Intellectual Property Rights 8 Sample Clauses
Intellectual Property Rights 8. Права інтелектуальної власності
8.1. Each party shall remain the owner of all IP owned by it before the start of its relationship with the other party independently or created outside the scope of such relationship ("Background IP"). The Buyer shall remain the owner of IP, whether existing or future, relating to or created in the course of the Supplier’s performance of its obligations under the Agreement and as such Supplier shall assign and shall procure that all third parties assign to the Buyer with full title guarantee, the IP rights in the deliverables, including any customisations to the Products/ Services, but excluding the Supplier’s Background IP. Where assignment of title is not legally feasible, Supplier hereby grants and shall procure that all third parties grant to Unilever/Buyer, a world-wide, perpetual, irrevocable, non- exclusive, assignable, royalty-free licence (with full right to sublicense) to use, reproduce, exploit, modify, alter or integrate the Products/ Services without restriction. For all copyright work created under this Agreement, Supplier shall complete and maintain a copyright record form containing all necessary information including the author, work, date and place. 8.
1. Кожна зі сторін залишається власником всієї інтелектуальної власності, що належала їй до початку відносин з іншою стороною, створеної незалежно або за межами таких взаємовідносин («Позадоговірна інтелектуальна власність»). Покупець залишається власником ІС, як існуючої, так і майбутньої, пов'язаної або створеної в ході виконання Постачальником своїх зобов'язань за цим Договором, і як такий Постачальник повинен передати Покупцю і забезпечити передачу усіма третіми сторонами гарантії повного правового титулу, прав інтелектуальної власності на результати, включаючи будь-які конфігурації Продукції/Послуг, але виключаючи позадоговірну інтелектуальну власність Постачальника. Там, де передача титулу не є юридично можливою, Постачальник даним надає і забезпечує надання усіма третіми сторонами групі компаній Unilever/Покупцеві всесвітню, постійну, безвідкличну, невиключну, таку, що може бути передана, безоплатну ліцензію (з повним правом субліцензування) на використання, відтворення, експлуатацію, зміну або інтеграцію Продукції/Послуг без обмежень. Відносно всіх робіт, захищених авторським правом, створених за даним Договором, Постачальник повинен виконати і підтримувати форму запису про авторське право, що містить всю необхідну інформацію, включаючи автора, роботу...
Intellectual Property Rights 8. Pravo intelektualne svojine
8.1. Each party shall remain the owner of all IP owned by it before the start of its relationship with the other party independently or created outside the scope of such relationship (“Background IP”). The Buyer shall remain the owner of IP, whether existing or future, relating to or created in the course of the Supplier’s performance of its obligations under the Agreement and as such Supplier shall assign and shall procure that all third parties assign to the Buyer with full title guarantee, the IP rights in the deliverables, including any customisations to the Products/ Services, but excluding the Supplier’s Background IP. Where assignment of title is not legally feasible, Supplier hereby grants and shall procure that all third parties grant to Unilever/Buyer, a world-wide, perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive, assignable, royalty-free licence (with full right to sublicense) to use, reproduce, exploit, modify, alter or integrate the 8.1 Svaka Ugovorna strana će ostati vlasnik svih IP koje je posjedovala nezavisno i prije početka saradnje sa drugom stranom, odnosno koja su nastala izvan date saradnje („Osnovna IP“). Kupac će ostati vlasnik postojećih ili budućih IP, koja se odnose ili su nastala u toku ispunjavanja obaveza Dobavljača prema Ugovoru i Dobavljač xx xxx takav prenijeti, odnosno obezbijediti da xxxxx xxxx Kupcu prenesu garanciju prava vlasništva, isporučivost IP prava, uključujući prilagođavanje Proizvodima/Uslugama, ali ne i Osnovna IP Dobavljača. Kada prenos prava nije zakonski izvodljiv, Dobavljač će omogućiti da sve treće stranke odobre Unileveru/Kupcu, svjetsku, trajnu, neopozivu, neekskluzivnu, prenosivu licencu bez plaćanja autorskih prava (sa punim pravima za njeno dalje prenošenje), da može da koristi, reprodukuje, iskorišćava, modifikuje, prepravlja ili Products/ Services without restriction. For all copyright work created under this Agreement, Supplier shall complete and maintain a copyright record form containing all necessary information including the author, work, date and place. integriše Proizvode/Usluge bez ograničenja. Za sve autorske radove koji nastaju iz ovog Ugovora, Dobavljač će ispuniti i održavati obrazac o autorskim pravima sa svim informacijama o autoru, radu, datumu i mjestu.
8.2. Each Supplier shall permit the use of its and its affiliates' Background IP, to the extent reasonably necessary in order for any UGC and its respective suppliers, copackers and repackers to utilize customized I...
Intellectual Property Rights 8. 智慧財產權
8.1. Each party shall remain the owner of all IP owned by it before the start of its relationship with the other party independently or created outside the scope of such relationship (“Background IP”). The Buyer shall remain the owner of IP, whether existing or future, relating to or created in the course of the Supplier’s performance of its obligations under the Agreement and as such Supplier shall assign and shall procure that all third parties assign to the Buyer with full title guarantee, the IP rights in the deliverables, including any customisations to the Products/ Services, but excluding the Supplier’s Background IP. Where assignment of title is not legally feasible, Supplier hereby grants and shall procure that all third parties grant to Unilever/Buyer, a world-wide, perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive, assignable, royalty-free licence (with full right to sublicense) to use, reproduce, exploit, modify, alter or integrate the Products/ Services without restriction. For all copyright work created under this Agreement, Supplier shall complete and maintain a copyright record form containing all necessary information including the author, work, date and place.
8.1. 各方應是在與另外一方的關係開始前獨立擁有的或在該關係範圍外所創造的全部 IP (「背景 IP」)的所有者。與供應商履行協議義務相關或在履行過程中創造的任何現有或未來的 IP 皆為買方擁有,供應商因此應以各種交付方式轉讓和確保第三方轉讓完整的IP 權利予買方,包括本產品/服務的客製化部分,但不包括供應商的背景 IP。當所有權的轉讓在法律上不可行時,供應商茲此同 意,並確保所有第三方,授予聯合利華/買方一個全球性、永久性、不可撤回、非專 屬、可轉讓、無權利金的授權(具有再授權的全部權利),以便不受限制地使用、再生產、開發、修改、變更或整合於本產品/服務。對於根據協議產生的所有著作物,供應商應完成並維護著作權記錄表,裏面包含所有的必要資訊,包括作者、作品、日期和地點。
6.3. Where reasonably required by Unilever, Supplier shall (at the Supplier’s own cost) register with Unilever’s Supplier Qualification System (“USQS”) and complete any steps required to achieve compliance. 6.3 於聯合利華合理要求時,供應商應當自費在聯合利華的供應商資格系統 (“USQS”)註冊,並完成所有表示遵守的步驟。
Intellectual Property Rights 8. Práva duševního vlastnictví 8.1 The Hospital is granted no licence or any Intellectual Property Rights in relation to the Software or the Services except for the right for the Hospital to use the Software and the Service in accordance with the Agreement.
Intellectual Property Rights 8. 知识产权
8.1. Each party shall remain the owner of all IP owned by it before the start of its relationship with the other party independently or created outside the scope of such relationship (“Background IP”). The Buyer shall remain the owner of IP, whether existing or future, relating to or created in the course of the Supplier’s performance of its obligations under the Agreement and as such Supplier shall assign and shall procure that all third 8.
1. 在其与他方独立或在此类关系范围之 外开始或建立关系之前,各方应始终是所有知识产权的所有者(“背景知识产 权”)。“买方”仍将是知识产权的所有者— —无论是现在的还是未来的,无论是与之相关的还是在“供应商”履行本“协议”规定义务的过程中所形成的;正因为如此,“供 应商”应当确定并保证向“买方”转让全部的
9.3. Each Party must comply with applicable Data Protection Legislation at all times during the Term of this agreement. 9.3.在本协议有效期间,协议各方必须始 终遵守可适用的数据保护法规的要求。
Intellectual Property Rights 8. 智慧財產權
8.1. Each party shall remain the owner of all IP owned by it before the start of its 8.1.各方應是在與另外一方的關係開始前
9.2. Reference to laws includes subordinate legislation and means that law as amended or re-enacted from time to time. 9.2. 法律包括從屬立法,且是指經隨時修 訂或重新頒布的法律。
9.3. A reference to UGC in this clause means UGC or the Buyer that is the Controller of the relevant Personal Data for the particular Processing. 9.3. 本條所指 UGC 是指 UGC 或是身為處理特定相關個人資料之資料控制者的 買方。
9.4. For the Services, the Supplier is a Processor acting only on UGC’s documented instructions. The context for and purposes of Processing UPD is the Supplier’s provision of the Services under this Agreement. It will include all Processing activities required to perform the Services, will relate to various categories of Personal Data (which may include personal and contact details, employment information, marketing information, financial or payment details) and will affect Data Subjects (which may include UGC employees and staff, customer and clients), as more particularly recorded by the parties. No special categories of Personal Data will be Processed without UGC’s prior written approval. UPD shall be Processed for the Agreement duration and following termination or expiry as required to comply with the deletion/return obligations below. 9.4. 就本服務,供應商只是依照 UGC 文件指示執行的處理者。UPD 處理的內容及目的是供應商根據協議提供的本服 務。它將包括履行本服務所需的所有處理行為、將涉及各種類別的個人資料 (可能包括個人和聯絡資訊、勞動資 訊,行銷資訊、財務或付款資訊),並 將影響資料主體(可能包括 UGC、勞工和員工、消費者及客戶),此將根據各方具體記載事項。未經 UGC 事前書面同意,任何特殊類型的個人資料均不得被處理。只能於協議期間處理 UPD,協議終止或到期後應遵守下述之刪除/返還義務。
9.5. The parties may, individually as separate Controllers, need to Process Personal Data of each other’s representatives. The Supplier may also Process UPD for the purposes of providing the Services as a separate Controller in some respects, as agreed in writing by the parties. 9.5. 各方分別作為獨立的控制者,可能需要處理彼此代表人員的個人資料。經各 方書面同意,供應商亦得在某些情況下 作為獨立的控制者,為提供本服務目的 處理 UPD。
9.6. The Supplier will only Process UPD in accordance with this Agreement as necessary to provide the Services to UGC. 9.6. 供應商只能為提供 UGC 本服務的必 要範圍內根據協議處理 UPD。
9.7. The Supplier shall: (i) comply with and Process all UPD in accordance with applicable Data Protection Laws; (ii) co- operate and assist UGC with any data protection impact assessments and consultations with (or notifications to) or responding to questions from or investigations by regulators or supervisory authorities; and (iii) promptly inform UGC if any of its instructions infringe Data Protection Laws. 9.7. 供應商應:(i)...
Intellectual Property Rights 8. Rechte des geistigen Eigentums
8.1. Each party shall remain the owner of all IP owned by it before the start of its relationship with the other party independently or created outside the scope of such relationship (“Background IP
Intellectual Property Rights 8. Prava intelektualnog vlasništva
8.1. Each party shall remain the owner of all IP owned by it before the start of its relationship with the other party independently or created outside the scope of such relationship (“Background IP”). The Buyer shall remain the owner of IP, whether existing or future, relating to or created in the course of the Supplier’s performance of its obligations under the Agreement and as such Supplier shall assign and shall procure that all third parties assign to the Buyer with full title guarantee, the IP rights in the deliverables, including any customisations to the Products/ Services, but 8.1. Svaka Ugovorna strana ostaje vlasnikom intelektualnog vlasništva koje je posjedovala prije početka ugovornog odnosa s drugom Ugovornom stranom ili koje je nastalo izvan predmetnog ugovornog odnosa („Prethodno intelektualno vlasništvo“). Kupac će ostati vlasnikom intelektualnog vlasništva, bilo postojećeg ili budućeg, u vezi s ili koje je nastalo za vrijeme Dobavljačeva ispunjenja svojih obveza prema ovom Ugovoru. Dobavljač će dodijeliti, i osigurati da sve treće osobe dodijele, Kupcu, s punim jamstvom vlasništva, prava intelektualnog vlasništva u
Intellectual Property Rights 8. Prava intelektualnog vlasništva
8.1. Each party shall remain the owner of all IP owned by it before the start of its relationship with the other party independently or created outside the scope of such relationship (“Background IP”). The Buyer shall remain the owner of IP, whether existing or future, relating to or created in the course of the Supplier’s performance of its obligations under the Agreement and as such Supplier shall assign and shall procure that all third parties assign to the Buyer 8.
1. Svaka Ugovorna strana ostaje vlasnikom intelektualnog vlasništva koje je posjedovala prije početka ugovornog odnosa s drugom Ugovornom stranom ili koje je nastalo izvan predmetnog ugovornog odnosa („Prethodno intelektualno vlasništvo“). Kupac će ostati vlasnikom intelektualnog vlasništva, bilo postojećeg ili budućeg, u vezi s ili koje je nastalo za vrijeme Dobavljačeva ispunjenja svojih obveza prema ovom Ugovoru. Dobavljač će dodijeliti, i
Intellectual Property Rights 8. 知识产权
8.1. Each party shall remain the owner of all IP owned by it before the start of its relationship with the other party independently or created outside the scope of such relationship (“Background 8.
1. 在其与他方独立或在此类关系范围之 外开始或建立关系之前,各方应始终是所有知识产权的所有者(“背景知识产
9.3. When processing personal data, each Party must comply with applicable Data Protection Legislation (including, but not limited to the European Data Protection Legislation) at all times during the Term of this agreement. 9.3. 处理个人数据时,各方必须在本协议 有效期内始终遵守适用的数据保护法规 (包括但不限于欧洲数据保护法规)。
9.4. Where the Supplier processes personal data, the Supplier shall comply with the mandatory terms set out below: a. It shall use the personal data provided only as strictly necessary to perform the obligations as required under this Agreement and maintain written records of all categories of processing of personal data, including the subject matter, duration, nature and purpose of the processing together with the categories of data subject and types of personal data processed by the Supplier on behalf the Buyer; b. It shall assess the need for a Data Protection Officer and have in place arrangements to ensure it protects data subjects’ rights, including providing assistance to the Buyer in the event of the Buyer receiving a request to provide a data subject with access to their personal data; c. Where it appoints sub- processors, it will ensure that any such appointment is done under written contract and that the obligations and processing carried out are consistent with the specific processing set out in this Agreement; d. It shall not disclose or transfer the Buyer’s personal data to third parties without the prior written consent of the Buyer (such consent not to be unreasonably withheld) and subject to the entity receiving the Buyer’s personal data being located in a territory which is subject to a requirement to provide adequate protection for personal data under applicable Data Protection Legislation; or where the Supplier and/ or the entity has entered into the Standard Contractual Clauses or is subject to an equivalent mechanism approved by relevant authorities pursuant to applicable Data Protection Legislation, prior to receiving the Buyer’s personal data; e. It shall ensure it does not knowingly or negligently do or omit to do anything which places it or the Buyer in breach of its obligations under the Data Protection Legislation; and f. It shall immediately inform the Buyer of any accidental, unauthorized or unla...