INTERNAL SUBSTITUTE. A. Middle School and High School. A unit member who is assigned to cover another unit member’s class shall be additionally compensated based upon 0.1429 of the external substitute rate for the loss of the unit member’s plan period.
INTERNAL SUBSTITUTE. If an Administrator asks a teacher to teach or supervise a classroom during the teacher’s preparation time and the teacher agrees, then the teacher shall be compensated thirty dollars ($30.00) per hour in one-quarter (1/4) hour increments (rounded up). Teachers who are compensated for internal substitution under this provision shall implement the class lesson plan if the teacher is able to do so. Class coverage pursuant to this provision shall be arranged by the Administration.
INTERNAL SUBSTITUTE. A. Unit Members required to cover classes for other Unit Members during their planning periods or lunch periods shall be paid for such time at the rate of $22.98 per period.
B. For those situations in which a single class is divided among several Unit Members for one (1) day, compensation will be calculated by taking the current substitute daily rate of pay divided by the number of Unit Members so impacted up to a maximum of four (4) teachers.
INTERNAL SUBSTITUTE. Teachers shall be compensated at the rate of 1/1448 per hour of their current teaching salary rate for internal substitution assigned by the Principal or his/her designee.
INTERNAL SUBSTITUTE. Refers to any permanent SSP who is currently employed by the district who temporarily replaces another permanent SSP within the district.
INTERNAL SUBSTITUTE. Except in brief emergency situations, an assistant shall work with students in an instructional capacity only when the assistant is under the direct supervision of a certificated employee. This shall not preclude voluntary employment of an appropriately certified assistant as a substitute teacher when no other substitute teacher is available. Compensation will be at the current District substitute teacher rate in lieu of the assistant's regular rate of pay.
INTERNAL SUBSTITUTE. Each employee who is requested by the Administration to cover a classroom or lab assignment for which leave is recorded and agrees to such coverage, shall be compensated according to the following rate schedule: Seventeen dollars ($17.00) for the responsibility of an individual class period to be paid for each class period covered. For safety reasons, in no event shall an instructor be required or asked to cover two or more classes or labs which would result in a class size of thirty (30) or more students in a lab or thirty-five (35) or more students in a classroom.
A. Unit Members required to cover classes for other Unit Members during their planning periods or lunch periods shall be paid for such time at the rate of thirty-five dollars ($35.00) per period.
B. For those situations in which a single class is divided among several Unit Members for one (1) day, compensation will be thirty-five dollars ($35.00) a period (a period is considered each core content area of students: ELA, math, science, social studies) per Unit Member so impacted up to a maximum of five (5) teachers.
C. Any Unit Member that is considered a Specials Teacher (i.e., physical education, art, music, technology, etc.) at the elementary level pulled to sub for another Unit Member, will be compensated at thirty-five dollars ($35.00) per period (a period is considered each core content area of students: ELA, math, science, social studies).
INTERNAL SUBSTITUTE. When all efforts have been exhausted to secure substitute teachers, certified employees will be solicited to cover periods for absent teachers to be paid at $12.00 per period. If teachers are covering multiple classes during their planning period those teachers shall be paid $25.00 per period. This provision shall apply to planning periods. Furthermore, if substitutes are not available and classes are split among teachers at the elementary level, each teacher shall receive $25.00 per day.
1. The Board will continue to make every reasonable effort to cover all teacher absences with qualified substitutes. If the minimum planning time for a teacher falls below the minimum per regularly-scheduled week because of internal substitution or a special is canceled because of lack of a substitute teacher, the teacher shall be remunerated for such time at the rate of $26.00 (for the 2008-2009 school year); $27.00 (for the 2009-2010 school year); and, $28.00 (for the 2010-2011 school year) per hour. When it becomes necessary for a teacher to accept students from another classroom due to the lack of a qualified substitute, the teacher/teachers will receive/split $154.50 (for the 2008-2009 school year); $159.14 (for the 2009-2010 school year); and, $163.91 (for the 2010-2011 school year) per day. Remuneration forms will be provided and filled out in duplicate. One copy of the remuneration form is to be retained by the teacher. Payment for internal substitution services will be made on the next pay period following such service. Not any one teacher may be required to internally substitute more than three (3) times per year except in cases of emergency.
2. Aides who are certified substitute teachers shall be paid the same rate as a long-term substitute teacher or their daily rate, whichever is greater, when utilized as a substitute teacher.