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MEDICATION AT SCHOOL. Students who need to take prescription medication during school hours must have written parent and medical provider permission. Medication is to be in the original container. The prescribing physician’s instruction must be clearly indicated on the container and labeled from the pharmacy that filled the prescription. These items will be kept in the student office or other designated location. Occasionally a student will request medication during school hours. No medication is given without parental consent. This consent form can be found online under Parent Access. Limited supplies of the over the counter medications are kept at school. These medications are given to a student if the emergency card gives permission. A student may possess rescue medication if it is used for medical reasons and written approval from the physician and parent are on file in the office.
MEDICATION AT SCHOOL. When a child is required to take medication at school, the medication must be brought to the office in the prescription container, by an adult. A medication form must be signed by a doctor and parent before it will be allowed to be administered at school. The medication must be sent in its original container, and it must show your student’s name, the medication name, the dosage, and the time medication should be given. Please provide an empty second prescription bottle with identical labels for use on field trips. Completed forms must be on file at the school. A new form is required each year. The medicine remains in a locked area of the office. Students must come to the office to take it and remain there until the medicine is swallowed. All over-the-counter medicine (including non-aspirin and cough drops) are under the same guidelines. This is per Washington State law requirements. Lip balm, chapstick, and/or sunscreen is allowed. All medications must be picked up prior to the last day of school or shall be destroyed after proper family notification.
MEDICATION AT SCHOOL.  Any medication brought to school will be stored in a designated place in the office.  Prescription drugs must be in the original container labeled with the physician’s name and appropriate dosage.  No medication will be administered to a student by any school personnel unless a Medication Form is on file in the office for the specific medication, including time and dosage of medication to be administered.  Students may not keep any medication, whether prescription or non-prescription, in their possession while at school, except Epinephrine auto-injectors and asthma inhalers. A Medication Administration Release form must still be on file in the office for these items.
MEDICATION AT SCHOOL. Students who need to take prescription medication during school hours must have written parent & medical provider permission. Medication is to be in the original container. The prescribing physician’s instruction must be clearly indicated on the container and labeled from the pharmacy that filled the prescription. These items will be kept in the student office or other designated location. Occasionally a student will request medication during school hours. No medication is given without parental consent. This consent form can be found online under Parent Access. Limited supplies of over-the-counter medications are kept at school. These medications are given to a student if the emergency card gives permission. A student may possess rescue medication if it is used for medical reasons and written approval from the physician and parent are on file in the student office. Students should not bring money to school except when requested for lunch, field trips, book orders, etc. Money should never be left in desks, lockers or any unsecured area. Students are advised to put locks on their gym lockers. The treasurer of each student organization in school will have a record book for recording income and
MEDICATION AT SCHOOL. If it becomes necessary for a student to take medication (prescription or non-prescription) during the school day, the parent and doctor must complete a medication form found in the school office. Only authorized school forms will be accepted. In addition, if the prescription medicine is to be administered, the medicine needs to be sent to school in a current prescription vial with the directions for dosage on the label. Non-prescription medicines must be in their original containers. For the protection of the students and staff, no exceptions to this policy will be considered. If a child is on medication and the parent wishes to come to school to administer the medication, he/she may do so. If, however, the parent wishes that a school personnel supervise the child taking any medicine, the above rules must be followed. All medication must be kept in the school office with the possible exception of an inhaler or an Epi-Pen. Any prescription medications found in a student's possession during the school day will be considered in violation of the school policies concerning drug abuse. Parents will be responsible for retrieving the unused medicine from the school at the end of the treatment schedule. Medicine not claimed by the parents will be discarded. If a child has a medical problem, parents are expected to inform the school so that personnel can be prepared to assist the child in an emergency.
MEDICATION AT SCHOOLStudents will not be allowed to have any medication in their possession at school. This includes nonprescription medications such as throat lozenges, cough drops, aspirin, etc. School personnel cannot administer prescription medication unless special circumstances exist for a health problem of long duration. To ensure school attendance for students who must use medication in the treatment of chronic disabilities or illness, the parent is responsible for notifying the school of any abnormalities in the health of the child. When such condition exists, the parent agrees to adhere to the school’s medication policy (please contact the school office for details.) In these circumstances, the following procedure is followed:
MEDICATION AT SCHOOL. Students who need to take prescription medication during school hours must have written parent & medical provider permission. Medication is to be in the original container. The prescribing physician’s instruction must be clearly indicated on the container and labeled from the pharmacy that filled the prescription. These items will be kept in the nurse’s office or other designated location. Occasionally a student will request medication during school hours. No medication is given without parental consent. This consent form can be found online under Parent Access. Limited supplies of over-the-counter medications are kept at school. These medications are given to a student if the emergency form gives permission. A student may possess rescue medication if it is used for medical reasons and written approval from the physician and parent are on file in the nurse’s office. Students should not bring money to school except when requested for lunch, field trips, book orders, etc. Money should never be left in desks, lockers or any unsecured area. Students are advised to put locks on their gym lockers. The treasurer of each student organization in school will have a record book for recording income and expenditures. At the end of each quarter the treasurer needs to balance their treasurer book with the District Records. Regardless of how active the group is. All organization funds are kept in the activity account and all organization debts are paid from this account. Therefore, it is necessary that all funds be turned into the district office. Whenever it is necessary to make an expenditure, the treasurer or advisor must fill out a check request. The advisor and assigned treasurer will sign it and turn it into the district office along with the invoice of goods received or the bill for services rendered. Any person who makes a purchase for any organization without following the above procedure will have to accept responsibility for payment. Treasurer's books may be picked up from the district office at the beginning of the year. Treasurers will receive instructions on proper methods of keeping books up-to-date at this time.


  • Medication 1. Xxxxxxx’s physician shall prescribe and monitor adequate dosage levels for each Client. 2. Xxxxxxx’s physician shall not impose and/or limit dosage capitations for any prescribed medication for the treatment of opioid use disorder.

  • Medications Psychotropic medications and medications associated with treating a diagnosed mental health condition.

  • Product Sales Subject to Sections 10.3(c) and 10.3(d), Licensee agrees that it will not sell, offer for sale, or assist third parties (including Affiliates) in selling Product except for the sale and offer for sale of (A) TAF Product, TAF Combination Product, TDF Product and TDF Combination Product for use in the Field and in the countries of the TDF-TAF Territory, (B) COBI Product and COBI Combination Product for use in the Field and in the countries of the COBI Territory, and (C) EVG Product, EVG Combination Product and Quad Product for use in the Field and in the countries of the EVG-Quad Territory.‌ (i) Licensee agrees that during the period in which the Patents are valid and enforceable (on a Product-by-Product basis) it will prohibit its Distributors from selling Product (A) to any other wholesaler or distributor, (B) outside the Territory for which Licensee is licensed for sale of such Product pursuant to Section 2.2, or (C) for any purpose outside the Field. (ii) Licensee agrees that it will not administer the TAF Quad to humans, or sell the TAF Quad until Gilead has obtained marketing approval for the TAF Quad from the FDA. Licensee agrees that it will not administer EVG to humans, or sell Products containing EVG until Gilead has obtained marketing approval for an EVG Product from the FDA. Licensee agrees that it will not administer COBI to humans, or sell Products containing COBI until Gilead has obtained marketing approval for a COBI Product from the FDA. Licensee agrees that it will not administer TAF to humans, or sell Products containing TAF until Gilead has obtained marketing approval for a TAF Product from the FDA. If Gilead obtains marketing approval from the FDA for any Quad Product or a Combination Product containing TAF, COBI or EVG (“Approved Combination Product”) prior to obtaining marketing approval for a TAF Product, EVG Product or COBI Product from the FDA, then Licensee will be allowed to administer such Quad Product or such Approved Combination Product to humans, and sell such Quad Product or such Approved Combination Product from and after the date of such marketing approval from the FDA, but will not (A) administer to humans or sell Combination Products containing EVG other than such Quad Product or such Approved Combination Product until Gilead has obtained marketing approval from the FDA for an EVG Product, or (B) administer to humans or sell Combination Products containing COBI other than such Quad Product or such Approved Combination Product until Gilead has obtained marketing approval from the FDA for a COBI Product or (C) administer to humans or sell Combination Products containing TAF other than such Quad Product or such Approved Combination Product until Gilead has obtained marketing approval from the FDA for a TAF Product.

  • Immunization The following immunizations are recommended by the BSA. Tetanus immunization is required and must have been received within the last 10 years. If you had the disease, check the disease column and list the date. If immunized, check yes and provide the year received.

  • Speech Therapy This plan covers speech therapy services when provided by a qualified licensed • loss of speech or communication function; or • impairment as a result of an acute illness or injury, or an acute exacerbation of a chronic disease. Speech therapy services must relate to: • performing basic functional communication; or • assessing or treating swallowing dysfunction. See Autism Services when speech therapy services are rendered as part of the treatment of autism spectrum disorder. The amount you pay and any benefit limit will be the same whether the services are provided for habilitative or rehabilitative purposes.

  • Video Display Terminals ‌ The Employer shall ensure that any new office equipment or facility required for use in conjunction with VDTs shall meet the standards recommended by the Workers' Compensation Board.

  • Supplier Diversity Seller shall comply with Xxxxx’s Supplier Diversity Program in accordance with Appendix V.

  • Annual Physical Examination A permanent employee shall be granted up to one day per year with pay for the purpose of a comprehensive physical examination provided that the verification of such an examination is submitted to the District.

  • Uptime bookinglab shall ensure that the Booking Service will be available, excluding Downtime caused by Scheduled Maintenance, Emergency Maintenance or Force Majeure event, 99.5% of the time in any one calendar month (first day to last day) (the “Service Level”). The Service Level will not apply (and therefore no Service Credits will be applicable) to the extent that any Service Level Failure is caused by: (a) a Penetration Test conducted by Customer without the prior written approval of bookinglab; or (b) Customer’s failure to comply with specific instructions provided by bookinglab; or (c) a failure of the Customer to comply with any Customer responsibility or obligation detailed in a Statement of Work, Order Form or the Master Subscription Agreement; or (d) Customer’s failure to adhere to JRNI’s or bookinglab’s best practice guidelines for the use of the API.

  • Study Population Infants who underwent creation of an enterostomy receiving postoperative care and awaiting enterostomy closure: to be assessed for eligibility: n = 201 to be assigned to the study: n = 106 to be analysed: n = 106 Duration of intervention per patient of the intervention group: minimum 21 days/3 weeksuntil patient's weight >2000g, averaged 6 weeks between enterostomy creation and enterostomy closure Follow-up per patient: 3 months, 6 months and 12 months following enterostomy closure (12- month follow-up only applicable for patients that are recruited early enough to complete this follow-up within the 48 months of overall study duration).