BUS RUNS Sample Clauses
BUS RUNS. 1. A bus run is defined as a driver picking up one load of students at their homes and dropping them off at a school or the reverse.
2. Board adopted runs may include a combination of the above where picking up and dropping off is done at the same time. If such a combination is established, it shall be paid as two (2) runs.
3. It is understood that if the LCC/Apollo or St. Xxxxxx/Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx runs are ever reinstated, the parties will bargain with respect to the issue.
4. The St. Xxxxxx/Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx run will be integrated into other routes without additional run pay.
5. Regular contracted drivers shall be offered an opportunity to substitute, if they are available, before a regular substitute driver is employed.
6. This Article applies to the transportation of students in the Bath Local School District only.
7. When a driver calls off within two hours of a route departure, the first available Driver/substitute contacted will be offered the assignment. Bargaining unit drivers have the first priority in rotation.
BUS RUNS. Drivers shall be paid the amount of a charter run and mileage to take care of maintenance of busses at the minimum of 1 hour. Maintenance being defined as taking and picking busses up at Happ’s Performance Shop and taking busses through the safety inspections pending prior approval from administration or transportation secretary. Runs are defined as field trips and extra curricular runs. Sport shuttle runs consist of transporting students to and from Heritage schools for sporting practices or cooperative shuttles to and from Heritage, VG or any other school we would co-op with in the future – provided there is a shuttle run this way. The transportation secretary will attempt to follow a rotation, based on seniority, of regular route drivers for all extra curricular runs with the understanding that any run which starts before 4:10 pm will be offered to a substitute driver first. Bus drivers who do not want to be included in the rotation for extra-curricular bus runs shall submit such notice at the beginning of each school year. The transportation secretary will be notified of any trading of runs between drivers but the trading of extra bus runs is to be handled between drivers and not involve the transportation secretary. The provisions of this section shall not apply to the job classifications of Maintenance/Bus Driver employees. The employer may, at the employer's discretion, offer the Maintenance/Bus Driver employee extra bus trips at time and a half (Charter Rate). The employer may disregard the rotational aspects of this provision in doing so.
BUS RUNS. A single regular run shall consist of the pick-up and delivery of elementary and secondary pupils on different time schedules before and after school along an established bus route, as determined by the Employer. A single half run shall consist of the pickup and delivery of pupils to or from the Career Center.
BUS RUNS. (a) When the need is recognized to add a new bus run to those existing, the Board shall determine the length of the run, the stops to be made, the students to be transported, and compute the pay to be received by the driver.
(b) A bus run consists of a single pick-up of children along an established route before school, their delivery to designated buildings, and will include transfers if necessary. The loading at designated buildings and the single delivery of children along an established route after school, including necessary transfers, also constitutes a bus run.
(c) The right to alter existing bus runs, change their length, redesignate the stops, and compute the new rate of pay received by the driver according to the existing formula, is reserved to the Board. In the event that the Board deems it necessary to eliminate a total run or runs, the affected driver or drivers shall have the right to exercise their seniority and displace a lesser seniority driver in his total assignment to attain the equal amount of runs that the senior driver held prior to the elimination of their run or runs. When the Board adds mileage to or deducts mileage from the employee's existing runs, the employee's pay shall be adj usted accordingly.
(d) Employees returning at the beginning of the school year shall return to the same run that they held at the conclusion of the prior school year. In the event that there are vacant runs at the beginning of the school year, those drivers interested shall submit a bid for that run. From those drivers submitting a bid for a run at the beginning of the school year, the run shall be awarded to the senior driver applying.
BUS RUNS. A. Regular runs (AM-PM and Kindergarten) will be assigned once annually. No later than June 22 each year, the District shall designate a day in August for route selection and announce the route selection procedure to be used. A route selection procedure shall be developed by the District by which drivers will be offered their preference in such regular runs based on seniority. The District shall have descriptions of the regular runs to be bid upon during such route selection day available for review and on display in the transportation break room two (2) school business days prior to the route selection day. Drivers unable to attend the route selection day at their designated route selection time may, prior to such time, provide a written proxy to another driver authorizing said driver to make their route selection for them. If a written proxy has not been executed and the driver is not present at his/her designated selection time (or if a proxy has been executed but the driver authorized by proxy to select on behalf of the absent driver is not present at the designated selection time), the driver will be by-passed on the seniority list. A driver who has been by-passed in the route selection process shall have no seniority relative to the selection of regular runs under this article.
B. Regular bus drivers willing to drive extra runs (regardless of when they occur) shall sign up on the extra run list. Extra runs shall be assigned on the Monday morning or the first day of the school week, with the exception of late requests from administration. Assignments of such runs will be made in order of seniority to the drivers on the list; that is, the first run will be given to the most senior driver on the list the next run to the next most senior driver and so on until the list has been exhausted after which the next run will be offered to the most senior driver again and so on.
C. When a regular run, less than 26 hours per week, becomes vacant during the school year, the District may fill it with a substitute or new hire, but that route will become subject to the annual selection process in August provided in paragraph A above along with all other regular runs. Regular runs 26 hours or greater a week that become vacant prior to April 1 will be bid within 30 days from when it becomes vacant.
D. The Superintendent of Schools may make a regular or extra run assignment out of line of seniority where he has a practical reason for doing so. If the driver believes that...
BUS RUNS. All bus runs shall be paid at the assigned Bus Drivers’ regular rate unless otherwise specified in this Agreement.
BUS RUNS. There shall be a two-hour minimum pay on all morning, noon and afternoon runs. There will be two rosters (noon or trip), consisting of available bus assistants wishing to substitute for a special education bus assistant who is absent, on a rotating basis.
BUS RUNS. (a) There are three types of runs: straight runs, split runs, and group runs, which may consist of split runs and/or straight runs. The Company will use its best efforts to minimize the number of mixed runs and group runs. The Company will also use its best efforts to prevent a combination of AM and PM runs in a work week.
(b) Pick schedules for Bus Operators shall give information with respect to working hours, report, check in, and meal period time for each run and for open pieces. There shall be reasonable travel time to and from the depot. The Company shall create as many straight runs as possible. No part of a split run will be less than two and one-half (2 1/2) hours in duration for purposes of pay.
(c) All Bus Operators shall be paid overtime rates (1 1/2 times regular rate) for split-run hours in excess of twelve (12) hour spread or eight (8) hours pay time, in any one (1) day. Report, reasonable travel, and check-in time shall be included in the computation of the spread.
(d) Split runs are those which have at least two (2) pieces of work per day, each separated by one (1) hour and no greater than six (6) hours.
(e) All swing time scheduled for less than one (1) hour duration shall be considered as time worked. The Company shall provide car relief at a safe location with a pre-trip.
(f) Employees working through splits on extra work will be paid straight through if less than one-half (1/2) hour remains between finish of AM part and start of extra work or end of extra work and start of PM part, provided the employee completes the second half of the split run.
BUS RUNS. All bus runs will be reviewed annually and necessary adjustments made by October 31. Where a job is posted, a driver shall be appointed to his/her work in accordance to seniority, or new runs or vacancies, except where a driver may be required to store the bus on a certain school trip at his/her own residence because of his/her proximity to the school involved. In such cases, the driver in the general area shall have the preference of such run, except in case of layoff when seniority shall apply. In the cases where two (2) or more drivers live in the same general area involved, the senior of such drivers shall have preference. Where bus washing positions are posted they shall be for a minimum time of two and a half (2.5) hours per week when required. All Kindergarten runs will be posted and will be a minimum of two (2) hours. In the event that the actual time to complete the Kindergarten run is less than the posted two (2) hours, a driver may be required to fill that two (2) hour period with bus-related duties on that day.