Impact Fee Sample Clauses

Impact Fee. Owner agrees to pay a non-refundable impact fee of $1 per square feet of heated space to Middle Island Property Association
Impact Fee. A charge or assessment imposed by the River Authority against new development in order to generate revenue for funding or recouping the costs of capital improvements or facility expansions necessitated by and attributable to such new development and does not include any fee or charge that is a Connection Fee.
Impact Fee. Any fee levied by appropriate governmental agencies, upon the issuance of a building permit or Certificate of Occupancy for new Development in order to fund School Facilities needed to serve such Development.
Impact Fee. It is understood that there is currently on record with the City of Palm Bay projected water and sewer uses with regard to the demised premises. Lessor has previously paid to the City of Palm Bay an impact fee based upon such projected usage. Lessor has been advised by the City of Palm Bay that Lessee's proposed use will not require the additional payment of impact fees. However, should the actual usage of water and sewer by Lessee hereunder increase over and above the projected usage, and should the City of Palm Bay assess an additional impact fee against the Lessor as a result of such increased usage, Lessee shall be and become responsible for any increased impact fee. Such increase shall be due and payable as additional rent hereunder and shall be paid by Lessee to Lessor within twenty (20) days after submission of invoice for said amount.
Impact Fee. For certain events, the venue reserves the right to charge an Impact Fee. If this applies to your event, the Impact Fee is listed below. The Impact Fee is due 30 days prior to the event and is non-refundable.
Impact FeeIn the event that the OPERATOR obtains one or more Final Licenses from the CCC and receives any and all necessary and required permits and licenses issuable by the CITY, which said permits and/or licenses allow the OPERATOR to locate, occupy, and operate one or more Adult Use Marijuana Establishments in the CITY, then the OPERATOR agrees to pay the CITY a Host Community Fee according to the following terms: ● The OPERATOR shall pay the CITY a percentage of gross revenue from all of the OPERATOR's operations in the CITY in accordance with the following schedule: o Three percent (3%) of gross revenue from all of the OPERATOR’s operations in the CITY during each full Calendar Year of operations for the term of this Agreement; ● Gross Revenue shall include the revenue from production, sales, operations, or services in the CITY pursuant to the License, to the maximum extent permitted under X.X. x. 94G, § 3(d), regardless of whether those products contain, or facilitate the use, inhalation, or ingestion of, medical marijuana. ● The calculation of Gross Revenue shall not include: (i) revenue from operations covered under any other Host Community Agreement between the OPERATOR and the City of Holyoke, and (ii) transactions and transfers, within the City of Holyoke, between the Establishment and any other Adult Use Marijuana Establishment operated by the OPERATOR. ● The OPERATOR shall, within sixty (60) days from the close of the calendar year, submit a report to the CITY certifying the gross revenue for the preceding calendar year, in addition to any seed-to-sale tracking records required to be reported to the CCC under 935 CMR 500.105(8)(e) & .105(9)(c). The report shall specify the Host Community Fee as calculated under this section and shall be prepared by Certified Public Accountant in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (“GAAP”). ● Annual payments shall be due and payable no later than ninety (90) days from the close of the calendar year. ● In addition to the above referenced report to the CITY certifying gross revenue, the OPERATOR shall provide the CITY with an annual report detailing the following information for the preceding Calendar Year: (i) the total number of the OPERATOR’s transactions in the CITY (provided same is not a privacy violation); (ii) descriptions of any incidents on-site at the Establishment operated within the CITY that required a public safety response; and (iii) other such information reasonably requested by the C...
Impact FeeThe Customer shall pay a fee to the Utilities to compensate for the cost of new individual services and to pay for facilities utilized. (A) The Utility Board shall establish charges based on the cost to provide individual services to the consumer. (1) Electric: 120/240V 200Amps or less $500, 320Amps: $600, 400Amps: $800, 3 phase by arrangement. (2) Water: ¾ inch service $525, 1 inch service $575, anything larger will have to be by special arrangement. (3) Sewer: Single family $750, Multi-family $500 for 1st unit, plus $350 for each additional unit, Mobile home lots $500 per lot, Industrial or commercial lots maximum $3,500 per acre, but not less than $750 per acre. (4) Natural Gas: $500 Residential lot, Commercial applications are by special arraignment.
Impact FeeThe District is authorized to impose impact fees pursuant to the Impact Fee Act and shall impose the Impact Fees on Development Activity pursuant to this Agreement in accordance with and to the extent permitted by the Impact Fee Act. The Impact Fee shall be used as provided in the Impact Fees Act.
Impact FeePursuant to Section 17.19.130 of the Fruita Municipal Code, a Transportation Impact Fee shall be paid for each building lot in this subdivision. The Transportation Impact Fee identified above will be deferred until the time of Planning Clearance for a Building Permit for each individual primary dwelling unit in this subdivision pursuant to subsection 17.19.025(C) of the Fruita Municipal Code. The impact fee required to be paid for each primary dwelling unit in this subdivision shall be based on the fees in effect at the time of approval of a Planning Clearance for a Building Permit for each individual primary dwelling unit. Such fee shall be paid before approval of a Planning Clearance for a Building Permit for each individual primary dwelling unit in this subdivision. The Developer acknowledges that the requirement(s) set forth above are roughly proportional to the impacts generated from development of the Property.
Impact Fee. Credits This DA shall not preclude the City from requiring the payment of impact fees for development or construction of the Project, provided that such fees are assessed in accordance with a duly adopted ordinance and are charged to all other similarly situated developers for the same activities within all other areas of the City. The City shall grant to the Developer or a CDD impact fee credits towards any present or future impact fees that may be adopted by the City for any contribution of land, the construction (including design) of improvements, money (including, but not limited to, “pipelining” or “proportionate share” or “fair share contributions”) made by or on behalf of the Developer or a CDD, as the case may be from time to time, if in accordance with City Code in effect at the time