THE COOPERATOR SHALL. A. Perform in accordance with the terms of this Agreement and with the Financial and Project Plan, Exhibit (j) . B. Xxxx the Federal Agency for actual costs incurred, not to exceed (k)$ , as agreed to in the attached Financial Plan. C. Upon presentation of a Xxxx for Collection, reimburse the Federal Agency for actual costs incurred, not to exceed (l)$ , as agreed to in the attached Financial Plan.
THE COOPERATOR SHALL. A. Perform in accordance with the approved and hereby incorporated Annual Financial and Operating Plans (Annual Operating Plans) attached as Exhibit A and Exhibit B. See related Provision IV-E. B. Ensure that the officers/agents of Cooperator performing law enforcement activities under this agreement meet the same standards of training required of the officers/agents in their jurisdiction, or the State Peace Officers Standards of Training where they exist. C. Provide uniformed officers/agents with marked vehicles to perform all activities unless agreed to otherwise in the Annual Operating Plan. D. Advise the U.S. Forest Service Principal Contact, listed in Provision IV-B, of any suspected criminal activities in connection with activities on NFS lands. E. Upon the request of the U.S. Forest Service, dispatch additional deputies within manpower capabilities during extraordinary situations as described in Provision IV-X. X. Complete and furnish annually the U.S. Forest Service with Form FS-5300-5, Cooperative Law Enforcement Activity Report, identifying the number of crimes occurring on NFS lands. The report shall follow the FBI Uniform Crime Reporting groupings, Part I and Part II offenses. Offenses and arrest information shall be combined and reported for each crime. This report shall separate the crimes handled under this agreement from those handled during regular duties. G. Provide the U.S. Forest Service Principal Contact, listed in Provision IV-B, with case reports and timely information relating to incidents/crimes in connection with activities on NFS lands. H. Xxxx the U.S. Forest Service for Cooperator’s actual costs incurred to date, displayed by separate cost elements, excluding any previous U.S. Forest Service payment(s) made to the date of the invoice, not to exceed the cumulative funds obligated hereunder and as specified on the Annual Operating Plans. Billing frequency will be as specified in the Annual Operating Plan. See related Provisions III-B, IV-I, IV-J, IV-K, and IV-M. I. Give the U.S. Forest Service or Comptroller General, through any authorized representative, access to and the right to examine all records related to this agreement. As used in this provision, “records” include books, documents, accounting procedures and practices, and other data, regardless of type and regardless of whether such items are in written form, in the form of computer data, or in any other form. J. Comply with all Federal statutes relating to nondiscriminat...
THE COOPERATOR SHALL. A. Perform in accordance with the Financial and Operating Plan, Exhibit A. B. Xxxx the U.S. Forest Service for actual costs incurred, not to exceed $185,538
THE COOPERATOR SHALL. (1) Provide, when available, personnel and/or equipment to DNR for fire suppression or standby when requested by DNR. The personnel/equipment list is attached as Attachment B. (2) Dispatch their personnel and/or equipment as quickly as possible to the fire when requested by DNR. The Cooperator(s) personnel and equipment are under the supervision of the DNR while suppressing fires and may not leave the fire until released by the DNR. (3) Ensure Cooperator(s) personnel and/or equipment furnished under this Agreement are properly trained, have appropriate attire and the proper equipment to accomplish the contracted duties. (4) Be responsible for any fines or penalties levied against the Cooperator, the Cooperator(s) employees or equipment while under the Cooperator(s) control, employment or direction. (5) Present this Agreement (including attachments) to the timekeeper upon arrival at DNR fires.
THE COOPERATOR SHALL. A. Perform in accordance with the terms of this SPA and with the Financial and Project Plans, Exhibits (j) . B. Bill the U.S. Forest Service for actual costs incurred, not to exceed (k)$ , as agreed to in the attached Financial Plan. C. Upon presentation of a Bill for Collection, reimburse the U.S. Forest Service for actual costs incurred, not to exceed (l)$ , as agreed to in the attached Financial Plan.
THE COOPERATOR SHALL. A. Perform the duties of a cooperating agency as provided in 40 CFR 1501.8 for the XXXX environmental analyses for which the Cooperator has special expertise. B. Upon request, share with the Forest Service information relevant to the XXXX regarding cooperators’ plans or policies with respect to natural-resource-based industries, the economy, culture, and traditional uses. C. Upon request, provide the Forest Service relevant information concerning potential effects to the Cooperators’ comprehensive plans (or equivalent or related planning efforts).
THE COOPERATOR SHALL. A. Maintain regular communication, through the Cooperator chair or designee, with the White River National Forest caves program coordinator on cave and karst issues and activities within the U.S. Forest Service. B. Facilitate the submission of proposals and inquiries from the organized caving community to conduct research or special-use activities related to U.S. Forest Service caves and karst resources. C. Provide guidance and expertise to the U.S. Forest Service on the review of proposals and inquiries that relate to or have the potential to impact U.S. Forest Service caves or karst resources. D. Inform the U.S. Forest Service caves program coordinator of the discovery of new caves or cave features within its boundaries that are particularly sensitive and may require explicit management. Locations shall be given to the nearest quarter section unless being nominated as a significant cave under the Cave Resources Protection Act which requires specific location information for the nomination. The Chair and Vice Chair will serve to evaluate new discoveries and determine if the discoveries are particularly sensitive and may require explicit management. E. Facilitate communication between the organized caving community and the U.S. Forest Service in planning for cave rescues. F. Provide assistance to the U.S. Forest Service on efforts to conserve, document, map, inventory, survey, monitor, cave or karst resources. Conduct information and education programs. G. Provide guidance and expertise with the U.S. Forest Service in creating cave management plans to ensure that they provide reasonable and appropriate access for recreation, exploration, conservation, restoration, scientific, and other activities, while also conserving cave resources. H. Provide guidance and expertise with the U.S. Forest Service in completing the identification, nomination, evaluation, and designation of significant caves on White River National Forest lands.
THE COOPERATOR SHALL. Perform in accordance with the terms of this Agreement and with the Financial and Project Plan, Exhibit (j) .
THE COOPERATOR SHALL. A. Participate as a Cooperating Agency in this environmental analysis process and is recognized to have special expertise in the following areas: Socio-economics related to energy developmnent in Garfield County and policy expertise contained within the Garfield County Federal Lands Natural Resources Coordination Plan & Policies, adopted in 2020. B. Provide information and technical expertise to the USFS regarding those elements of the EA, and the data and analysis supporting them, in which it has special expertise or for which the USFS requests assistance. In particular, provide information on the following topics: Socio-economics related to energy developmnent in Garfield County and policy expertise contained within the Garfield County Federal Lands Natural Resources Coordination Plan & Policies, adopted in 2020. C. Assist the USFS with identifying and reaching key constituencies. D. Review and provide feedback on the draft EA and supporting materials during their public release. E. Agree that all data and information provided will become part of the USFS’s official record and will be available for public review, except as prohibited by the FOIA and/or the Privacy Act.
THE COOPERATOR SHALL. Participate as a Cooperating Agency with expertise and jurisdiction relevant to the development of the projects on the Bitterroot National Forest, with the rights and duties of a Cooperating Agency as set forth in this MOU and the CEQ regulations at 40 CFR 1501.6.