– ORIENTATION AND IN SERVICE. 20.01 An orientation and in service program will be provided to all employees. These programs shall be reviewed and discussed from time to time by members of the Union-Management Committee. 20.02 A newly employed employee shall not be placed in charge, until she has been fully oriented to the home. 20.03 The following minimums shall be observed in the orientation/familiarization of a newly hired employee: (a) She is to be familiarized with the physical aspects of the building, the applicable policies and procedures of the Employer, and the daily routine of employees in the Home. (b) The period of orientation/familiarization shall be for a minimum of five (5) days or such greater period that the Employer deems necessary. (c) She shall be an additional employee to the usual staffing pattern. (d) The employee or employees involved in the orientation/familiarization will confirm that it has been completed, and this will be noted on the newly hired employee's personnel file, which will be reviewed with such employee, and the employee shall also be able to comment. (e) The employee may request up to three (3) additional days of paid orientation. When making her request, the employee will specify her learning needs and discuss with the Director of Care the development of the orientation learning plan. This request will not be unreasonably denied. (f) Notwithstanding the above, orientation/familiarization when an employee is transferred to a new unit/shift will be provided as required. (g) The Employer may, at its discretion, provide orientation in other circumstances. 20.04 Both the Employer and the Union recognize the joint responsibility and commitment to provide, and participate in, in-service education. The Union supports the principle of its members' responsibility for their own professional development and the Employer will endeavour to provide programmes related to the requirements of the Home. Programmes will be publicized and related material will be made readily accessible to staff in a timely manner. Any problems in accessing this information will be reported to the Union- Management Committee for resolution. (a) When an employee is required by the Employer to attend any in-service program or e-learning within the Home during her or his regularly scheduled working hours the employee shall suffer no loss of regular pay. (b) When an employee is required by the Employer to prepare for in service or to attend meetings, in service and other work related fun...
– ORIENTATION AND IN SERVICE. The Hospital recognizes the need for a Hospital Orientation Program of such duration as it may deem appropriate taking into consideration the needs of the Hospital and the nurses involved. Before assigning a newly hired nurse charge of a nursing unit, the Hospital will first provide orientation both to the Hospital and to such nursing unit. It is understood that such nurse may be assigned to any tour as part of her orientation program, providing .such assignment is in accordance with any scheduling regulations or objectives contained the Appendix of Local Provisions which forms part of this Collective Agreement. Xxxxxx recalled from layoff under Article (a), nurses whose probationary period has been extended under Article and nurses who are transferred on a permanent basis may be provided any orientation determined necessary by the Hospital. A request by such a nurse for orientation shall not be unreasonably denied. Both the Hospital and the Association recognize their joint responsibility and to provide, and to participate in, in-service education. The Association supports the principle of its members’ responsibility for their own professional development and the Hospital will endeavour to provide programs related to the requirements of the Hospital. Available programs will be publicized and the Hospital will endeavour to provide nurses with opportunities to attend such programs during their regularly scheduled working hours. The delegation of Added Nursing Skills and Sanctioned Medical Acts (Special Procedures) to nurses shall be in accordance with guidelines established by the College of Nurses from time to time and any approved Hospital policy related thereto. When a nurse on duty and authorized to attend service program within the hospital and during her regularly scheduled working hours, she shall suffer no loss of regular pay. When a nurse required by the Hospital to attend courses outside of her regularly scheduled working hours she shall be paid for all time spent in attendance on such courses at her regular straight time hourly rate of pay. Nurses may be required, as part of their regular duties, to supervise the activities of students and will be informed writing of their responsibilities in relation to these students. Any information that is provided to the Hospital by the educational institution with respect to the skill level of the students will be made available to the nurses recruited to supervise the students. The Hospital undertakes to n...
– ORIENTATION AND IN SERVICE. The Hospital recognizes the need for a Hospital Orientation Program of such duration as it may deem appropriate taking into consideration the needs of the Hospital and the nurses involved.
– ORIENTATION AND IN SERVICE. 11.01 Both the Home and the Association recognize their joint responsibility and commitment to provide, and to participate in, in-service education. The Association supports the principle of it’s members’ responsibility for their own professional development and the Home will endeavour to provide programs related to the requirements of the Home. Available programs will be publicized, and the Home will endeavour to provide nurses with opportunities to attend such programs during their regularly scheduled working hours.
– ORIENTATION AND IN SERVICE a) No employee shall be required to work on any job or operate any piece of equipment until they have received proper orientation and instruction. b) The Employer shall provide sufficient and adequate in-service training and/or orientation to any employee working in a new or unfamiliar work area or position. c) The Employer will provide orientation and/or in-service, which is necessary for the safe performance of work, including universal precautions, the safe use of equipment, safe techniques for lifting and supporting residents and the safe handling of materials and products. The Employer will also make readily available information, manuals and procedures for these purposes. The Employer will provide appropriate safety clothing and equipment.
– ORIENTATION AND IN SERVICE. 21.01 It is agreed that orientation and in-service programmes will be provided to all nurses. These programmes shall be reviewed and updated from time-to-time by members of the Association-Management Committee. 21.02 A newly employed nurse shall be entitled to orientation and shall not be placed in charge until he/she has been fully oriented to the Home, and to the area where he/she will be working. The following minimums are to be observed in the orientation/familiarization of a newly hired employee: (a) He/she is to be familiarized with the physical aspects of the building, the applicable policies and procedures of the Employer, and the daily routine of the nurses in the Home. (b) The period of orientation/familiarization shall be for a period of three (3) to five (5) days or such greater period that the Employer deems necessary. (c) He/she shall be an additional nurse to the usual staffing pattern. (d) The nurse or nurses involved in the orientation will confirm that it has been completed, and this will be noted on the newly hired nurse's personnel file, which will be reviewed with such nurse, and the nurse shall also be able to comment. 21.03 The in-service education program shall be based on the following principles: (a) Education needs may be suggested by the nurses. (b) It shall be a planned program to update nurses as to changes in procedures or practices. (c) The Employer will provide appropriate training concerning changes in technical methods and nursing practices in providing professional care where additional knowledge or skill is required on the part of the nurses.
– ORIENTATION AND IN SERVICE. 11.01 It is agreed that an orientation program will be provided to all nurses and that during this time the newly hired nurse will be considered additional staff and not placed in charge: (a) The orientation as performed by the Director, Student Health Services/Designate shall include a familiarization with the department, physical plant, applicable University policies, and Student Health Services policies and procedures. (b) The orientation period shall be a minimum of five (5) days. The nurse may request additional orientation if necessary. (c) Newly hired nurses will be given an orientation checklist to be completed during the course of the nurse’s orientation and to be reviewed with the Director, Student Health Services/Designate upon completion of the nurse’s orientation. In addition, prior to completion of the orientation period, the Student Health Services Surveillance Protocol will be completed by the nurse. (d) The newly hired nurse(s), the Director, Student Health Services/Designate involved in the orientation will confirm in writing that the orientation program has been completed. 11.02 Nurses recalled from layoff, nurses whose probationary period has been extended, nurses who transfer on a permanent basis, and nurses who are returning from an extended leave, may be provided an orientation as deemed necessary by Student Health Services. A request by such a nurse for orientation shall not be unreasonably denied. 11.03 Nurses have the responsibility for continuous learning which enables the individual to enhance and expand personal and professional skills and to realize potential. Therefore the University and the Union agree that: (a) Both Student Health Services and the Union recognize their joint responsibility and commitment to provide and to participate in in-service education. The Union supports the principle of its members' responsibility for their own professional development and Student Health Services will endeavour to assist nurses in this goal. Available programs will be publicized, and Student Health Services will endeavour to provide nurses with opportunities to attend such programs during their regularly scheduled working hours. (b) The delegation of Added Nursing Skills and Sanctioned Medical Acts (Special Procedures) to nurses shall be in accordance with guidelines established by the College of Nurses and the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1994. 11.04 All in-service programs shall be posted on the staff bulletin board and, where...
– ORIENTATION AND IN SERVICE. 25.01 Employees who displace other employees in the event of a long-term layoff, employees recalled from layoff, and employees who are transferred on a permanent basis may be provided any orientation determined necessary by the Employer for the purposes of allowing the employee to assume satisfactorily the duties of such position. A request by such an employee for orientation shall not be unreasonably denied.
– ORIENTATION AND IN SERVICE. The Hospital the need for a Hospital Orientation Program of such duration as it may deem appropriate taking into consideration the needs of the Hospital and the nurses involved. Before assigning a newly hired full time nurse in charge of a nursing unit, the Hospital will first provide orientation both to the Hospital and to such nursing unit. It is understood that such nurse may be assigned to any tour as part of the nurse’s orientation program, providing such assignment is in accordance with any scheduling regulations or objectives contained in the Appendix of Local Provisions which forms part of this Collective Agreement. Before assigning a newly hired part time nurse in charge of a nursing unit, the Hospital will first provide orientation, in accordance with Article both to the Hospital and to such nursing unit. It is understood that such nurse may be assigned to any tour as part of the nurse’s orientation program, providing such assignment is in accordance with any scheduling regulations or objectives contained in the Appendix of Local Provisions which forms part of this Collective Agreement. Nurses who displace other nurses in the event of a long-term layoff, nurses recalled from layoff, nurses whose probationary period has been extended under Article and nurses who are transferred on a permanent basis may be provided any orientation necessary by the Hospital for the purposes of allowing the nurse to assume satisfactorily the duties of such position. A request by such a nurse for orientation shall not be unreasonably denied. Both the Hospital and the Association their joint responsibility and commitment to provide, and to participate in, in-service education. The Association supports the principle of its members’ responsibility for their own professional development and the Hospital will endeavour to provide programs related to the requirements of the Hospital. Available programs will be and the Hospital will endeavour to provide nurses with opportunities to attend such programs during their regularly scheduled working hours. The delegation of Controlled Acts shall be in accordance with the Regulated Health Professions Act, Medical Directives, and related statutes and regulations and in accordance with guidelines established by the College of Nurses of Ontario from time to time, and any hospital policy related thereto, provided that if the Association is of the opinion that such delegation would be inimical to proper patient care, the Association may ...
– ORIENTATION AND IN SERVICE. 25.01 The Employer recognizes the need for an Orientation Program for newly hired employees of such duration as it may deem (to be not less than 10 working days) appropriate taking into consideration the needs of the Employer and the Employee involved.