Types of Appointment. 1. A regular appointment shall be one which creates an interest in employment for a specified term of one (1) year or less. All employees holding regular appointments shall be subject to non-reappointment without cause.
2. A tenured appointment may be offered only to those faculty members in the ranks of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Professor, and to Professional Staff.
3. The appointment year for unit professional staff appointments shall be July 1 – June 30. All appointments which take initial effect subsequent to July 1 shall be deemed to end on the June 30 next following any such appointment.
Types of Appointment. The Board of Trustees of Western Michigan University presently approves the following types of appointment: (1) one-year renewable term; (2) grant/contract; (3) joint; (4) tenure-track; and (5) tenured position.
Types of Appointment. 2.01 Appointments may be (a) term appointments or (b) confirmed appointments. The term of every appointment and the termination date shall be clearly stated on the appointment notice received by the appointee.
2.02 Term Appointments Term appointments are of the following two kinds:
a) Term Appointments Without Review Appointments without review are full-time or part-time appointments for a specified limited term. There is no implication that the appointee will be considered for any further appointment of this or any other kind on the expiration of the specified term. Full-time appointments without review may not be held for more than three (3) consecutive years. Term appointments without review are normally for one (1) year. Each year the University will provide to the Association a list of those holding term appointments without review.
b) Probationary Appointments
i) Probationary appointments are full-time appointments that, although being for a specified term, carry the implication that the appointee will be considered for further appointment in accordance with the procedures and criteria described below. A probationary appointment is normally for a three-year term.
ii) Any librarian holding a probationary appointment is eligible for consideration for a confirmed appointment. By the end of an appointee’s third year of continuous service in a probationary appointment, a recommendation shall be made to the President by the University Librarian to grant or deny a confirmed appointment. An early recommendation to grant a confirmed appointment may be made if the appointee has had academic, professional, or other comparable experience before being appointed by the University.
iii) A decision not to grant a confirmed appointment will normally be followed by a one year terminal appointment.
iv) No librarian will acquire a confirmed appointment by reason only of holding a probationary appointment that extends beyond the third year of continuous service.
Types of Appointment. Regular Employment The Employer may fill a position with a regular employment appointment for positions scheduled to work twelve (12) months per year. Cyclic Year Employment The Employer may fill a position with a cyclic year appointment for positions scheduled to work less than twelve (12) full months each year, due to known, recurring periods in the annual cycle when the position is not needed or due to known budgetary restraints. At least fifteen (15) days before the start of each annual cycle, incumbents of cyclic year positions will be informed, in writing, of their scheduled periods of leave without pay in the ensuing cycle. Such periods of leave without pay will not constitute a break in service. When additional work is required of a cyclic position during a period for which the position was scheduled for leave without pay, the temporary work will be offered to the incumbent. The incumbent will be allowed at least three (3) working days in which to accept or decline the offer. Should the incumbent decline the work, it will be offered to other cyclic employees, in the same classification, with the necessary skills and abilities, in order of seniority, before being filled by other means. Project Employment The Employer may appoint employees into project positions for which employment is contingent upon state, federal, local, grant, or other special funding of specific and of time-limited duration. The Employer will notify the employees, in writing, of the expected ending date of the project employment. Employees who have entered into project employment without previously attaining permanent status will serve a probationary period. Employees will gain permanent project status upon successful completion of their probationary period. Employees with permanent project status will serve a trial service period when they:
a. Promote to another job classification within the project; or
b. Transfer or voluntarily demote within the project to another job classification in which they have not attained permanent status. The Employer may consider project employees with permanent project status for transfer, voluntary demotion, or promotion to non-project positions. Employees will serve a trial service period upon transfer, voluntary demotion, or promotion to a non-project position. When the Employer converts a project appointment into a permanent appointment, the employee will serve a probationary or trial service period.
Types of Appointment. There are three (3) types of appointments for Librarians: a) probationary;
Types of Appointment. The types of appointment covered by this Collective Agreement are:
Types of Appointment. All full-time faculty appointments at the University shall be made under one of the following conditions:
(i) for a limited term
(ii) without term
(iii) on probation
(iv) with tenure
(v) with continuing status
Types of Appointment. The types of appointment are:
a. Permanent: An appointment, full-time (including all professional librarians working more than half-time, or on reduced load in accordance with the provisions of Article 26 (Reduced Load)) which may be terminated only through resignation, retirement or dismissal for just cause under the terms of Article 23 (Dismissal).
Types of Appointment. The types of appointment covered by this Collective Agreement are:
a. tenured (faculty) or permanent (librarians)
b. probationary
c. limited term appointment (LTA) and instructional limited term appointment (ILTA) The types of appointment not covered by this Collective Agreement are: d. part-time e. adjunct
Types of Appointment. An appointment extended to a faculty unit member at a higher education institution will be one of the following: term, tenure track or tenure.