FULFILMENT OF ORDERS. 4.1 The Partner will be ready to launch the provision of services under the Bolt Food Platform from the moment of signing the Agreement, unless otherwise agreed in the Partner Specific Conditions. The detailed requirements and instructions for the handling of Orders are provided in Schedule 1 (Service Level Requirements) to these General Terms. 4.2 The Partner shall use its best endeavours to ensure the availability of all Goods that are displayed in the Bolt Food Platform. In the event that the Partner is or is likely to become unable to fulfil the Orders, the Partner will cease to accept any further Orders and mark itself as offline on the Bolt Food Platform until readiness to fulfil the Orders is restored. 4.3 The Partner shall ensure that the Goods prepared for delivery to the Client and/or pick-up by the Client comply with the Order of the Client. The Partner shall use its best endeavours to comply with specific instructions and requests of the Client, if applicable. 4.4 The Order shall be ready for pick-up by the Courier or by the Client within the timeframe specified in Schedule 1 (Service Level Requirements). The Partner has a right to opt-in and opt-out from the take-away function (i.e. self pick-up by the Client) at any time. 4.5 The Partner shall ensure that the ordered Goods are properly packaged (incl. in accordance with all food safety requirements in case the Goods contain food), taking into account that the Courier or the Client will only be required to pick-up a packaged Order. In case the Goods contain food, the Courier will also be required to place it into the thermo-bag for delivery. The packaging may not include any logos of the competitors of Bolt. The packaging may not include any advertising material of third parties (incl. the competitors of Bolt), unless agreed otherwise in the Partner Specific Conditions. 4.6 The Partner ensures that the Goods prepared for delivery by the Courier and/or self pick-up by the Client: 4.6.1 correspond to the description of the Goods on the Bolt Food Platform (including indications that particular Goods are gluten or nut free or suitable for vegetarians or vegans in case the Goods contain food); 4.6.2 are not harmful to health or the environment; 4.6.3 have been properly cooked or prepared and are otherwise safe, of high quality, fit for transportation and consumption and at an appropriate temperature for consumption by the Client in case the Goods contain food; 4.6.4 comply with all applicable requi...
FULFILMENT OF ORDERS. 4.1 The Partner will be ready to launch the provision of services under the Bolt Food Platform from the moment of signing the Agreement, unless otherwise agreed in the Partner Specific Conditions. The detailed requirements and instructions for the handling of Orders are provided in Schedule 1 (Service Level Requirements) to these General Terms. 4.2 The Partner shall use its best endeavours to ensure the availability of all Goods that are displayed in the Bolt Food Platform. In the
FULFILMENT OF ORDERS. 4.1 The Partner will be ready to launch the provision of services under the Bolt Food Platform from the moment of signing the Agreement, unless otherwise agreed in the Partner Specific Conditions. The detailed requirements and instructions for the handling of Orders are provided in Schedule 1 (Service Level Requirements) to these General Terms. 4.2 The Partner shall use its best endeavours to ensure the availability of all Goods that are displayed in the Bolt Food Platform. In the event that the Partner is or is likely to become unable to fulfil the Orders, the Partner will cease to accept any further Orders and mark itself as offline on the Bolt Food Platform until readiness to fulfil the Orders is restored. 4.3 The Partner shall ensure that the Goods prepared for delivery to the Client and/or pick-up by the Client comply with the Order of the Client. The Partner shall use its best endeavours to comply with specific
FULFILMENT OF ORDERS. 4.1 The Partner will be ready to launch the provision of services under the Bolt Food Platform from the moment of signing the Agreement, unless otherwise agreed in the Partner Specific Conditions. The detailed requirements and instructions for the handling of Orders are provided in Schedule 1 (Service Level Requirements) to these General Terms. 4.2 The Partner shall use its best endeavours to ensure the availability of all Goods that are displayed in the Bolt Food Platform. In the event that the Partner is or is likely to become unable to fulfil the Orders, the Partner will cease to accept any further Orders and mark itself as offline on the Bolt
FULFILMENT OF ORDERS. A. Where a Buyer places an Order to an FBL Product, Lazada will pick and pack the FBL Products and ship the Order to the Buyer at the address specified in the Order. Lazada may ship FBL Products together with products sold by Lazada or other sellers. B. The Lazada-coordinated Delivery terms shall similarly apply to delivery of Orders for FBL Products.
FULFILMENT OF ORDERS. 4.1 The Partner will be ready to launch the provision of services under the Bolt Food Platform from the moment of signing the Agreement, unless otherwise agreed in the Partner Specific Conditions. The detailed requirements and instructions for the handling of Orders are provided in Schedule 1 (Service Level Requirements) to these General Terms. 4.2 The Partner shall use its best endeavours to ensure the availability of all Goods that are displayed in the Bolt Food Platform. In the event that the Partner is or is likely to become unable to fulfil the Orders, the Partner will cease to accept any further Orders and mark itself as offline on the Bolt Food Platform until readiness to fulfil the Orders is restored. 4.3 The Partner shall ensure that the Goods prepared for delivery to the Client and/or pick-up by the Client comply with the Order of the Client. The Partner shall use its best endeavours to comply with specific instructions and requests of the Client, if applicable. 4.4 The Order shall be ready for pick-up by the Courier or by the Client within the timeframe specified in Schedule 1 (Service Level Requirements). The Partner has a right to opt-in and opt-out from the
FULFILMENT OF ORDERS. 4.1 The Partner will be ready to launch the provision of services under the Bolt Food
FULFILMENT OF ORDERS. A. Where a Buyer places an Order to an FBL Product, LEI will pick and pack the FBL Products and ship the Order to the Buyer at the address specified in the Order. LEI may ship FBL Products together with products sold by LEI or other sellers. B. The LCD terms in Part C shall similarly apply to delivery of Orders for FBL Products.
FULFILMENT OF ORDERS. 4.1 The Partner will be ready to launch the provision of services under the Bolt Food Platform from the moment of signing the Agreement, unless otherwise agreed in the Partner Specific Conditions. The detailed requirements and instructions for the handling of Orders are provided in Schedule 1 (Service Level Requirements) to these General Terms. 4.2 The Partner shall use its best endeavours to ensure the availability of all Goods that are displayed in the Bolt Food Platform. In the event that the Partner is or is likely to become unable to fulfil the Orders, the Partner will cease to accept any further Orders and mark itself as offline on the Bolt Food Platform until readiness to fulfil the Orders is restored. 4.3 The Partner shall ensure that the Goods prepared for delivery to the Client and/or 4.4 Zamówienie będzie gotowe do odbioru przez Kuriera lub przez Klienta w terminie określonym w Załączniku 1 (Wymagania dotyczące poziomu usługi). Partner ma prawo zdecydować się na korzystanie lub zrezygnować z korzystania z funkcji na wynos (tj. osobistego odbioru przez Klienta) w każdej chwili. 4.5 Partner zapewni, że zamówione Towary będą właściwe zapakowane (w tym zgodnie ze wszystkimi wymogami bezpieczeństwa żywności w przypadku, gdy Towar zawiera żywność) przy uwzględnieniu, że Kurier lub Klient będzie zobowiązany jedynie do odebrania zapakowanego Zamówienia. W przypadku, gdy Towar zawiera żywność, Kurier będzie również zobowiązany do włożenia go do torby termoizolacyjnej w celu dostawy. Opakowanie nie może zawierać logo konkurentów firmy Bolt. Opakowanie nie może zawierać żadnych materiałów reklamowych stron trzecich (w tym konkurentów firmy Bolt), chyba że inaczej uzgodniono w Warunkach Szczególnych dla Partnerów. 4.6 Partner zapewnia, że Towar przygotowany do dostawy przez Kuriera i/lub osobistego odbioru przez Klienta: 4.6.1 odpowiada opisowi Towaru na Platformie Bolt Food (w tym wskazaniom mówiącym o tym, że określone Towary są bezglutenowe lub nie zawierają orzechów lub że są odpowiednie dla wegetarian lub wegan w przypadku, gdy Towary zawierają żywność), pick-up by the Client comply with the Order of the Client. The Partner shall use its best endeavours to comply with specific instructions and requests of the Client, if applicable. 4.4 The Order shall be ready for pick-up by the Courier or by the Client within the timeframe specified in Schedule 1 (Service Level Requirements). The Partner has a right to opt-in and opt-out from the take-away function (i...
FULFILMENT OF ORDERS. 7.1. Customer will place the Orders through the Websites. All information related to the Order shall be transferred to the Seller electronically in the System or by another method specified by the Service Provider. 7.2. The Customer shall pay for the Goods to the Service Provider according to the Service Provider’s instructions. The Service Provider shall settle up with the Seller on the terms of this Agreement (set out in the Special Conditions, in an annex etc. or another agreement concluded by the Parties). 7.3. The Order shall be confirmed by the Seller within 4 (four) working hours from the moment the Order has been placed. In the case if the Seller fails to confirm/refuse the Order, it shall be deemed that the Seller has granted the right to the Service Provider to either approve or cancel the Order at his own discretion. The Seller represents and warrants that in such a case the Seller shall fulfil the Order if it has been approved by the Service Provider, and shall have no right to claim any damages, compensation or other payments from the Service Provider, and shall not hold the Service Provider liable for the approval or cancellation of the Orders on behalf of the Seller, and it shall be deemed hat all such actions were taken by the Seller. 7.4. The Goods specified in the Order shall be prepared, packed and transferred for delivery within the time limits and instructions set out on the Special Conditions of or an annex to this Agreement or another document issued by the Service Provider or an agreement concluded by the Parties. 7.5. Subject to Product delivery method (see Clause 8.2.) chosen by the Seller, packaging shall be marked with a shipment label which will be provided to the Seller at the Seller’s request. The Order shall be prepared for delivery within the time limit set in the Special Conditions of this Agreement or another document issued by the Service Provider. 7.6. Packaging for the Products shall not contain any marketing materials of the Seller that are not included as standard marketing materials on the Products sold by the Seller, and emails sent by the Seller to the Customers in connection with an Order (if allowed by the Service Provider) shall not contain any marketing information or links to any Seller’s or third party’s website, except for links to shipping websites that permit the Customers to track shipment of their Order. This limitation shall not apply to standard packaging, used by 7.7. If the Seller cannot fulfil the ...