Method of Appointment Sample Clauses

Method of Appointment. All appointments other than those of Distinguished and University Professor shall be made by the chancellor or the chancellor's designee, under the appointment authority of the president of the University of Alaska.
Method of Appointment a. At the start of each school year, the Principal or designate in each school shall solicit the staff to determine those teachers who wish to serve as teacher-in- charge during that year. b. When all Principal or designate in a school are to be absent for one-half (1/2) day or more (i.e., the whole morning session or the whole afternoon session), a teacher-in-charge shall normally be appointed. c. When no teachers respond under sub-section B.21.1.a, or when those who respond are unavailable or not selected by the Principal or designate, the Principal or designate shall seek a volunteer from among the teaching staff of the school to fill the capacity. When no teacher volunteers, the Principal or designate retains the right to assign a teacher to the capacity.
Method of Appointment. *a. An application for Department Head will be submitted to the principal on the district's department head application form. *b. The Department Head will, when a qualified applicant is available, be appointed from within the staff. *c. Where there is no qualified applicant from within the staff, the position shall be posted district-wide (in a catalogue of vacancies or special posting) and the principal will submit written recommendations for such positions as soon as possible. *d. The appointment of Department Heads will be for an initial one (1) year term and subsequently for a renewable two (2) year term.
Method of Appointment. The Controller shall select an independent certified public accountant (“Compliance Auditor”) to conduct the Compliance Audit described below. The Compliance Auditor may be the same certified public accountant engaged by the Controller to audit the financial statements of the Water and Hetch Hetchy Enterprises. Subject to approval by the Controller and the General Manager of the SFPUC, the Compliance Auditor shall have the authority to engage such consultants as it deems necessary or appropriate to assist in the audit. The terms of this Article shall be incorporated into the contract between San Francisco and the Compliance Auditor, and the Wholesale Customers shall be deemed to be third-party beneficiaries of said contract.
Method of Appointment. The staff committee shall, in consultation with the teaching staff, recommend the subject departments, grade level and/or areas that shall be allocated a department head/team leader. a. Each department, grade level or area team shall select from among its members its choice of department head/team leader, subject to the approval of the school principal. If the principal does not approve of the selection by any department, grade level or area team, they shall meet with the department or team to resolve differences. If there is no resolution of differences, the principal's recommendation shall prevail. Upon request the principal shall provide written reasons for their decision. b. The principal shall provide the Board with a list of teachers recommended for approval as department heads/team leaders and their respective Department Head/Team Leader allowances in accordance with Articles B.32.1 to B.32.3 (Allowances) by May 31st of each year.
Method of Appointment. All continuing and career appointments shall be made by the Board on the recommendation from the President.
Method of Appointment. All initial probationary appointments shall be made by the Board following recommendation from the President.
Method of Appointment a) In filling posted vacancies, in pay band 7 and above, the Employer will consider the relevant qualifications, experience, knowledge, skill and ability of the applicants to perform the normal required work. Where these are relatively equal, seniority will govern. b) In filling posted vacancies, in pay band 6 and below, the Employer will appoint the senior applicant who holds at least the minimum requirements as set out in the posting. c) If the position is not filled as a result of the posting the Employer reserves the right to hire.
Method of Appointment a. At the start of each school year, the Administrative Officer in each school shall solicit the staff to determine those teachers who wish to serve as teacher-in- charge during that year. b. When all Administrative Officers in a school are to be absent for one-half (1/2) day or more (i.e., the whole morning session or the whole afternoon session), a teacher-in-charge shall normally be appointed. c. When no teachers respond under sub-section B.21.1.a, or when those who respond are unavailable or not selected by the Administrative Officer, the Administrative Officer shall seek a volunteer from among the teaching staff of the school to fill the capacity. When no teacher volunteers, the Administrative Officer retains the right to assign a teacher to the capacity.
Method of Appointment. The Sheriff shall make his/her promotional selection from among the three highest- scoring candidates. In the event of a tie (the total score between two or more candidates), the tie shall be determined in favor of the highest rating in the following order: Written Exam Seniority Oral Exam