Limitations on Market Access Limitations on National Treatment. Additional Commitments 3) In the case of the supply of services through commercial presence, only juridical persons of another Party owned and controlled by persons of any Party may benefit from Thailand’s commitments. Unless otherwise specified at the sector- specific level, commercial presence in sectors or sub-sectors in this schedule is permitted only through a limited liability company which is registered in Thailand and which meets the following conditions: (a) Foreign equity participation must not exceed 49 per cent of the registered capital; and (b) The number of foreign shareholders must be less than half of the total number of shareholders of the company concerned.
Limitations on Market Access Limitations on National Treatment. Additional Commitments retail services (beyond the first one) shall be allowed on the basis of an Economic Needs Test (ENT)24. (4) Unbound, except as indicated in the horizontal section. (4) Unbound, except as indicated in the horizontal section.
Limitations on Market Access Limitations on National Treatment. Additional Commitments a foreign enterprise which has established a commercial presence in the territory of Viet Nam, temporarily moving as intra- corporate transferees to that commercial presence and who have been previously employed by the foreign enterprise for at least one year, shall be granted entry and a stay permit for an initial period of three years which may be extended subject to the term of operation of those entities in Viet Nam. At least 20% of the total number of managers, executives and specialists shall be Vietnamese nationals. However, a minimum of 3 non-Vietnamese managers, executives and specialists shall be permitted per enterprise. Managers and executives are those who primarily direct the management of the foreign enterprises which have established commercial presence in Viet Nam, receiving only general supervision or direction from the board of directors or stockholders of the business or their equivalent, including directing the establishment or a department or subdivision of the establishment, supervising and controlling the work of other supervisory, professional or managerial employees, having the authority personally to hire and fire
Limitations on Market Access Limitations on National Treatment. Additional Commitments (1) the natural persons are invited or employed by education institutions duly established and registered in Thailand; (2) the natural persons possess qualification and experiences set by such institutions as well as meeting other criteria that may be set by Ministry of Education, where applicable The initial temporary stay shall be one year or the duration of employment period, whichever is shorter, with possibility of extension. Others : As indicated in the horizontal section
Limitations on Market Access Limitations on National Treatment. Additional Commitments The number of joint ventures by foreign shipping companies will be limited to 5 companies upon WTO accession. 29 Three additional companies will be allowed every two years thereafter. After 5 years from the date of WTO accession, no limitation on the number of joint ventures. (4) Unbound, except as indicated in the horizontal section. (4) Unbound, except as indicated in the horizontal section.
Limitations on Market Access Limitations on National Treatment. Additional Commitments - In order to practice as an authorised auditor, he must have at least 5 years auditing experiences. 2) Foreign-based auditors are allowed to audit local accounts provided they are authorised by the Ministry of Finance.
Limitations on Market Access Limitations on National Treatment. Additional Commitments - In order to practice as an authorised auditor, he must have at least 5 years auditing experiences. 3) Audit firm may be set up only as a sole proprietorship or partnership but has to be registered with the Registrar of Business Names. - Maximum number of partners in an audit firms is twenty. - A partnership may consist of only individuals, local companies and/or branches of foreign companies. - Principal or only place of residence within Brunei Darussalam. 3) Must prove commitment to recruit and develop more local human resources.
Limitations on Market Access Limitations on National Treatment. Additional Commitments For non-banks, one (1) senior manager and one specialist or expert. For representative offices, three (3) foreign nationals subject to only one (1) foreign national for the two (2) top posts and the other two (2) for managerial level posts. Entry shall be limited to a maximum period of five years. For non-banks, unbound except as indicated in the all-sector horizontal section. Operational headquarters (OHQ) for financial sector (Provides services to commercial and investment banking institutions in activities relating to work carried out in Malaysia for its offices and related companies outside Malaysia, pertaining to general management and administration, business planning, technical support, marketing control and sales promotion planning, training and personnel management, provision of treasury and fund management services and research and 1), 2) Unbound∗ 3) Only through a locally incorporated wholly foreign- owned company. A foreign-owned company, a regional office of a foreign- owned company which transfers its OHQ services to Malaysia, a regional office of a foreign- owned company established in Malaysia, and a foreign- owned company which is already incorporated in Malaysia, may seek to qualify as an OHQ. An OHQ must operate in Malaysia and fulfil the following criteria: 1), 2) Unbound* 3) None ∗ Due to lack of technical feasibility.
Limitations on Market Access Limitations on National Treatment. Additional Commitments 4) Unbound except for measures concerning the entry and temporary stay of natural persons (hereafter "persons") falling within the categories defined in paragraphs A, B, C and D below, and subject to the limitations and conditions set out under the national treatment column and to the condition that entry and stay of foreign service suppliers in Switzerland are subject to authorization (requirement of residency permit and work permit). Authorization is granted subject to measures fixing overall numbers of work permits allocated. Any limitations scheduled in Part II shall apply. For essential personnel as defined in paragraph A below, the period of stay is limited to a period of three years, which may be extended to a maximum of [five]3 years4. For other essential personnel as defined in paragraphs B and C below, the period of stay is limited to 90 days within one year; if an authorization for such a period of stay is renewed the following year, the applicant must stay abroad at least two months between the two consecutive periods of stay in Switzerland. For personnel as defined in paragraph D below, the period of stay is limited to twenty days within one year.
Limitations on Market Access Limitations on National Treatment. Additional Commitments Services sectors: - Legal advisory services on home country law and international law (part of CPC 861) - Engineering services (CPC 8672) - Consultancy services related to the installation of computer hardware (CPC 841) - Software implementation services (CPC 842) - Accounting review services (CPC 86212) - Architectural services (CPC 8671) - Urban planning services (CPC 86741) - Management consulting services (CPC 865) - Related scientific and technical consulting services (CPC 8675)