Training Requirements Grantee will: A. Authorize and require staff (including volunteers) to attend training, conferences, and meetings as directed by DSHS. B. Appropriately budget funds to meet training requirements in a timely manner, and ensure staff and volunteers are trained as specified in the training requirements listed at xxxxx:// and as otherwise specified by DSHS. Grantee shall document that these training requirements are met. C. Follow the appropriate DSHS POPS by funding opportunity (as per Section I: General Requirements for All Grantees) for training and observation requirements.
Work Requirements The following Partner(s) is/are required to work for the Partnership: (choose one) ☐ - No Partners. No Partners are required to work for the Partnership. ☐ - Specific Partners. The following Partner(s) are required to work for the Partnership: . Compensation, if any, shall be agreed to in a separate document. ☐ - All Partners. All Partners are required to work for the Partnership. Compensation, if any, shall be agreed to in a separate document.
WORKING CONDITIONS In order to effectively resolve workload issues, please provide details about the working conditions at the time of occurrence by providing the following information: Regular Staffing #: RN RPN PSW Clerks & Other Actual Staffing #: RN RPN PSW Clerks & Other Agency/Registry RN: Yes No And how many? Junior Staff*: Yes No And how many? RN RPN PSW Temp RNs RN Staff Overtime: Yes No If yes, how many staff? Total Hours: If there was a shortage of staff at the time of the occurrence, (including support staff) please check one or all of the following that apply: Absence/Emergency Leave Sick Call(s) Vacancies Management Support available on site? Yes No On Standby? Yes No On Call? Yes No Did they respond? Yes No Did they resolve the issue? Yes No Charge nurses (CN) are not held accountable for the actions of others, they are accountable for their actions in relation to others (“Nurse in Charge”, CNO Communique, Sept. 2002). Were you working in a Charge Nurse Leadership Role? Yes No i) Assigning: Could you assign staff according to their abilities? Yes No Did you have time to determine what staff was most likely to need your help? Yes No Did you have time to provide necessary support and supervision? Yes No