LEVEL OF SIGNIFICANCE AFTER MITIGATION. With the mitigation described above, this impact is reduced to a less than significant level.
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LEVEL OF SIGNIFICANCE AFTER MITIGATION. With the mitigation described above, this impact is reduced to a less than significant level. CEQA FINDING NO. 4.5.3 Impact:
LEVEL OF SIGNIFICANCE AFTER MITIGATION. With the mitigation described above, this impact is reduced to a less than significant level. CEQA FINDING NO. 4.5.2 Impact: BIO 4.5.2. Potential Impacts to Special-Status Fish Species. Sediment and water quality effects on marine biological resources from dredging would include temporary and localized increases in turbidity that could result in adverse effects on water quality, and subsequently special-status fish species in San Diego Bay. Finding(s): (1) Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project that mitigate or avoid the significant environmental effect as identified in the PEIR. FACTS SUPPORTING THE FINDING(S) Mitigation Measures 4.2.1, 4.2.2, 4.2.3, 4.2.4, 4.2.5, 4.2.6, and 4.2.9 require the implementation of BMPs, which are proposed to prevent the spread of any turbidity plume or release of sediment-bound contaminants out of the dredging area, and thereby reduce potential adverse impacts to marine resources, sensitive species, and rare and endangered species. BMPs include use of an environmental dredge bucket, installation of silt curtains, operational controls, and water quality monitoring. The measures also require the inclusion and implementation of a Dredging Management Plan (DMP) for the Project, which will assist in preventing accidental spills and providing the necessary guidelines to follow in case of an oil or fuel spill, and is expected reduce the potential for a significant long-term impact to special-status fish species. Refer to Mitigation Measures 4.2.1, 4.2.2, 4.2.3, 4.2.4, 4.2.5, 4.2.6, and 4.2.9 under CEQA Finding No. WQ 4.2.6.
LEVEL OF SIGNIFICANCE AFTER MITIGATION. This impact remains significant after application of all feasible mitigation.
LEVEL OF SIGNIFICANCE AFTER MITIGATION. With the mitigation described above, this impact is reduced to a less than significant level. CEQA FINDING BIO IMPACT #37 Impact: Bio Impact #37: Project period impacts from the HST would permanently convert jurisdictional waters Finding(s): (1) Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project that mitigate or avoid the significant environmental effect as identified in the EIR. FACTS SUPPORTING THE FINDING(S) Construction of the HST would displace wetlands and jurisdictional waters regulated by CDFW, USFWS, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). This conversion would be significant under CEQA. • Bio-MM#4: Prepare and Implement a Weed Control Plan. (See above.) • Bio-MM#14: Post-Construction Compliance Reports. (See above.) • Bio-MM#57: Conduct Delineation of Jurisdictional Waters and State Streambeds. Prior to final Project design, a jurisdictional delineation will be conducted, documenting jurisdictional waters and state streambeds consistent with USACE, State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB), and CDFW guidance. As part of the delineation, the functions and values of the jurisdictional waters will be determined, using accepted methods such as the CRAM so that the functions and values have been replaced and that no net loss of jurisdictional waters and state streambed values occurs. • Bio-MM#58: Prepare and Implement a PRMP (Formerly Habitat Mitigation and Monitoring Plan). Prior to ground-disturbing activities, CHSRA or its designee will prepare an PRMP to mitigate for temporary and permanent impacts on jurisdictional waters and state streambeds. The PRMP will detail performance standards, including percent cover of native species, survivability, canopy cover requirements, wildlife utilization, the acreage basis, restoration ratios, and the combination of onsite and/or offsite mitigation. The intent of the PRMP is to mitigate for the lost functions and values of impacts on jurisdictional waters and state streambeds consistent with resource agency requirements and conditions presented in Sections 404 and 401 of the CWA and Section 1600 of the California Fish and Wildlife Code. • Bio-MM#59: Compensate for Permanent Impacts on Jurisdictional Waters. The CHSRA or its designee will mitigate permanent wetland impacts through compensation (by replacing, creating, restoring or preserving identified resources) determined in consultation with the USACE, SWRCB, USFWS, and CDFW, in order to be consistent with the PRMP (Bio-M...
LEVEL OF SIGNIFICANCE AFTER MITIGATION. If all mitigation measures are incorporated as described above, any potential impacts will be reduced to a level of insignificance.
LEVEL OF SIGNIFICANCE AFTER MITIGATION. With the mitigation described above, this impact is reduced to a less than significant level. CEQA FINDING NO. NO-2 Impact: NO-2. Exposure of Persons to Excessive Ground-Borne Vibration Levels during Construction. Implementation of the Project may result in exposure of persons to or generation of excessive ground-borne vibration or ground-borne noise levels. This would be considered a significant impact. Finding(s): (1) Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project that mitigate or avoid the significant environmental effect as identified in the EIR. FACTS SUPPORTING THE FINDING(S) Generation of excessive ground-borne vibration levels, during construction, may expose individuals and or nearby structures resulting in being a significant impact. Implementation of Mitigation Measures NO-2.1 and NO-2.2 will minimize impacts on individuals and structures from excessive ground-borne vibrations. Mitigation Measure NO-2: Notify Nearby Businesses of Construction Activities that Could Affect Vibration-Sensitive Equipment. The Project Sponsor shall provide notification to adjacent property owners and occupants, prior to the start of construction, informing them of the estimated start date and duration of vibration-generating construction activities during site preparation, grading, and pile driving, if required. This notification shall include information warning about the potential for impacts related to vibration-sensitive equipment. The Project Sponsor shall identify a phone number for the property owners and occupants to call if they have vibration-sensitive equipment on their site.
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LEVEL OF SIGNIFICANCE AFTER MITIGATION. With the mitigation described above, this impact is reduced to a less than significant level. CEQA FINDING NO. HY-8 Impact: HY-8. Tidal and Wave Action Flooding. The Project would be impacted from tidal and wave action flooding. Finding(s): (1) Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project that mitigate or avoid the significant environmental effect as identified in the EIR. FACTS SUPPORTING THE FINDING(S) Prevailing winds combined with high tides or 100-year tides could flood the Project Site resulting in potentially-significant impacts to the 300 Airport Boulevard Site and the future development of 000 Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx Site. Implementation of Mitigation Measure HY-8 will minimize impacts on tidal and wave actions. Mitigation Measure HY-8: Tidal and Wave Action Flooding. Implementation of Mitigation Measures HY-7.1, HY-7.2, HY-7.3, and HY-7.4 would reduce this impact to a less-than-significant level by ensuring the elevation of the Project Site and shoreline protection are adequate to protect against flooding associated with wave action. LEVEL OF SIGNIFICANCE AFTER MITIGATION With the mitigation described above, this impact is reduced to a less than significant level. CEQA FINDING NO. HY-11 Impact: HY-11. Cumulative Sea Level Rise and Tides. The Project would have cumulative impacts on tidal and wave actions. Finding(s): (1) Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project that mitigate or avoid the significant environmental effect as identified in the EIR.
LEVEL OF SIGNIFICANCE AFTER MITIGATION. This impact remains significant after application of all feasible mitigation. CEQA FINDING NO. AQ-8 Impact:
LEVEL OF SIGNIFICANCE AFTER MITIGATION. With the mitigation described above, this impact is reduced to a less than significant level. CEQA FINDING NO. HYD-2 Impact: HYD-2. Water discharged from dredge material may impair water quality. Finding(s): (1) Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project that mitigate or avoid the significant environmental effect as identified in the EIR. FACTS SUPPORTING THE FINDING(S) Petroleum-fueled construction equipment will be used to complete the proposed activities. The potential exists for leakage/spills from in-water dredging or from improper fueling or hazardous materials storage practices. A petroleum spill could result in potentially significantly impacts to water quality and to the marine biota within the project site and region. The following mitigation measure, which requires implementation of measures pursuant to a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) issued by the Central Coast RWQCB, which has jurisdiction over water quality issues in the Project area, will be implemented to reduce the impacts to less than significant.  Mitigation Measure WQ‐2. Acquire and comply with the project‐specific NPDES permit for the discharge of dredge‐generated and other authorized discharges.
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