Minimum Personnel Sample Clauses

Minimum Personnel. Directors (a) The Producer will engage one (1) Director for the Production period of the Motion Picture.
Minimum Personnel. Production Department‌ (a) The Production Department shall be deemed to consist of the Production Department, the Assistant Director Department and the Locations Department. (b) Except on television Series, the Producer will engage as Department Heads at least one Production Manager in the Production Department, a First Assistant Director in the Assistant Director Department and one Location Manager in the Locations Department.
Minimum Personnel. Accounting Department‌ (a) The Producer will engage at least one Production Accountant. A company which employs full time permanent accounting staff during the postproduction period is not obligated to engage those individuals under this Agreement. (b) The Agreement shall apply to Post Production Accountants as well.
Minimum Personnel. Second Unit‌ On Second Unit shooting, as defined by Core Article 1.47, in addition to the Director assigned to the Second Unit, the Producer will engage at least one (1) First Assistant Director and one (1) Production Assistant in the AD Department and at least one (1) Location Manager or Assistant Location Manager in the Locations Department, however requirements for the shooting of inserts and plate shots can be separately determined in co nsultation with department heads.
Minimum Personnel. A minimum of three (3) patrolmen and one (1) working Chief shall be maintained at all times, provided the City funds can support the same.
Minimum Personnel. The section specifies the minimum personnel requirements. Other personnel will be required in order to provide the services, but where a minimum requirement in terms of available personnel exists, these are listed below. It is the Operator’s responsibility to translate the requirements below in relation to the total number of personnel to hire to meet a certain requirement, taking into account shifts, off- time, scope of work, and local labour laws. 7.2.1 Fare Collection Personnel
Minimum Personnel. Production Department
Minimum Personnel. Section 1: The City agrees in principle that a minimum of two (2) police officers shall occupy each scout car after sunset. No officer shall be required to work a one (1) person car after sunset unless officer agrees to work a one person car. Section 2: Notwithstanding anything in this Agreement to the contrary, the following one (1) person car option shall be permitted for eligible officers so electing: A. One person cars will operate from sundown to sun up. B. Electing officer must have a minimum of one (1) year of seniority. C. Election will be made at time of shift selection for a minimum period of four (4) months. D. Officers electing will receive a flat $160 allowance for each four (4) months of service if the officer has served the entire four (4) month period. E. During the period from sundown to sun up and when the one (1) person car option is in effect: 1. City will continue to dispatch multiple cars on questionable runs. 2. No one (1) person unit will be dispatched on a questionable run without backup. F. The election described in this section is a voluntary election of the electing officer. Section 3: A. Patrol Division minimum personnel standards shall be as follows: Eight (8) hour- (7a-3p) five (5) officers (6) to start the shift. (3p-11p) eight (8) officers (9) to start the shift. (11p-7a) eight (8) officers (9) to start the shift. Twelve (12) hour- Forty-four (44) officers and three (3) shifts are required for this schedule unless a change is mutually agreed upon by both parties. See Article 16, Section 1 (f).
Minimum Personnel. The Vendor shall provide sufficient personnel to receive and Inspect material from the County's franchise hauiing Vendors and prlvare haulers at all times that mat rial is dellver�d to tho work area. Personnel shall be suflklent to detect and segregl'lte unauthori ed and prohibited terial including, but not limited to, non-horticultural waste and potE?ntiallyhazardous or Class I $0lid waste hat Is received from Incoming trnd(s/l'ehlcf\l , and to remove any plastic bags/debris that might aff<!Ct the quality of the processed material, A minimum of one trained spotter shall be on duty at all times that yard waste rs rec�ived and/or franchise haul11rs \llld private haulers are present at the site to inspect the i coming material and ldehtify and remove Lmalithoriz:ed wastes and direct traffic on-site.