- HOURS OF ATTENDANCE. Trainees shall observe the ordinary hours of attendance per week maintained by employees at the work place where the training is being conducted.
- HOURS OF ATTENDANCE. The ordinary hours of work, for work performed within 50 kilometres of the GPO Perth, shall not exceed 40 per week, nor eight per day, Monday to Friday inclusive. Provided that, in any other area of operation, the ordinary hours of work shall not exceed 80 hours per fortnight and may be worked over any 10 days of that period.
- HOURS OF ATTENDANCE. Your hours of attendance shall be 35 hours per week and the programme is generally Monday - Friday. You will be required to report into the office at 9am each day, and occasionally earlier if required. Training will be shared between the HQ Offices and field sites as appropriate. You will be required to complete a weekly attendance record and timekeeping will be monitored.
- HOURS OF ATTENDANCE. Your times of attendance will be as conveyed to you by your Principal. Your scheduled class contact hours per week are no more than four hours. Ordinarily the Chaplain is expected to be in attendance each day that the school is in operation. The post of Chaplain is a whole-time post which requires flexibility and, on occasion, service outside of school hours.
- HOURS OF ATTENDANCE. (a) Except where otherwise stated in or permitted by this Agreement, the Ordinary Hours of Duty must be observed by all Staff (other than Part-Time Staff) being 73 ½ hours per fortnight worked within the commencing and finishing times set by the CEO. The Ordinary Hours for Part-Time Staff shall be those specified for each Part-Time Staff Member. (b) The Ordinary Hours shall be worked exclusive of meal periods, weekends and Public Holidays within a nine (9) day fortnight during the hours of 8.00am to 4.40pm. (c) The Ordinary Hours of Duty will not be changed without Consultation.
- HOURS OF ATTENDANCEHours of attendance will be as fixed from time to time but will amount to on average not less than 43 hours and 15 minutes gross or 37 hours net per week.


  • Meeting Attendance The Contractor shall attend such meetings of the Town relative to the Scope of Work set forth in Exhibit A as may be requested by the Town. Any requirement made by the named representatives of the Town shall be given with reasonable notice to the Contractor so that a representative may attend.

  • Attendance MPS shall allow any Charter School pupil who meets MPS admission standards to enroll in an MPS School, in accordance with MPS Student Assignment Policies, as amended from time to time, unless such pupil has been expelled from Charter School.

  • PAYMENT FOR MEETING ATTENDANCE 18.01 Where the Employer requires an employee to be present at a meeting scheduled by the Employer, time spent at such meeting shall be considered time worked, in accordance with Article 14.03

  • Court Attendance Any employee covered by this Agreement who may be required to attend any commission, court or hearing, to give evidence in any case, civil or criminal respecting the hotel in which they are employed, shall be compensated at the same hourly rate as called for in this Agreement, with a minimum of four (4) hours pay.

  • Attendance at Meetings Any employee required to attend Occupational Health and Safety Committee and/or Board of Management meetings in the capacity of employee representative shall, if such meetings are held outside the ordinary hours of work, be entitled to receive ordinary pay per hour for the actual time spent in attendance at such meetings. In lieu of receiving payment, employees may, with the agreement of the employer, be permitted to be free from duty for a period of time equivalent to the period spent in attendance at such meetings. Such time spent shall not be viewed as overtime for the purposes of this Agreement.

  • Conference Attendance The Federation will be entitled to five (5) person days per year release time for designated Federation representatives to attend conferences. All conference expenses will be the responsibility of the Federation, unless funding is requested and approved through regular District processes for conference attendance.

  • Attendance Bonus Employees are eligible for an attendance bonus when every shift is satisfactorily worked throughout the monthly schedule period and no changes are requested in the schedule by the employee except for trading shifts as provided for in Article 13.4.4 or utilizing unpaid union leave. To qualify, a minimum of 130 compensated hours must have been worked during the qualifying period. The bonus will be an additional twenty-five ($0.25) per hour on only the hours worked in the qualifying period.

  • Notice of Board Meetings Notice of Board meetings shall be given by the Chair or the Chair’s designee to each other Board Member by overnight courier service, email or other electronic transmission, or personal delivery. Notices shall be deemed to have been given: if given by courier service, when deposited with a courier service for overnight delivery with charges therefor prepaid or duly provided for; if given email or other electronic transmission, at the time of sending; and if given by personal delivery, at the time of delivery. Notices given by personal delivery may be in writing or oral. Written notices shall be sent to a Board Member at the postal address, email address or address for other electronic transmission, designated by him or her for that purpose or, if none has been so designated, at his or her last known residence or business address, email address or address for other electronic transmission. Except to the extent required by applicable law, no notice of any meeting of the Board need state the purposes of the meeting.

  • Board Meetings The Superintendent shall attend, and shall be permitted to attend, all meetings of the Board, both public and closed, with the exception of those closed meetings devoted to the consideration of any action or lack of action on the Superintendent's Contract, or the Superintendent's evaluation, or for purposes of resolving conflicts between individual Board members, or when the Board is acting in its capacity as a tribunal. In the event of illness or Board-approved absence, the Superintendent's designee shall attend such meetings.

  • Vacation Postponement If a bargaining unit employee’s vacation becomes due during a period when he/she is on leave due to illness or injury, he/she may request: 1. that his/her vacation date be changed. The District shall grant such request in accordance with vacation dates available at that time. 2. to carry over his/her vacation to the following year. Such request shall be made through submission (within two (2) weeks of the employee’s return to duty) of a written vacation plan to the employee’s supervisor for approval.