MEMBERSHIP PERIOD. In view of the strict deadline set for Applications, Membership shall be open until 31 October 2015. After such date, companies that wish to apply for Authorisation of the Substance(s) and/or to acquire access to the Dossier may obtain access rights to the Dossier via a Letter of Access granted pursuant to Article 19 to this Agreement. Similarly, in order to guarantee sufficient stability to the Consortium and its financing, limitations are set out in Article 5.6 below concerning the time period allowed for Members to withdraw from the Membership. However, the Steering Committee may decide by a Qualified Majority to re-open the Membership of the Consortium at any time, provided that it would then inform all companies that have declared an interest in joining the Consortium after the initial closing date and that it would adequately advertise this opening for a minimum of one month before closing again the Membership of the Consortium.
MEMBERSHIP PERIOD. The one-year term that begins on the date you enroll in the Plan and pay your required Premium, and terminates 365 days later.
MEMBERSHIP PERIOD. Once Membership Fee is paid for the first month, Member is eligible to receive Services at Discounted Global Rate from the Date of Enrollment until the end of Membership Period. This Membership Period continues as long as automatic monthly payments continue.
MEMBERSHIP PERIOD. 4.1. The Membership is purchased for the annual Membership term (Period) from 1 July to 30 June, except in the following circumstances:
(a) if your Membership application is accepted after 1 July but before 1 January, the initial Period will start on the acceptance date and end on 30 June of the same membership year (resulting in an initial Period of at least 6 months but less than 12 months); or
(b) If your Membership application is accepted between 1 January and 30 June, the initial Period will start on the acceptance date and end on 30 June of the following membership year (resulting in an initial Period of more than 12 months).
MEMBERSHIP PERIOD. Perpetual Payroll Deduction Spring Summer I Fall All-year Spring Mid-year Summer II Fall Mid-year
MEMBERSHIP PERIOD. GOLD MEMBERSHIP - You agree to remain a member of the club for at least the “Minimum Term” of 12 months as agreed by yourself. If you wish to remain a member after this term please be advised that Debit Finance Collections Plc will continue to collect your monthly subscription after the minimum term. Should you not wish to continue subscribing after the minimum term you must give notice to cancel the contract on the month before the final payment of the minimum term. If you wish to cancel the contract at any time after the minimum term you must give one months’ notice. The notice should be in writing or by email and sent to The Warehouse Health Club (Aberdeen) Limited and Debit Finance Collections plc . This responsibility lies with the Member not The Warehouse Health Club (Aberdeen)
MEMBERSHIP PERIOD. 2.1. You agree to join INVERSE FITNESS for the Minimum Term specified on your Membership Agreement. For the whole of that Minimum Term, you will pay all weekly, fortnightly, or monthly membership fees irrespective of actual usage of INVERSE FITNESS facilities.
2.2. This Membership Agreement starts on the date specified in your Membership Agreement, once you have accepted the terms during the online joining process. By accepting the terms you are agreeing to pay any applicable Joining Fee and weekly, fortnightly or monthly membership amounts. These are shown at the start of the joining process and also before you confirm your payment instruction.
2.3. You may choose during the online joining process to start your membership either immediately or up to one month from the date that you accept the terms.
2.4. You are entitled to access and use the INVERSE FITNESS premises, facilities, equipment and services during open hours for the full duration of the membership provided you continue to pay your monthly direct debit membership fees. It does not however cover food or drink or the cost of personal training services, privates or extra classes on top of your membership.
MEMBERSHIP PERIOD. 4.1 The Membership Agreement applies from your Membership Start Date and shall continue for the Initial Membership Period, unless terminated earlier in accordance with Clause 18.
4.2 If your Membership is Paused in accordance with these Membership Terms, the Initial Membership Period or Renewal Membership Period (as applicable) will be extended by the period of time for which your Membership was Paused.
MEMBERSHIP PERIOD. You agree that you will continue your membership until you terminate it in accordance with clause 7.
MEMBERSHIP PERIOD. 4.1 Membership will commence from date of payment.