Grades At the end of each semester, students shall receive a final grade report that shall become a part of their permanent record. The College District’s grading system shall apply to all courses: A (90-100) - Excellent B (80-89) - Good C (70-79) - Average D (60-69) - Poor F (Below 60) - Failure I Incomplete Q Dropped W Dropped Due to Good Cause or Withdrawal from College CR Credit P Pass NP Not Passing FS Academic Fresh Start I - Incomplete: indicates that the coursework was incomplete because of serious illness or other justified emergency. The instructor shall change the grade of “I” to a grade based on the work completed for the course in addition to the work specified in the course completion contract. All incomplete work shall be completed within 90 days of the start of the next long semester. Failure to complete the work specified in the course completion contract shall result in a grade of zero, which shall be factored into the final grade calculation with appropriate weighting relative to other course grades.
Grade The employee's grade level. (1-15)
Minimum Customer Support Requirements for TIPS Sales Vendor shall provide timely and commercially reasonable support for TIPS Sales or as agreed to in the applicable Supplemental Agreement.
Delivery Points Project water made available to the Agency pursuant to Article 6 shall be delivered to the Agency by the State at the delivery structures established in accordance with Article 10.
Minimum Shipping Requirements for TIPS Sales Vendor shall ship, deliver, or provide ordered goods and services within a commercially reasonable time after acceptance of the order. If a delay in delivery is anticipated, Vendor shall notify the TIPS Member as to why delivery is delayed and provide an updated estimated time for completion. The TIPS Member may cancel the order if the delay is not commercially acceptable or not consistent with the Supplemental Agreement applicable to the order.
Compressed Work Week The Company and Union recognize the concept of the compressed work week. It is further understood that the compressed work week conditions will apply only to those departments that are on the compressed work week.
Rubric The rubrics are a scoring tool used for the Educator’s self-assessment, the formative assessment, the formative evaluation and the summative evaluation. The districts may use either the rubrics provided by ESE or comparably rigorous and comprehensive rubrics developed or adopted by the district and reviewed by ESE.
Contact Points Each Party shall designate a contact point to facilitate communications between the Parties on any matter covered by this Agreement.
Check Meters Developer, at its option and expense, may install and operate, on its premises and on its side of the Point of Interconnection, one or more check meters to check Connecting Transmission Owner’s meters. Such check meters shall be for check purposes only and shall not be used for the measurement of power flows for purposes of this Agreement, except as provided in Article 7.4 below. The check meters shall be subject at all reasonable times to inspection and examination by Connecting Transmission Owner or its designee. The installation, operation and maintenance thereof shall be performed entirely by Developer in accordance with Good Utility Practice.
Bandwidth the amount of data (quantified as “Mbps” or “Gbps”) made available to Customer as specified in a Service Order.