In-School Suspension. 1. This position will receive the following:
a. Will work eight (8) hours per student instruction day. The hourly rate of pay will be $12.62 per hour.
b. The work year for this position will be all student attendance days.
In-School Suspension. Students that are assigned in school suspension will be spending their time in the office and will complete a think sheet regarding suspended behavior. Students then will have increments of time focused behavior support and completion of classroom assignments. Time in the office may include one-on-one support with our Behavior Management Team. Students will be allowed restroom breaks, and will eat lunch in the office. When a student has chronic or repeated behaviors parents may be asked to attend school with their child in lieu of in school suspension.
In-School Suspension. The Board recognizes the school must balance the need of students to attend school and the need for order in the classroom to establish an environment conducive to learning. As such, the Board authorizes the building principals and the superintendent to place students who would otherwise be suspended from school as the result of a Code of Conduct violation in “in-school suspension.” The in-school suspension teacher will be a certified teacher.
In-School Suspension. This disciplinary action may be assigned from 1 – 10 days. Students are placed in an alternative setting where they are closely monitored by school personnel in a highly structured environment. Credit is given for all homework completed. Failure to comply with in-school guidelines may result in assignment to Alternative School, an Out-of-School suspension, expulsion recommendation and/or referral to the local law enforcement agency. There is no appeal process for an assignment to in-school suspension.
In-School Suspension. An in-school suspension may be used to separate a student from peer contact by placing the student in a supervised area separate from other students. This allows for reflection and quiet study without interruption. An in-school suspension is used when lack of adult supervision at home is available because of working parents or when, in the opinion of the administration, it is an appropriate disciplinary consequence.
In-School Suspension. In-School Suspension is an alternate means of discipline to fit some cases of inappropriate behavior. This form of discipline may be for up to a maximum of ten days per offense. Students assigned to In-School Suspension may have one day's notice of this assignment and will report directly to the I.S.S. room on the day or days assigned. Any student assigned to I.S.S. more than two times in any one semester may be recommended for a three-day suspension. Any student assigned to I.S.S. who fails to report without permission of an administrator or designee will be suspended for three days. Students may be offered corporal punishment in lieu of I.S.S. at the discretion of an administrator or designee. No student will be assigned I.S.S. without the permission of an administrator or designee. Parents may be contacted to discuss the problem. Students that are serving ISS or OSS for an offense other than tardies will not be allowed to participate or attend any school-sponsored activity for that day assigned. When ISS or OSS occurs on a Friday for any offense other than tardies, the student cannot attend activities for the following weekend (Saturday and Sunday).
In-School Suspension. In-school suspension is defined as temporary removal from a class or activity. Removal of student from class or classes and temporary placement in a more restrictive in-school location.
In-School Suspension. In-school suspensions will be assigned under special circumstances determined by the principal or designee. In-school suspension is the exclusion of a student from regular school classes with the students serving the suspension in a designated area of the building. Parents will be notified when students are serving this suspension. Students will not be able to attend their regular classes or participate in extracurricular activities during the day and evening of an in-school suspension. The student will work on assignments that teachers have turned in for the day. The student may also receive help with study skills, interpersonal relations and counseling from the guidance office. The following rules will be observed during in-school suspensions: ● The student will report to the office on the assigned day. ● Students will not be allowed to eat in the cafeteria. ● Students will receive two five minute supervised restroom breaks. ● Work assigned must be completed by the end of the day. ● There will be no talking, sleeping or misbehaving. If a student causes problems during in-school suspension, the principal may decide whether to issue another in-school suspension or an out of school suspension instead. If a student does not complete an in-school suspension, it will be made up the following school day.
In-School Suspension. Rules and Regulations
In-School Suspension. The temporary removal of a student from the classroom and the placement of that student in another designated area of the school building where the student will be supervised and will receive adequate, alternative education. The student may not attend any type of extracurricular activities during the period of the suspension. All conditions for re-entry must be satisfied for the student to be readmitted to classes. Legal Absence: A student is legally absent due to any of the following reasons: sickness, sickness or death in the family, impassable roads or weather, making travel unsafe, religious observance, approved school supervised trips, required presence in court, lack of scheduled school district transportation for those who ride the bus