Substitutes Sample Clauses
Substitutes. The responsibility for the selection, orientation and employment of substitutes rests at the local school level. The principal, or his/her designee, shall be responsible for obtaining qualified substitutes. Teachers shall not be required to obtain their own substitutes.
Substitutes. A. No teacher shall be required to obtain the services of a substitute in the event of his absence. In the case of a scheduled absence, however, the teacher may assist in securing a substitute.
B. Members of the bargaining unit, unable to report to work, will be able to call the pertinent information to a particular telephone number established for this purpose.
C. Except where there is a budget control freeze or where funds are not available for permanent filling of a position, a long-term substitute position shall not be used as a replacement for any recall procedure.
D. Provided funds are available, substitutes shall be provided for resource teachers in the event of illness for a full school day.
Substitutes. Employment of substitutes is an administrative responsibility. The rate of pay for substitutes who work less than five (5) days is $39.00 per hour. The rate of pay for substitutes who work five (5) days or more in the same assignment shall be the appropriate associate faculty rate of pay.
Substitutes. The CONSULTANT shall evaluate and determine the acceptability of substitute materials and equipment proposed by the Contractor(s).
Substitutes. See Paragraph 6 of the Operating Agreement.
Substitutes. A. A regular teacher shall not be required to substitute for another teacher during his/her preparation time.
B. Substitutes will be provided for Board required business involving half or full days of absences.
C. Teachers may not be required to obtain substitutes.
Substitutes. A. In assigning a substitute to cover for the office manager or health clerk, priority will be given to schools where principals have dual assignments. Second priority will be given to school offices staffed with one person.
B. At all worksites, if a clerical ESP is out for an extended absence, a reasonable effort will be made to provide a substitute clerk, subject to District needs and the availability of funds.
C. It is not the intent of the District to use substitutes in place of filling a vacancy, or use an ESP as a substitute for a certificated employee.
Substitutes. 1. A teacher shall not be required to find a substitute for himself.
2. No regularly assigned teacher shall be required to serve as an involuntary substitute except in case of emergency.
3. In the event of an emergency or when a substitute has been requested, but there is still an insufficient number of substitutes available at the school, the following procedure shall be available to the building principal:
a. At the beginning of each school year, the principal at the middle and high school level shall ask for volunteers who would be willing to give up their planning period to cover for a teacher who is absent. At the elementary level, the principal shall seek volunteers who would be willing to take on additional students when a teacher is absent.
b. The principal shall endeavor to rotate such assignments among those teachers who have volunteered. However, if no volunteers are available, the principal shall have the right to assign teachers, on a rotating basis whenever possible, to substitute during their planning period at the middle and high school, or to take on additional students at the elementary school.
c. Teachers who give up their planning period in order to cover for a teacher who is absent shall be paid at a rate of one-sixth (1/6) of the daily substitute rate of pay for a certified teacher per period for a seven period day, and one-third (1/3) the daily substitute rate of pay for a certified teacher per period for a four period block. Elementary teachers who take on additional students when a teacher is absent shall be paid an amount equal to the daily substitute rate for a certified teacher divided between the number of teachers taking additional students due to the teacher’s absence.
Substitutes. The SPS shall provide every substitute hired into the SPS at the beginning of the school year or thereafter a standard District Orientation Packet which will include a copy of the Agreement, Substitute Handbook, SPS Rules and Regulations Affecting Substitute Certificated employees, a map showing school locations, a list of all school buildings (including addresses and phone numbers) and the phone number of Human Resources. SPS will share with SEA all materials to be included in the packet prior to inclusion. SEA will have the opportunity to respond to the documents and will also be able to suggest documents for inclusion. As a reference for all SPS personnel, “The Best Practices Guideline for Substitute Certificated employees” is found in Appendix N.
1. Types of Substitutes:
Substitutes. The Employer may hire a temporary or substitute employee for each employee on vacation so that the same number of employees in all classifications shall be maintained during vacations. On premises where no Helper is employed, the Union may furnish, at the Employer's expense, a substitute employee in the classification of the vacationing regular employee.