Examples of Core partners in a sentence
Many of the Core partners serve on multiple community boards together.
Core partners are also all members of Vermont’s Economic and Labor Market Information Division data listserv, which circulates news and other updates, in particular regarding new labor market information data products.
Core partners have completed a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) that now allows data sharing of employer information.
The analysis of this module (MD01) was performed with regards to the schedule and content of the course.
Core partners meet routinely to solidify working relationships, partnerships, and align services as well as explore opportunities to leverage resources to best support customers.
Core partners will coordinate to enable individuals to succeed in their career pathways that lead to a credential by identifying barriers and assisting the individuals to overcome such barriers.
Core partners of ADRCs are typically AAAs and the local independent living centers.
The Core partners and the following state representatives of the mandatory partners meet regularly to assess alignment and coordination of activities described (A) above: Career and Technical Education (Perkins) post-secondary, Local Veterans’ Employment Representatives and Disabled Veterans’ Outreach Program, Senior Community Service Employment Program, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), Trade Adjustment Assistance Programs, and Unemployment Compensation Programs.
Core partners and required one-stop partner staff and local educators will be trained in WBL tools and resources for Nebraska’s workforce system.
Core partners and other required partners will be encouraged to utilize the scheduling assistant.