Indexing Sample Clauses

Indexing. Each volume shall contain a more detailed table of contents to delineate the subparagraphs within that volume. Tab indexing shall be used to identify sections.
Indexing. Pension benefits for Pension Plan members who immediately prior to termination of employment were members of the Power Workers’ Union, will be increased on January 1 of each year by 100 percent of the increase in the Consumer Price Index, up to a maximum of 8 percent per year. In the event that the increase in the CPI exceeds 8 percent, the increase shall be carried forward to future years. In the event that the CPI decreases, the percentage decrease shall be applied in determining subsequent increases in pension benefits. A decrease in the CPI shall not reduce pension benefits in payment.
Indexing is based on a minimum of four years of records. Crops with fewer than four years of records will be considered to be in the start-up phase.
Indexing. 3.1 Subject to Paragraphs 2.1.2 and 2.1.3, the Charges will remain fixed for a period of one year following the Commencement Date. 3.2 The Supplier may request a variation in the Charges in accordance with the remaining provisions of this Paragraph 3 subject always to: 3.2.1 the Supplier's request being submitted at least three months before the effective date for the proposed variation ("Adjustment Date"); 3.2.2 the cap on any increase set out in Paragraph 3.6 below; and 3.2.3 the agreement of the Authority. 3.3 The earliest Adjustment Date for any increase in the Charges in accordance with this Paragraph 3 will be the first Working Day following the first anniversary of the Commencement Date. Thereafter any subsequent increase in accordance with this Paragraph 3 shall not occur before the anniversary of the previous Adjustment Date. 3.4 In order to make a request for a variation of the Charges in accordance with this Paragraph 3, the Supplier shall provide the Authority with written evidence of the basis for the requested increase in the form of a breakdown of the movement in the different cost elements which comprise the Charges. 3.5 Subject always to the Authority's agreement and the cap set out in Paragraph 3.6 below, the Charges will be varied by application of the following formula: NC = EC * X where: NC = New Charge EC = Existing Charge X = 1 + (% change in CMP Index) 100 For the purposes of this Framework Agreement:
Indexing. Producing a key to the contents of a work. Includes reading and analyzing the work; choosing subjects, concepts, and other elements that together form a systematic guide to the information contained in the work; arranging these elements into entries consisting of headings and subheadings and their locators (for example, page numbers); and arranging the entries alphabetically or in some other searchable order. Picture Research. Locating suitable photos or artwork. Does not include the following unless specified:
Indexing. The Company agrees to continue to pay post retirement inflation adjustments as follows for those employees hired on or before February 27, 2010. Section 8.10, noted below, or other applicable sections of the formal Pension Plan text, as amended from time to time, will reflect the specific terms and conditions.
Indexing. For contract with a duration of a year or more, the price of the location(s) will be indexed annually, on the due date of the advertising, based on the development of the health index. The Company reserves the right to adjust its Rates at any time, provided it informs the Advertisers or their proxy holders three months prior to the effective date of the aforementioned changes.
Indexing. The following parts of the Annual remuneration are indexed according to the terms of this document: M4 Service provision costs M5 Administrative and management costs
Indexing. Retired members and surviving spouses will receive an indexed pension adjustment on their basic pensions as follows:
Indexing. All claims shall be reported to the Index Bureau at time of initial set up and re-indexed on an as needed basis thereafter. Blood borne pathogen exposure claims are an exception to this requirement. PRISM maintains membership with the Index Bureau that members can access.