List of Appendixes. Appendix 1: consensually canceled.
Appendix 2: LLI (Long Lead Items) components; MOQ (Minimum of Quantity) items; AVL (Approved Vendors List); Security Inventory.
Appendix 3: Non-Disclosure and Non-Competition Undertaking Qualified to Specific Field.
Appendix 4: Certificate of Insurances. Appendix 5: Certification of Authorized Signatories for the Customer. Appendix 6: Details of ATP Procedures for every Product the subject of a Production File.
List of Appendixes. Appendix 1: The processed data Appendix 2: Security appendix This Appendix 1 constitutes the Controller's instruction to the Processor in connection with the Processor's data processing for the Controller and is an integrated part of the Agreement. The processing of personal data: Name, company registration no. and address Sennheiser Communications A/S CVR no.: 19228746 Industriparken 27 DK-2750 Ballerup Denmark The purpose, nature and duration of processing The Processor collects and processes personal data and other data from users of the Software to allow the Controller to distribute client software and product software and carry out maintenance of associated products and configuration of products belonging to associated users. The data collected will also allow the Controller to analyze the usage of the units. The data will be processed until the Controller terminates the agreement with the processor. The category of the data subject I. [E.g. customers/end users] II. [E.g. employees] Categories of personal data Re b) I: name, email address, IP address, MAC address, machine name. Other non-personal data collected related to usage of: − Software − Products − Call activity statistics − Softphone − Host information where products are used. Re b) II: name, email address, telephone number, MAC address, machine name, IP address. Other non- personal data collected related to usage of: − Software − Products − Call activity statistics − Softphone − Host information where products are used. Special categories of data: − Data the sub-processor must process on behalf of the Processor − Data concerning civil registration numbers (in Danish CPR-nr.) − Sensitive data such as racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade union membership, genetic data, biometric data, data concerning health or sex life or sexual orientation − Data related to criminal Records Re b) I: none Re b) II: none Locations, including name of country/countries of processing Ballerup, Denmark Location of Sub-processors as mentioned in Sec 9.1 If possible, the expected deadlines for deletion of the categories of information Re b) I - 30 days after the request of deletion Re b) II - 30 days after the request of deletion Security measures (see section 5 in the Agreement). It should be noted that the examples are not exhaustive. − Data confidentiality: Cryptography policy that covers data-at-rest and data-in-transit shall be in place. The policy shall be in ...
List of Appendixes. APPENDIX A: Description of Assets APPENDIX B: Description of Liabilities APPENDIX C: Schedule of Payments APPENDIX D: Form Letter addressed to Company B to be executed by the SELLERS APPENDIX E: Form Letter addressed to Company B to be executed by the PURCHASER 0 00000000X00 XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX 0.0000 XXXXX 100% A. DUVAZ 20001179 006272 Eighth Huancayo Office 0 00000000X00 ALEJANDRÍA SEGUNDA XXXXXXXXXX 0.0000 XXXXX 100% A. DUVAZ 20001178 006271 Regional Office in and for Xxxxxxxx 0 00000000X00 XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX 1.6105 DUVAZ – MARSANO 33% A. DUVAZ, 67% MARSANO 02006866 056251 Public Records Office in and for Lima and El Callao 0 00000000X00 XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX SEGUNDA – A XXXXXXXXXX 0.0000 XXXXX 100% A. DUVAZ 20006561 16257 Regional Office in and for Xxxxxxxx 0 00000000X00 XXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX SEGUNDA – B XXXXXXXXXX 0.0000 XXXXX 100% A. DUVAZ 20003420 011026 Regional Office in and for Xxxxxxxx 0 00000000X00 DEMASIA XXX SI PUEDES XXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX 0.0000 XXXXX 100% A. DUVAZ 20001177 006270 Regional Office in and for Huancayo 8 08001848Y01 GRANCERO XXXXXXXXXX 0.0000 XXXXXXXX DE HYO 33.1% A. DUVAZ, 66.9% MARSANO 20006612 052467 Ninth Lima Office 10 08001860Y01 RIFLERO XXXXXXXXXX 0.0000 XXXXX 100% A. DUVAZ 02004692 022095 Public Records Office in and for Lima 11 PROPIEDAD SUPERFICIAL PLANTA PUQUIOCOCHA 21.0000 DUVAZ 100% A. DUVAZ 12 P0100465 CONC. PUQUIOCOCHA PUQUIOCOCHA 28.0000 DUVAZ 100% A. DUVAZ 20001176 006269 Regional Office in and for Xxxxxxxx 00 00000000X00 XXXXXX XXXXX 1.4293 DUVAZ 100% A. DUVAZ 02006867 056275 Public Records Office in and for Lima 14 08001814Y01 AMORCITO TUCTO 1.7462 DUVAZ 100% A. DUVAZ 02004334 016179 Public Records Office in and for Lima 15 08000777Y01 AUSTRIA DUVAZ TUCTO 2.8175 DUVAZ 100% A. DUVAZ 02004448 018001 Ninth Lima Office 00 00000000X00 LA CHIQUILICUATRO TUCTO 0.9463 DUVAZ 100% A. DUVAZ 02004354 016277 Ninth Lima Office 18 08001488Y01 LA TUERCA TUCTO 1.4546 DUVAZ 100% A. DUVAZ 02006194 047037 Ninth Lima Office 20 08003521Y01 MUSSETA TUCTO 0.7664 DUVAZ 100% A. DUVAZ 02006654 053379 Ninth Lima Office 21 08001934Y01 POBRE DIABLO TUCTO 0.5166 POBRE DIABLO DE HYO 20% A. DUVAZ, 80% OTHERS 02006889 056443 Public Records Office in and for Lima 00 00000000X00 QUE LOS HAY TUCTO 0.2358 DUVAZ 100% A. DUVAZ 02004355 016281 Ninth Lima Office 23 08000997Y01 XXXXXXX XXXXX 0.9277 DUVAZ 100% A. DUVAZ 02006661 53435 Regional Office in and for Lima 00 00000000X00 XXXXXX XXXXX 1.4086 DUVAZ 100% A. DUVAZ 02006192 047025 Ninth Lima Xxxxxx 00 000...
List of Appendixes. Appendix No.1 Approval Procedure for Agreement Forms, Additional Agreement Forms and Instructions to them. Appendix No.2 Requirements to the Contents of Instructions and their Application. Appendix No.3 Forms for the Operator’s Report on Agency Functions Performance.
List of Appendixes. The Appendixes hereto are an integral part hereof, and have the same legal force and effect as the terms hereof. Appendix I: Letter of Authorization Appendix II: Tmall Service Terms Party A: Fit Boxx Import and Export Trading (Shenzhen) Company Limited (Seal: Fit Boxx Import and Export Trading (Shenzhen) Company Limited) Party B: Zhejiang Tmall Technology Co., Ltd. (Seal: Zhejiang Tmall Technology Co., Ltd. Special Seal for Contract (1)) Party C: Zhejiang Tmall Network Co., Ltd. (Seal: Zhejiang Tmall Network Co., Ltd. Special Seal for Contract (1)) Appendix I: Letter of Authorization To: Alipay (China) Network Technology Co., Ltd. We hereby inform you that we authorize you to directly suspend the payment of and pay the balance in our Alipay account with you in accordance with the provisions of the Tmall Service Agreement entered into by and among us and Zhejiang Tmall Network Co., Ltd. and Zhejiang Tmall Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to collectively as “Tmall”) and the appendixes thereto as instructed by Tmall during the term thereof. Appendix II: Party A: Fit Boxx Import and Export Trading (Shenzhen) Company Limited Party B: Zhejiang Tmall Technology Co., Ltd. Party C: Zhejiang Tmall Network Co., Ltd. Party A undertakes that: i) it will not sell products under categories or of brands which have not been approved by Tmall through examination; ii) it will not sell counterfeit products, non-original and genuine products, and those imported without customs declaration; iii) the products displayed on Party C’s platform are not in short supply, out of stock, and the price thereof does not deviate significantly from the market price; iv) it will comply with relevant rules of Tmall and earnestly perform its obligations as a seller; where Party A violates any of the above commitments, Party B and Party C may forthwith terminate all services and relevant agreements. Tmall service account (i.e., name of Tmall store): hoii flagship store Alipay account name: Amount of the Merchant’s security deposit: 150,000.00
List of Appendixes. Appendix 1: Contract Specifications for raw milk, inter-site milk and cream
List of Appendixes. Appendix 'A' – the Budget Appendix 'B1' – Synopsis of the Phase Ia Protocol Appendix 'B2' – Synopsis of the Phase Ib draft Protocol [*****] Confidential portions of this document have been redacted and filed separately with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Appendix 'C' – PARI Patents Appendix 'D' –the Specifications.
List of Appendixes. Appendix 1: The processed data Appendix 2: Security appendix Appendix 3: Power of Attorney This Appendix 1 constitutes the Controller's instruction to the Processor in connection with the Processor's data processing for the Controller and is an integrated part of the Agreement. The processing of personal data: Name, company registration no. and address EPOS Group A/S CVR no.: 39820242 Xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 00 XX-0000 Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx The purpose, nature and duration of processing The Processor collects and processes personal data and other data from users of the Software to allow the Controller to distribute client software and product software and carry out maintenance of associated products and configuration of products belonging to associated users. The data collected will also allow the Controller to analyze the usage of the units. The data will be processed until the Controller terminates the agreement with the processor. The category of the data subject I. [E.g. customers/end users] II. [E.g. employees] Categories of personal data Re b) I: name, email address, IP address, MAC address, machine name. Other non-personal data collected related to usage of: − Software − Products − Call activity statistics − Softphone − Host information where products are used. − Application logs − AD user information detection flows – no user data. − Meta data from update jobs and tenant configuration from EPOS Manager. Re b) II: name, email address, telephone number, MAC address, machine name, IP Address. Other non- personal data collected related to usage of: − Software − Products − Call activity statistics − Softphone − Host information where products are used. − Application logs − AD user information detection flows – no user data. − Meta data from update jobs and tenant configuration from EPOS Manager. Special categories of data: − Data the sub-processor must process on behalf of the Processor − Data concerning civil registration numbers (in Danish CPR-nr.) − Sensitive data such as racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade union membership, genetic data, biometric data, data concerning health or sex life or sexual orientation − Data related to criminal Records Re b) I: none Re b) II: none Locations, including name of country/countries of processing Ballerup, Denmark Location of Sub-processors as mentioned in Sec 9.1 If possible, the expected deadlines for deletion of the categories of information Re b) I - 60 days after the re...
List of Appendixes. Appendix 1 – Payment Schedule Appendix 2 - Remote Data Capture (RDC) - Terms and Conditions Appendix 3 – SÚKL approval Appendix 4 – MEC/LEC approvals Appendix 5– Insurance certificate 16.13 Rozhodné právo. Tato Xxxxxxx se vykládá v souladu s právem České republiky a řídí se výhradně tímto právem s vyloučením jeho kolizních norem. Jakýkoli rozporu nebo nárok, který vyplývá nebo který souvisí s jakýmkoli ustanovením této Smlouvy, se Smluvní strany nejdříve pokusí vyřešit vzájemným jednáním. Všechny spory vzniklé v souvislosti s touto Smlouvou, které nelze vyřešit jednáním, budou vyřešeny výhradně příslušnými soudy České republiky.
List of Appendixes. Appendix I : Test, the Question list of adjective Appendix II : Key Answer Appendix III : interview guidance Appendix IV : Students’ Score in identifying adjective in descriptive text Appendix VI : Students’ in identifying adjective in descriptive text ability Appendix VII : The List Students’ name at SMP Negeri 3 Padangsidimpuan This thesis discussed about the students’ ability in identifying adjective in descriptive text at grade VII SMP Negeri 3 Padangsidimpuan The aim of the research is to know the students’ ability in identifying adjectives in descriptive text at Grade VII SMP Negeri 3 Padangsidimpuan. Design of this research was descriptive research by using quantitative approach. The population of this research was the grade VII SMP Negeri 3 Padangsidimpuan. The total number population was 248 students. Random sampling technique uses to choose some students as sample; they are 26 students. The instruments of collecting data that used in this research were test and interview, the analysis by using Mean score, Median, Modus. After the research, It can be known that the student’s ability in identifying adjective in descriptive text at grade VII Padangsidimpua. It can concluded the students’ ability in identifying adjective in descriptive text is enough category mean score 55.84%. So, there were still the students difficulties in identifying adjective in descriptive text are,the students lack of the know to identify the adjective. The students lack of the knowledge different between adjective of quality, adjective of number and possessive in descriptive text, because the students’ confused to identify adjective in descriptive text. the students have poor vocabulary, expecially in adjective. And from the explanation above that the hypothesis was not accepted. Appendix I