Day Trips. Up to ten (10) hours at straight time, subsequently time and one half (1 1/2) for additional time necessary.
Day Trips. Any trip commencing and ending during the times of normal home to school bussing (6:30 AM to 4:30 PM, weekdays) shall be designated a Day Trip.
Day Trips. The first trip list shall be Monday a.m. thru Friday, 3:30 p.m. for all regular short hour drivers during the scheduled workweek. This shall not include mid-day drivers, substitutes, or maintenance/vehicle drivers.
Day Trips. On the second day of the three (3) day trip, Bus Drivers shall be paid their regular driver rate for the time spent driving and at the first step of the Bus Driver wage for non-driving time not to exceed a combined total of eight (8) hours.
Day Trips. Continuous pay will be provided for the duration of the trip and will include:
Day Trips. On trips not involving overnight, drivers will be paid for total hours on duty. Overnight
Day Trips. 16.1 A day trip shall mean any duty on a single day outside the Brisbane metropolitan area. A day trip shall consist of 1 call for a performance or mixed appearance and a second call for travel. A meal allowance or a meal shall be provided by the company on a day trip to a venue further than 50 km from the home base.
Day Trips. Unscheduled trips shall be offered to regular drivers that are not working a full eight (8) hour per day shift on the following basis:
Day Trips i) The first eight (8) hours of the trip shall be paid at straight time and thereafter at time and a half. Drivers shall be paid a minimum two (2) hours at straight time.
Day Trips. 38 1. The District will not reimburse for breakfast as drivers should eat before they leave.