Midday Runs. When a driver/transportation assistant of a midday is absent for five (5) consecutive work days, that run will be offered to the most senior person on the “midday sub list” who does not have a regular midday, and proceed down the list from that point. If that person refuses, the run will be offered to the next most senior person and so on down the list as long as it does not interfere with their regular weekly route and it does not put them into an overtime situation. (Field trip time is not counted in the overtime calculation.)
Midday Runs. 1. Payment for midday run will be paid as part of the regular schedule. Time to make the trip from the site where the bus is stored until its return to this parking site will be added to the driver’s time. When a driver with a scheduled midday run is unable to make the midday run, a deduction would be made accordingly and the run will be first offered to the drivers who regularly drive to that school.
Midday Runs. Midday runs shall be assigned each year by the Transportation Supervisor using the previous year’s driver/monitor first. When feasible, each driver/monitor shall retain their right to the same general run they had in the last school year. If a Midday run is eliminated the driver/monitor with the least seniority shall be dropped from the list; but will be the first considered for any future opening. Any additional Midday runs shall be posted and will be assigned to the senior driver/monitor who signs for it.
Midday Runs. 2. Only employees normally assigned to Happy Day School who possess a valid CDL shall be eligible to drive Extra Trips under Section 14.D.
Midday Runs. Midday runs becoming available during the year shall be incorporated into a fixed route.
Midday Runs. Midday runs are bus runs other than charters occurring between A.M. and P.M. runs. Bus drivers reporting for midday runs having been off duty for more than thirty (30) minutes will be paid a minimum of one (1) hour or actual driving time and continuous duty time whichever is greater.