Construction Phase Fee Contractor’s Construction Phase Fee is the maximum amount payable to Contractor for any cost or profit expectation incurred in the performance of the Work that is not specifically identified as being eligible for reimbursement by Owner elsewhere in this Agreement. References in the UGSC to Contractor’s “overhead” and “profit” mean Contractor’s Construction Phase Fee. The Construction Phase Fee includes, but is not limited to, the following items: 9.1 All profit, profit expectations and costs associated with profit sharing plans such as personnel bonuses, incentives, and rewards; company stock options; or any other like expenses of Contractor.
Development Phase contractual phase initiated with the approval of ANP for the Development Plan and which is extended during the Production Phase while investments in xxxxx, equipment, and facilities for the Production of Oil and Gas according to the Best Practices of the Oil Industry are required.
Construction Phase Part 1 –
Preconstruction Phase The Preconstruction Phase shall mean the period commencing on the date of this CM/GC Contract and ending upon commencement of the Construction Phase; provided that if the Owner and CM/GC agree, the Construction Phase may commence before the Preconstruction Phase is completed, in which case both phases shall proceed concurrently, subject to the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents.
Construction Phase Services 3.1.1 – Basic Construction Services
Initial Contract Term The Initial Contract Term shall be for two years. The Initial Contract Term shall begin on October 1, 2021, or on the last date the Contract is signed by all Parties, whichever is later. The Contract shall expire on October 1, 2023, unless terminated earlier in accordance with the Special Contract Conditions or Additional Special Contract Conditions.
Pre-Commencement Phase Services The services required to be provided by the Contractor for the Pre- Commencement Phase of the Project in accordance with the Contract Documents.
Design Phase All Basic Services set forth in the Agreement with the exception of Interdisciplinary Document Coordination Review, conducting a Card Trick session, Value-Engineering services, Estimating services. • All Basic Services set forth in the Agreement. • All Basic Services set forth in the Agreement. • All Basic Services set forth in the Agreement.
Bidding Phase 2.8.1 The Professional, following the Owner's approval of the Construction Document Phase, shall assist the Owner in obtaining bids and in award and preparation of Construction Contracts. 2.8.2 The Professional shall attend the bid opening and furnish a suitably detailed tabulation sheet for recording the name of each Bidder, the Bidder's Certificate of Responsibility Number, Bid Security, Base Bid, Alternates, and remarks. The Professional shall furnish sufficient tabulation sheets for all in attendance. Immediately after receipt of bids, the Professional shall submit to the Owner a certified tabulation of all bids received, along with his recommendation as to Contract award. 2.8.3 The Professional, following the award of a Construction Contract, shall prepare and submit to the Owner, two (2) copies of updated Construction Documents (Plans/Specifications). Each copy shall be marked OFFICIAL CONTRACT DOCUMENTS and shall include an executed bid Proposal Form, Agreement Form, Contract Bond, Power of Attorney, Certificate of Insurance, all bulletins, Addenda, and supplemental Drawings. One (1) copy shall be retained by the Owner, one (1) copy shall be for the Contractor. Any other contract document guidelines will be distributed to the Professional at the bid opening. 2.8.4 The Professional shall also furnish the area and volume of the building computed in accordance with criteria of the American Institute of Architects; and the square foot and cubic foot costs of only the building, the mechanical system, the electrical system, special built-in equipment, and the total Project cost. 2.8.5 The Professional shall, unless waived by the Owner, also submit one electronic format copy of the updated Contract Documents (plans and specifications) in coordination with said Contract Documents in 2.8.3 above. Said electronic submittal to be submitted within thirty (30) days after award by Owner in .pdf format. The actual cost of the electronic submittal shall be paid by the Owner, with cost approval by the Owner before printing is ordered in accordance with 3.4.
Phase II A small portion of the work for the Phase II modifications to the Plattsburgh Substation will be performed by Transmission Owner, and the remainder will be performed by Clinton and Xxxxxxxxx. A detailed definition of the specific scope for Transmission Owner and Clinton and Xxxxxxxxx including interface points shall be defined during the design phase and, as such documents become available, copies will be delivered to the NYISO, Transmission Owner, Noble Altona Windpark, LLC and Marble River, LLC. The full scope includes the installation of wave traps, CCVT’s and modifications and/or additions to relaying on the MWP-1 and MWP- 2 lines. These lines will be reconfigured at the completion of Phase II to connect to Xxxxx and Xxxxxxx Substations on MWP-1 and the Xxxx Substation on MWP-2. Clinton and Xxxxxxxxx will design the upgrades and purchase the materials based on the outline specification that was prepared and issued by Transmission Owner. The work to be performed by Clinton and Xxxxxxxxx will include both the materials for the exterior and interior installations and items for Transmission Owner installation inside the control building in existing relay panels and communication racks. In addition, Clinton and Xxxxxxxxx will be responsible for the exterior and interior construction work and will provide construction management services in coordination with Transmission Owner. The civil design for the foundations and the electrical design for the cable runs to the control room will be designed by, as approved by Transmission Owner, and installed under the supervision and control of Clinton and Xxxxxxxxx. The equipment will be selected and procured in accordance with the specifications developed during the detailed engineering phase, copies of which shall be furnished to the NYISO, Transmission Owner, Noble Altona Windpark, LLC and Marble River, LLC. The construction of the foundations, structures, wave traps, CCTV and cable runs into the control building to the termination cabinets will be completed by Clinton and Xxxxxxxxx. The work at the Plattsburgh Substation will be installed under Transmission Owner’s CPP-1. Transmission Owner will provide Protection and Controls Engineering, install and terminate wiring from the termination cabinets to the control panels and relays, install relays and equipment in the existing panels, and will commission such work inside the 230kV control building. Transmission Owner will develop the communications protocols and data flow over the circuits.