotiations and the term of this Agreement will be protected by both Parties in accordance with the terms provided herein. 26.2 As used in this Agreement, the term “Proprietary Information” will mean written, recorded, machine readable or other information provided in tangible form to one Party by the other Party regarding the above referenced subject matter and which is marked proprietary or confidential with the appropriate owner corporation name, e.g., “Frontier Proprietary”. Information disclosed orally will not be considered proprietary unless such information is reduced to writing by the disclosing Party and a copy is delivered to the other Party within thirty (30) business days after such oral disclosure. The writing will also state the place, date and person(s) to whom disclosure was made. 26.3 Each Party agrees that it will not disclose any Proprietary Information of the other Party in whole or in part, including derivations, to any third party for a period of three (3) years from the date of disclosure unless the Parties agree to modify this Agreement to provide for a different nondisclosure period for specific materials. Neither Party will be liable for inadvertent or accidental disclosure of Proprietary Information of the other Party provided that: 26.3.1 each Party uses at least the same degree of care in safeguarding such Proprietary Information as it uses for its own proprietary information of like importance, and such degree of care will be reasonably calculated to prevent such inadvertent disclosure; 26.3.2 it limits access to such Proprietary Information to its employees and agents who are directly involved in the consideration of the Proprietary Information and informs its employees and agents who have access to such Proprietary Information of its duty not to disclose; and 26.3.3 upon discovery of any such inadvertent disclosure of Proprietary Information, it will endeavor to prevent any further inadvertent disclosure. 26.4 Information will not be deemed proprietary and the receiving Party will have no obligation with respect to any such information which: 26.4.1 is or becomes publicly known through no wrongful act, fault or negligence of the receiving Party; or 26.4.2 was known by the receiving Party or by any other affiliate or subsidiary of the receiving Party prior to disclosure, or is at any time developed by the receiving Party independently of any such disclosure; or 26.4.3 was disclosed to the receiving Party by a third party who was free of obligations of confidentiality to the disclosing Party; or 26.4.4 is disclosed or used by the receiving Party, not less than three (3) years following its initial disclosure or such other nondisclosure period as may be agreed in writing by the Parties; or 26.4.5 is approved for release by written authorization of the disclosing Party; or 26.4.6 is disclosed pursuant to a requirement or request of a governmental agency or disclosure is required by operation of law; or 26.4.7 is furnished to a third party by the disclosing Party without a similar restriction on the third party’s rights. 26.5 Since either Party may choose not to use or announce any services, products or marketing techniques relating to these discussions or information gained or exchanged during the discussions, both Parties acknowledge that one is not responsible or liable for any business decisions made by the other in reliance upon any disclosures made during any meeting between the Parties or in reliance on any results of the discussions. The furnishing of Proprietary Information to one Party by the other Party will not obligate either Party to enter into any further agreement or negotiation with the other. 26.6 Nothing contained in this Agreement will be construed as granting to one Party a license, either express or implied, under any patent, copyright, or trademark, now or hereafter owned, obtained, controlled, or which is or may be licensable by the other Party. 26.7 All publicity regarding this Agreement and its Attachments is subject to the Parties’ prior written consent. 26.8 Unless otherwise agreed upon, neither Party will publish or use the other Party’s name, language, pictures, or symbols from which the other Party’s name may be reasonably inferred or implied in any advertising, promotion, or any other publicity matter relating directly or indirectly to this Agreement.
Confidentiality and Publication 18.1. Each Party (the “Receiving Party”) undertakes: 18.1.1. to maintain as secret and confidential all Confidential Information obtained directly or indirectly from the other Party (“Disclosing Party”) in the course of performing of obligations or in anticipation of this Agreement; 18.1.2. to use and disclose the Confidential Information of the other Party only for the purposes of this Agreement and/or in so far as such use and/or disclosure is reasonably required to enable the Party to exploit its rights under this Agreement; 18.1.3. to disclose the Confidential Information of the other Party only to those of its employees, contractors, and sub-licensees to whom and to the extent that such disclosure is reasonably necessary for the purposes of exploiting its rights and complying with its obligations under this Agreement, including disclosure to the appointed CRO and professional consultants; 18.1.4. to comply with the obligations of this clause 18 for so long as it has knowledge of any Confidential Information received or derived from the other Party which period shall, for the avoidance of doubt, survive termination or expiry of this Agreement. 18.2. The provisions of clause 18.1 shall not apply to Confidential Information which the Receiving Party can prove: 18.2.1. was, prior to its receipt by the Receiving Party from the Disclosing Party, in the possession of the Receiving Party and at Us free disposal; 18.2.2. is subsequently disclosed to the Receiving Party without any obligations of confidence by a third party who has not derived it directly or indirectly from the Disclosing Party; 18.2.3. is or becomes generally available to the public through no act or default of the Receiving Party or its agents, employees, Affiliates or sub-licensees; 18.2.4. the Receiving Party is required to disclose to the courts of any competent jurisdiction, or to any government regulatory agency or financial authority, provided that the Receiving Party shall: (i) inform the Disclosing Party as soon as is reasonably practicable of its obligation to disclose such information; and (ii) at the Disclosing Party’s request seek to persuade the court, agency or authority to have such information treated in a confidential manner, where this is possible under the court, agency or authority’s procedures. 18.3. The Receiving Xxxxx shall procure that all of its employees, contractors who have access to any of the Disclosing Party’s Confidential Information, shall be made aware of and subject to these obligations and shall have entered into written undertakings of confidentiality at least as restrictive as those set out in this clause 18. 18.4. The Parties agree that any publications relating to the Results shall be approved in advance by the Scientific Subcommittee. Any publications shall acknowledge both Parties appropriately, and Lipoxen shall have the first right to submit any paper for publication.
Malicious Use of Orphan Glue Records Registry Operator shall take action to remove orphan glue records (as defined at xxxx:// when provided with evidence in written form that such records are present in connection with malicious conduct.
Summary of Policy and Prohibitions on Procurement Lobbying Pursuant to State Finance Law §139-j and §139-k, this Contract includes and imposes certain restrictions on communications between OGS and a Vendor during the procurement process. A Vendor is restricted from making contacts from the earliest notice of intent to solicit offers/bids through final award and approval of the Procurement Contract by OGS and, if applicable, the Office of the State Comptroller (“restricted period”) to other than designated staff unless it is a contact that is included among certain statutory exceptions set forth in State Finance Law §139-j(3)(a). Designated staff, as of the date hereof, is identified in Appendix G, Contractor and OGS Information, or as otherwise indicated by OGS. OGS employees are also required to obtain certain information when contacted during the restricted period and make a determination of the responsibility of the Vendor pursuant to these two statutes. Certain findings of non-responsibility can result in rejection for contract award and in the event of two findings within a four-year period; the Vendor is debarred from obtaining governmental Procurement Contracts. Further information about these requirements can be found on the OGS website: xxxx://
Use of FIIOC’s and FSC's Name The Trust shall not use the name of FIIOC and FSC in any Prospectus, sales literature or other material relating to the Trust or any Fund of the Trust in a manner not consented to by FIIOC and FSC prior to use; provided, however, that FIIOC and FSC shall approve all uses of its name which merely refer in accurate terms to its appointments, duties or fees hereunder or which are required by the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC" or “Commission”) or a state securities commission; and further, provided that in no event shall such approval be unreasonably withheld.
Utilities and Public Access Each Individual Property has rights of access to public ways and is served by water, sewer, sanitary sewer and storm drain facilities adequate to service such Individual Property for its respective intended uses. All public utilities necessary or convenient to the full use and enjoyment of each Individual Property are located either in the public right-of-way abutting such Individual Property (which are connected so as to serve such Individual Property without passing over other property) or in recorded easements serving such Individual Property and such easements are set forth in and insured by the Title Insurance Policies. All roads necessary for the use of each Individual Property for their current respective purposes have been completed and dedicated to public use and accepted by all Governmental Authorities.
Description of Vendor Entity and Vendor's Goods & Services If awarded, this description of Vendor and Vendor's goods and services will appear on the TIPS website for customer/public viewing. Construction procurement agency, administrating and facilitating cooperative purchasing. Please identify the individual who will be primarily responsible for all TIPS matters and inquiries for the duration of the contract. Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx Primary Contact Title Partner Please enter a valid email address that will definitely reach the Primary Contact. Numbers only, no symbols or spaces (Ex. 8668398477). The system will auto-populate your entry with commas once submitted which is appropriate and expected (Ex. 8,668,398,477). Please provide the accurate and current phone number where the individual who will be primarily responsible for all TIPS matters and inquiries for the duration of the contract can be reached directly. 0000000000 Numbers only, no symbols or spaces (Ex. 8668398477). The system will auto-populate your entry with commas once submitted which is appropriate and expected (Ex. 8,668,398,477). Numbers only, no symbols or spaces (Ex. 8668398477). The system will auto-populate your entry with commas once submitted which is appropriate and expected (Ex. 8,668,398,477). 0000000000 Please identify the individual who will be secondarily responsible for all TIPS matters and inquiries for the duration of the contract.