GRANT TERMS AND CONDITIONS. Please initial by each Exhibit, acknowledging you have received them, understand them, and agree to abide by them.
GRANT TERMS AND CONDITIONS. The General Terms and Conditions for the above listed CIP Grant Programs are provided as a section within this agreement in the following attached Schedules: • Schedule A: Building and Land Grants; • Schedule B: Development Charges Exemption/Deferrals and Planning and Building Permit/Application Fee Exemption; and • Schedule C: Study and Design Grants and Startup Grants The CIP Grant Programs procedures for the above listed funding opportunities provides details on the CIP process to follow on the following: • Grant ApplicationDescription of Eligible Works or Submission of Quotations • Inspection • Decision by Council • Expiry of Approval • Inspection of Completed WorkProvision of Grant The Procedures section are provided within this agreement in the following attached Schedules: • Schedule A: Building and Land Grants; • Schedule B: Development Charges Exemption/Deferrals and Planning and Building Permit/Application Fee Exemption; and • Schedule C: Study and Design Grants and Startup Grants
GRANT TERMS AND CONDITIONS. The operation and improvement of the Leased Premises is being funded in part with grants from the Division of Local Services, Commonwealth of Massachusetts; therefore, this Lease is subject to the terms of the financial assistance contracts between and among the LESSOR, LESSEE and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The Parties agrees to abide by all terms and conditions of said contracts and to provide whatever documentation of compliance as may be required by either Party or the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
GRANT TERMS AND CONDITIONS. Consist of the standard conditions and any other conditions upon which the Grant Award is provided, as set out in this document. commitment
GRANT TERMS AND CONDITIONS. The United States Department of Homeland Security’s (“DHS”) Federal Fiscal Year (“FY”) 2022 State and Local Cybersecurity Grant Program (“SLCGP”) assists state, local, and territorial (“SLT”) governments with managing and reducing systemic cyber risk. Through funding from the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, also known as the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the SLCGP enables DHS to make targeted cybersecurity investments in SLT government agencies, thus improving the security of critical infrastructure and improving the resilience of the services SLT governments provide to their communities. This Grant Agreement (“Agreement”) is made and entered into by and between the Georgia Emergency Management and Homeland Security Agency (“GEMA/HS”), an agency of the State of Georgia (“State”), and Augusta-Richmond County _ (“Subrecipient”). XXXX/HS and the Subrecipient are sometimes referred to herein individually as a “Party” or collectively, the “Parties”. For the purposes of this Agreement, GEMA/HS serves as the pass-through entity for a Federal award, and the Subrecipient serves as the recipient of a subaward.
GRANT TERMS AND CONDITIONS. In connection with its activities under this Price Agreement, Contractor shall comply with all applicable Grant Terms and Conditions. This includes all terms and conditions contained in this Price Agreement and, for a contract involving a grant, the Grant Terms and Conditions as further described at: xxxx://
GRANT TERMS AND CONDITIONS. Any Tax Incremental Equivalent Grant will be provided in accordance with a grant schedule to the registered owner of the property on an annual basis. Any Tax Incremental Equivalent Grant will be provided following the payment of all property tax installments for the year. Any Tax Incremental Equivalent Grant represents a percentage of increased taxes payable resulting from the improvements. Owing to this, the total value of the work completed and the amount of the municipal portion of the taxes paid prior to, and after renovation would have to be known. All property taxes owing for each year must be fully paid for the entire year prior to the provision of any annual grant amount under this program. If a property tax installment is missed or payment is late, the Municipality will have the option, without notice and at its own discretion, to terminate all future grant payments. Notwithstanding any administrative rules governing this and other grant or loan programs, the Municipality will not pay an annual grant which exceeds the Municipal portion of the property tax collected in any year on the increased assessed value. The annual grant is based upon changes in property taxes as a result of remediation, construction and improvement. The annual grant is not based upon occupancy or changes in occupancy. Tax increases resulting from general re‐assessments, changes in tax legislation or increases in the mill rate are not eligible to be considered for the purposes of calculating the grant. If the property is sold, in whole or in part, before the grant period lapses, the subsequent owner is not entitled to future grant payments. The original owner is eligible to apply for a grant on a property, even after it has been sold to a new owner. The amount of the grants over the life of the program shall not exceed the value of the work completed as indicated on the building permit application. The Municipality may at any time discontinue the Tax Incremental Equivalent Grant; however, any participants in the program prior to its closing will continue to receive the grants as determined for their properties until the conclusion of their approved schedule. Provided all eligibility criteria and conditions are met for this program, participation in the Tax Incremental Equivalent Grant program does not preclude the owner from being eligible for other grant and loan programs offered under the Economic Community Improvement Plan. However, at no time shall the total amount of gra...
GRANT TERMS AND CONDITIONS. The Board, in its discretion, may from time to time grant Options to any Employee eligible to be awarded Options under this Plan. Each Employee who is granted an Option shall enter into an Agreement with the Company in a form specified by the Board and containing such provisions as the Board, in its sole discretion, shall from time to time approve consistent with this Plan. The Agreements need not be identical, but each Agreement by appropriate language shall include the substance of all of the following terms and conditions:
GRANT TERMS AND CONDITIONS. 1. If, after review of the Application, the Department determines that Employer is eligible and the Application was accurate, the Department agrees to issue a grant to Employer in the following amounts, depending on applicability: i. Up to $3,000 to apply to the cost of hiring a replacement worker for an eligible employee on leave; or ii. Up to $1,000 for significant wage-related costs incurred during the time an eligible employee takes leave; and iii. An additional amount, not to exceed a total grant of $3,000, equal to the difference between the grant for significant wage-related costs and the cost of a replacement worker for an eligible employee who has extended their leave period. 4. All grants are subject to the requirements of this Agreement, ORS chapter 657B, and applicable administrative rules. Terms used in this Agreement have the same definitions as the same term under ORS chapter 657B and applicable administrative rules. 5. The Department has no obligation to issue a grant unless all of the following conditions are met: i. The certifications made in the Application and this Agreement by Employer, or a person authorized to submit an application on behalf of Employer, are true and correct. ii. The Department has sufficient funds currently available and authorized for expenditure to finance the costs of this Agreement. B. The Department may terminate this Agreement immediately upon notice to Employer under any of the following circumstances: 1. The Department fails to receive sufficient funding, appropriations or other expenditure authorizations to allow the Department, in its reasonable discretion, to continue making payments under this Agreement. 2. There is a change in federal or state laws, rules, regulations or guidelines such that the replacement or significant wage-related worker cost funded by this Agreement is no longer eligible for funding. 3. The Department determines that the employer size was incorrectly reported by the employer. 4. The Department determines that the Employer willfully misreported or omitted information to the Department in order to receive the grant. C. The Department, in its sole discretion, may terminate this Agreement for its convenience upon thirty