Interconnect. CARRIER Any local exchange carrier, inter-exchange carrier, or reseller of local or inter-exchange service that is connected to a System.
Interconnect. The interconnect facilities defined in the previous section are expected to evolve in three major ways:
(a) Facilities will migrate from hard partitioning for voice and data services to clear pipes over which voice and data traffic will be transported via packet technologies;
(b) With the addition of new, distributed service nodes, there will be multiple interconnection points to other carrier networks from the numerous ICSNs as opposed to a single interconnect point with the centralized switching architecture; and
(c) The Interconnect facilities will continue to use the mediums as previously described but the use of WinStar fiber procured through long-term IRUs and using optronics owned and operated by WinStar is expected to increase. Also, it is anticipated that long-term trends in bandwidth requirements and increased WinStar market share will drive the capacity of these facilities much higher than today.
Interconnect. Interconnect has its own datacenters in 's-Hertogenbosch and Eindhoven. The facilities in the datacenters are fully equipped to ensure the reliability of the Services. An extensive overview of the specifications and facilities of the datacenters are included in the relevant product information.
Interconnect. The interconnect shall consist of a 3-inch orifice meter, a chart recorder or flow computer, instrumentation, a sampler, regulation and over-pressure protection (“OPP”), control valves and associated equipment, tap valve and riser and approximately 800 feet of crossover pipelines required for the physical delivery of natural gas from the HPL Pipeline to the TGPL Pipeline (the "Interconnect"). The Interconnect shall consist of the TGPL Facilities and the HPL Facilities, as defined below. The layout of the Interconnect between the TGPL Pipeline and the HPL Pipeline shall be as set forth on Exhibit "A".
Interconnect. The Interconnect facilities are the physical connections from WinStar's switches to other carrier networks for the provisioning of services to WinStar customers. These facilities connect to the LECs, IXCs, Internet Peering Points, carrier hotels (locations with a large concentration of carrier POPs) and CAPs. The capacity of the interconnect facilities varies from T-1 to multiple OC-12 and OC-48. The interconnect network can consist of any component of the transmission facilities, as described below.
Interconnect. CARRIER Any local carrier, long distance carrier, or reseller of local or long distance communicating service that is connected to the System. INTERCONNECT FACILITIES The medium connecting the iDEN Network Interconnect Switch to the public switched telephone network or long distance carrier network of any Interconnect Carrier including termination facilities such as protected termination blocks, end office termination repeaters and channel service units to permit direct connection to the System. MOTOROLA QUOTATION Quotations issued by Motorola for Equipment or Services that are not in the Price Book or require customization or deviate in any respect from standard product or service offering detailed in the Price Book. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE SERVICE Operation and Maintenance Service shall have the meaning set forth in section 4.19. PRICE BOOK Motorola's iDEN(R) INFRASTRUCTURE PRICE BOOK, which is kept by Motorola on the iDEN web site for use in the United States and worldwide, as appropriate, and updated periodically by Motorola.
Interconnect. (a) City shall be responsible for the construction of the Interconnect. The Interconnect shall be owned, maintained and controlled by City (except for measuring equipment, as provided below). City must make sure that the plans and specifications for the Interconnect are approved in writing by the Operating District and any other regulatory authority having jurisdiction before the start of construction. City must give the Operating District advance notices and opportunities to inspect the Interconnect during construction.
(b) The City System may only be connected to the WWTP at a Delivery Point and through an Interconnect, by means of lift stations and force mains. The lift station pumps shall be sized and controlled to deliver Sewage not in excess of the limits allowed by this Agreement, and there must be measuring equipment installed for each Interconnect. The measuring equipment may be proposed by the City, but must receive approval from the Operating District. The measuring equipment may be a meter, flume or other device that meets the accuracy tolerances required by Division VI. The measuring equipment may include recording or telemetry devices (which would likely reduce the City’s portion of the Monthly Charges for reading the measuring equipment). The measuring equipment for each Interconnect must be provided and paid for by the City but transferred to the Operating District, with appropriate access agreements, before the Interconnect is placed in service.
(c) City shall notify the WWTP Engineer and operator prior to the activation of each part of the City System discharging into an Interconnect. Notice shall be given at least 90 days in advance, but the Operating District shall consent to a shorter notice period if the additional flow can be handled without undue expense or dislocation. City shall notify the Operating District as long as practicable in advance whenever a substantial increase in Sewage flow through the City System is expected.
(d) Before an Interconnect is placed in service: (i) City shall provide the WWTP Engineer with one set of "as built" record drawings of those facilities and the related measuring equipment, with certification in the customary form that they were constructed in accordance with the plans and specifications approved by District and the other regulatory authorities, and (ii) City shall ensure that the Interconnect is in compliance with regulations adopted by the TCEQ, the Operating District and all other regulation...
1.1 The customer interconnection point of DS-1 & DS-3 signals at the Qwest (SPT) location will be at an industry standard (DSX-1) & (DSX-3) digital cross-connect panels and will be referred to as Qwest Network Interface in this document.
1.2 The DS-1 & DS-3 signals terminating at the Qwest digital cross-connect panels will meet the electrical specifications as defined in AT&T Compatibility Bulletin (CB) No. 000, Xxxxx 0, Xxxxxxx, 0000.
1.3 The Qwest Digital Network will be compatible with the Bell System hierarchical clock synchronization methods and stratum levels as described in Bellcore Technical Advisory (TA-NPL-000436).
1.4 Customer equipment must also meet the interconnect specifications listed above and shall comply with jitter requirements of AT&T Technical Reference PUB 63411.
Interconnect. The Interconnect facilities are the physical connections from WinStar's Switch to other carrier networks for the provisioning of services to WinStar customers. These facilities connect to the LECs, IXCs, Internet Peering Points, Carrier Hotels (locations with a large concentration of carrier POPs) and CAPs. The capacity of the interconnect facilities varies from T-1 to multiple OC-12 and OC-48. The interconnect network can consist of:
(i) Leased telco facilities on copper and/or fiber;
(ii) Point-to-point microwave radio facilities operating on the 18, 23, 28 and 38 GHz bands; or
(iii) Fiber that has been procured through long-term IRUs and uses optronics owned and operated by WinStar.
Interconnect. The Interconnect shall consist of a 10-inch uni-directional ultrasonic meter with piping capable for future bi-directional flow, a chromatograph, flow and/or control valves and associated equipment, EFM/SCADA and RTU equipment, communication equipment, instrumentation, over pressure protection (“OPP”) and tee and side valve and crossover pipelines required for the physical delivery of natural gas between HPL Pipeline and the RNP Pipeline (the "Interconnect"). The Interconnect shall consist of the RNP Facilities, the HPL Operated Facilities, and the HPL Facilities, as defined below. The layout of the Interconnect between the RNP Pipeline and the HPL Pipeline shall be as set forth on Exhibit "A".