Learning Sample Clauses

Learning. We believe learning never ends, so we are committed to critical thinking and continuous innovation.
Learning. Lexipol’s Learning Management System (“LMS”), offered by Praetorian Digital, is a proprietary Service protected under U.S. copyright, trademark, patent, and other laws. Lexipol and its licensors retain all rights, title, and interest in and to the LMS (including, without limitation, all intellectual property rights), including all copies, modifications, extensions, and Derivative Works thereof. Agency’s right to use the LMS is limited to the rights expressly granted in the Agreement. Agency Data, defined as data owned by Agency prior to the Effective Date or which Agency provides during the Term for purposes of identifying authorized users, confirming agency or department information, or other purposes that are ancillary to receipt of the Service, remains Agency’s property. Lexipol retains no right or interest in Agency Data and shall return or destroy Agency Data following termination of the Agreement. Lexipol’s LMS Service is subject to the Service Level Agreement attached to these Terms.
Learning. Participate to the best of your ability in all Program activities. Complete the online courses, in-country activities, and post-trip outputs. Help those around you to learn.
Learning. Learning is the core purpose of the school. It is the aim of all members of staff and other adults to ensure the highest standards of progress and attainment are reached with each and every child. In order to achieve this, a strong link needs to be maintained between home and school and each child must be motivated towards learning 4.1 What Pupils can Expect from School Pupils can expect school staff and other adults working in the school to: • encourage a sense of belonging throughout the school community; • arrive at lessons on time; • have a well organised room; • plan thoroughly for the long, medium and short term and deliver good to outstanding lessons which engage and motivate them to achieve; • allocate sufficient time for each task; • pace lessons appropriately taking into account the individual needs of each pupil; • provide every child with equal access to the curriculum; • set tasks according to the pupil’s needs, abilities and interests, where appropriate; • be enthusiastic and develop positive working relationships with pupils and their peers in their classes; • celebrate the success of pupils in lessons, after school activities and assemblies; • encourage all pupils to contribute to the work in hand; • set and review individual targets and communicate these to the parents • communicate both successes and concerns with parents; • use assessment information to support pupils in their future learning; • display their work; • mark or give feedback on work as soon as possible; • set homework appropriate for the age and abilities of each pupil; • eliminate or control hazards which may cause them harm; 4.2 What School Expects from Pupils School expects pupils to: • arrive at lessons on time; • enter the classrooms quietly; • sit where they are told to sit by the teacher or any other member of the school staff; • have equipment and books for lessons, including pupil/student planners; • listen attentively to the teacher who will explain the lesson, what you are going to do, why and how; • listen to others’ ideas and work co-operatively; • value other individuals and their contributions to lessons; • complete homework or other activities as requested and in within the time limits set. 4.3 What School Expects from Parents/Carers School expects parents/carers to: • encourage their child to achieve their very best in school; • encourage children to approach learning in school in an enthusiastic and motivated way; • ensure children have the correct equipme...
Learning. 1. Stimulates critical thinking and analysis. 2. Adjusts to individual and group needs. 3. Meets student needs through a range of teaching styles. 4. Demonstrates respect for alternative points of view.
Learning. Demonstrated knowledge and application of the capabilities required for this position including knowledge and understanding of appropriate equipment, legislation, policies and procedures.
Learning. Learning is the core purpose of the school. It is the aim of all members of staff and other adults to ensure the highest standards of progress and attainment are reached with each and every child. In order to achieve this, a strong link needs to be maintained between home and school and each child must be motivated towards learning 5.1 What Pupils Can Expect from School 5.2 What School Expects from Pupils 5.3 What School Expects from Parents/Carers 5.4 What Parents/Carers Can Expect from Staff and Other Adults in the School
Learning. 3.4.1 Trainees are required to participate Trainee Induction Conference or Trainee Orientation Day and any learning activities provided by Host Local Committee.
Learning. Take full advantage of the curriculum by arriving on time, attending all lessons with the correct equipment and completing classwork and homework to the best of my ability. Attend school every day and fulfill timetable requirements. Register my thumb print (or otherwise) before the start of the school day and again during the lunch period. Use my electronic device appropriately to support my learning.
Learning. Lead and develop pedagogy that ensures inspiring, engaging and personalised learning opportunities for students which meet their specific academic, social and pastoral needs and aligns with the College’s philosophy of relational learning. • Ensure the Junior School’s compliance with the Early Years Learning Framework and the Australian Curriculum. • Ensure the learning needs of each student are met. • Provide dynamic and pro-active guidance for teachers, students and their families at the Elphin Campus, particularly in the areas of curriculum, literacy and learning.