Industry Sample Clauses
Industry. The aim of cooperation in this area is to facilitate the restructuring and modernisation of the South African industry while fostering its competitiveness and growth and to create conditions favourable to mutually beneficial cooperation between South African and Community industry. The aim of the cooperation shall be, inter alia:
(a) to encourage cooperation between the Parties' economic operators (companies, professionals, sectoral and other business organisations, organised labour, etc.);
(b) to back the efforts of South Africa's public and private sectors to restructure and modernise industry, under conditions ensuring environmental protection, sustainable development and economic empowerment;
(c) to xxxxxx an environment which favours private initiatives, with the aim of stimulating and diversifying output for the domestic and export markets;
(d) to promote improved utilisation of South Africa's human resources and industrial potential through, inter alia, the facilitation of access to credit and investment finance and support to industrial innovation, technology transfer, training, research and technological development.
Industry. In the event of equipment failures, ALPS shall, at no additional expense to the Trust, take commercially reasonable steps to minimize service interruptions.
Industry. 1. There will be free movement of industrial goods free of any restrictions including customs and import taxes between the two sides, subject to each side's legislation.
a. The Palestinian side has the right to employ various methods in encouraging and promoting the development of the Palestinian industry by way of providing grants, loans, research and development assistance and direct-tax benefits. The Palestinian side has also the right to employ other methods of encouraging industry resorted to in Israel.
b. Both sides will exchange information about the methods employed by them in the encouragement of their respective industries.
c. Indirect tax rebates or benefits and other subsidies to sales shall not be allowed in trade between the two sides.
3. Each side will do its best to avoid damage to the industry of the other side and will take into consideration the concerns of the other side in its industrial policy.
4. Both sides will cooperate in the prevention of deceptive practices, trade in goods which may endanger health, safety and the environment and in goods of expired validity.
5. Each side will take the necessary measures in the area under its jurisdiction to prevent damage which may be caused by its industry to the environment of the other side.
6. The Palestinians will have the right to export their industrial produce to external markets without restrictions, on the basis of certificates of origin issued by the Palestinian Authority.
7. The JEC will meet and review issues pertaining to this Article.
Industry. A strong, competitive forest sector based on sustainably managed publicly and privately owned native forests and plantations, profitable production and infrastructure and capable of innovation and investment.
Industry. 1. For the purpose of promoting industrial development of Member States and integrating their economies, Member States shall within the Community harmonize their industrialisation policies.
2. In this connection, Member States shall:
(a) Strengthen the industrial base of the Community, in order to modernize the priority sectors and xxxxxx self-sustained and self-reliant development;
(b) Promote joint industrial development projects at regional and Community levels, as well as the creation of African multinational enterprises in priority industrial sub-sectors likely to contribute to the development of agriculture, transport and communications, natural resources and energy.
Industry. (A) In general
Industry. The term “
Industry. Pursuant to Article 201 of the Basic Agreement:
(a) the areas of cooperation under this Article may include:
(i) human resource development related to the productive sector, especially for small and medium enterprises (hereinafter referred to in this Article as “SMEs”);
(ii) encouraging cooperation and technical assistance referred to in Article 98 of the Basic Agreement;
(iii) strengthening management, competitiveness and technological capabilities of SMEs;
(iv) promoting environmental protection through environmentally sound technologies; and
(v) other areas as may be agreed by the Parties; and
(b) the forms of cooperation under this Article may include:
(i) exchanging information on policies for the productive sector, especially for SMEs, and on best practices on development and promotion of the productive sector, especially for SMEs;
(ii) capacity building for the productive sector, especially for SMEs;
(iii) promoting seminars and workshops;
(iv) enhancing training opportunities;
(v) encouraging exchanges of experts; and
(vi) other forms as may be agreed by the Parties.
Industry. This is a limitation, between the parties of the lease agreement, of the rules in the Swedish Environmental Act. Cost for soil remediation or reclamation, could adversely affect the Group’s financial condition, operations and earnings.
Industry. CompBioMed will target the HPC and biomedical (including pharmaceutical) industries, including software and hardware resource users, resource providers, developers, researchers, CEOs and other leaders. The XxX will act as an innovation incubator. Academia will work with industry to exploit the XxX’x capabilities by raising awareness of and providing support within industrial contexts especially, but by no means exclusively, in SMEs. This is a key activity to ensure the wider impact of HPC in this sector. It will include meaningful intellectual engagement between experts working in academia and users based in industry, with knowledge of HPC and an ability to facilitate access to the appropriate scale of resources required. Our dissemination channels and involvement in events (described in Sections 8 and 9) will also target industry stakeholders. The pharmaceutical industry is represented by our engagement with core partners Xxxxxx and Xxxxxxx, as well as our associate partners AstraZeneca, Institut Xxxxx and GSK. Also included in our consortium; Acellera, an R&D company that provides new technologies for the study of biophysical phenomena; and DNAnexus, a company that provides a global network for sharing and management of genomic data and tools to accelerate genomics. We will track work done by the ASME sub-committee V&V-40 on the verification and validation of modelling and simulation for the design and assessment of biomedical products, and the related USA Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Fast Track initiative, for the use of computer modelling and simulation results in regulatory processes. We will also monitor the work of the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA) with the European Medicine Agency (EMA) in relation to pharmaceutical products. We will seek to include representatives of these bodies in our activities. Through the involvement of our industry partners, we also expect to disseminate the importance of computer based, predictive, multiscale mechanistic modelling and how it can impact on drug design in an increasingly personalised environment, and to co-design industry- oriented added-value workflows that will contribute to the long-term sustainability of the XxX. The importance of serious compute capability is represented through our partnership with Atos. Despite the inexorable advances in medical science, the cost of discovery and bringing to market of new drugs is becoming prohibitive. The pharma R&D mo...