Basic Coverage Contractor shall provide and maintain at the JBE’s discretion and Contractor’s expense the following insurance during the Term:
Basic Coverages Subd. 1. Faculty
Continuing Coverage If a letter of assurance is obtained from any insurer under a Hazard Insurance policy or a Flood Insurance policy that the insurance coverage shall continue in full force and effect, the Servicer shall deposit such letter in the appropriate Servicer Mortgage Loan File.
Benefit Coverage The Company agrees to provide pension and welfare benefits as described in the Company Booklets, benefit plan documents or policies of insurance for the duration of the Agreement.
All Coverages Each insurance policy required in this item shall be endorsed to state that coverage shall not be suspended, voided, cancelled, reduced in coverage or in limits except after thirty (30) days' prior written notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, has been given to the Town. Current certification of such insurance shall be kept on file at all times during the term of this agreement with the Town Clerk.
Workers’ Compensation Coverage Consultant certifies that Consultant has qualified for workers’ compensation as required by the State of Oregon. Consultant shall provide the Owner, within ten (10) days after execution of this Agreement, a certificate of insurance evidencing coverage of all subject workers under Oregon’s workers’ compensation statutes. The insurance certificate and policy shall indicate that the policy shall not be terminated by the insurance carrier without thirty (30) days’ advance written notice to City. All agents or Consultants of Consultant shall maintain such insurance.
Coverage If any of the aforementioned liability insurance is arranged on a "claims made" basis, "tail" coverage will be required at the completion of this contract for a duration of 24 months or the maximum time period the PURCHASER's insurer will provide such if less than 24 months. PURCHASER will be responsible for furnishing certification of "tail" coverage as described or continuous "claims made" liability coverage for 24 months following contract completion. Continuous "claims made" coverage will be acceptable in lieu of "tail" coverage, provided its retroactive date is on or before the effective date of this contract.
Single Coverage The School District will pay up to $28.00 per month for individual coverage for each full-time teacher who qualifies for and enrolls in the School District's group dental insurance plan.
Medical Coverage The Executive shall be entitled to such continuation of health care coverage as is required under, and in accordance with, applicable law or otherwise provided in accordance with the Company’s policies. The Executive shall be notified in writing of the Executive’s rights to continue such coverage after the termination of the Executive’s employment pursuant to this Section 3(d)(iv), provided that the Executive timely complies with the conditions to continue such coverage. The Executive understands and acknowledges that the Executive is responsible to make all payments required for any such continued health care coverage that the Executive may choose to receive.
Life Coverage Paragraph 1: The Board shall provide a group term life coverage in the sum of