MODEL PROCEDURES. 1. Fertilizer and Pesticide Management Usage ✓ Utilize a comprehensive management system that incorporates integrated pest management techniques. Usage (cont’) ✓ Follow all federal, state, and local laws and regulations governing the use, storage, and disposal of fertilizers and pesticides and training of applicators and pest control advisors. ✓ Educate and train employees on use of pesticides and pesticide application techniques to prevent pollution. ✓ Pesticide application must be under the supervision of a qualified and properly licensed or certified pesticide applicator. ✓ When applicable use the least toxic pesticides that will do the job. Avoid use of copper-based pesticides if possible. ✓ Do not mix or prepare pesticides for application near storm drains. ✓ Prepare the minimum amount of pesticide needed for the job and use the lowest rate that will effectively control the pest. ✓ Employ techniques to minimize off-target application (e.g. spray drift) of pesticides, including consideration of alternative application techniques. ✓ Calibrate fertilizer and pesticide application equipment to avoid excessive application. ✓ Periodically test soils for determining proper fertilizer use. ✓ Sweep pavement and sidewalk if fertilizer is spilled on these surfaces before applying irrigation water. ✓ Inspect pesticide/fertilizer equipment and transportation vehicles daily. ✓ Refer to Appendix D for further guidance on Fertilizer and Pesticide management ✓ Refer to permit “Monitoring and Reporting Program No. 2001-160 for Discharges of Aquatic Pesticides to Waters of the United States” if lake discharges to Waters of the United States. OPTIONAL: • Use beneficial insects where possible to control pests (green lacewings, ladybugs, praying mantis, ground beetles, parasitic nematodes, trichogramma wasps, seedhead weevils, and spiders prey on detrimental pest species). • Use slow release fertilizers whenever possible to minimize leaching. Scheduling ✓ Do not use pesticides if rain is expected within 24 hours. ✓ Apply pesticides only when wind speeds are low (less than 5 mph). Disposal ✓ Purchase only the amount of pesticide that you can reasonably use in a given time period (month or year depending on the product). ✓ Triple rinse containers, and use rinse water as product. Dispose of unused pesticide as hazardous waste. ✓ Dispose of empty pesticide containers according to the instructions on the container label.
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MODEL PROCEDURES. 1. Mowing, Trimming/Weeding, and Planting Mowing, Trimming/Weeding ✓ Whenever possible, use mechanical methods of vegetation removal rather than applying herbicides. Use hand weeding where practical. ✓ When conducting mechanical or manual weed control, avoid loosening the soil, which could erode into streams or storm drains. ✓ Use coarse textured mulches or geotextiles to suppress weed growth and reduce the use of herbicides. ✓ Do not blow or rake leaves, etc. into the street or place yard waste in gutters or on dirt shoulders. Sweep up any leaves, litter or residue in gutters or on street. ✓ Collect lawn and garden clippings, pruning waste, tree trimmings, and weeds. Chip if necessary, and compost or dispose of at a landfill (see waste management section of this procedure sheet). ✓ Place temporarily stockpiled material away from watercourses, and berm or cover stockpiles to prevent material releases to storm drains. Planting ✓ Where feasible, retain and/or plant selected native vegetation whose features are determined to be beneficial. Native vegetation usually requires less maintenance (e.g., irrigation, fertilizer) than planting ornamental vegetation. ✓ When planting or replanting consider using low water use groundcovers. OPTIONAL: • Careful soil mixing and layering techniques using a topsoil mix or composted organic material can be used as an effective measure to reduce herbicide use and watering.
MODEL PROCEDURES a. Mowing, Trimming/Weeding, and Planting i. �Whenever possible, use mechanical methods of vegetation removal rather than applying herbicides. Use hand weeding where practical.
MODEL PROCEDURES. Some procedures and processes currently utilized in the TModel2 may not have a direct conversion in the TransCAD platform, or it may be determined that TModel2 procedures should be updated or revised with development of the TransCAD model. “Conversion” of model operating procedures will primarily involve developing TransCAD routines to implement operational decisions reached in Task 200 and documented in the Task 200 Working Paper. Model procedures will be developed to create a time-of-day model to model discrete periods of an average day separately. As opposed to a daily model, a time-of-day model allows modeling of street and intersection congestion more accurately than a daily model. We anticipate three periods will be utilized: • AM Peak Period • PM Peak Period • Off Peak Period We anticipate performing Trip Generation on a daily basis, then factoring daily trips to create time-of-day trip tables. The factoring process will discretely estimate the fraction of trip origins and destinations for each trip purpose for each time-of-day period. It is anticipated that the time-of-day factoring and Auto Occupancy will be performed separately for each trip purpose. Trip Distribution, Mode Split and Traffic Assignment functions will also be performed for three discrete time-of-day periods. To obtain data for an all-day period, the discrete time-of-day model results will typically be added together (to determine average daily traffic volume, for instance).


  • Recall Procedures The offer of reemployment shall be made personally or by certified mail, return receipt requested, and the teacher shall be notified that if he/she wishes to accept, he/she must do so in writing within five (5) calendar days of receipt of notice or within ten (10) calendar days of the postmark on the envelope in which the offer is mailed, whichever is shorter. Failure to receive timely acceptance of the offer of reemployment eliminates all reemployment rights of the teacher.

  • Operational Procedures In order to minimize operational problems, it will be necessary for trade information to be supplied in a secure manner by the Subadviser to the Fund’s Service Providers, including: JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association (the “Custodian”), Virtus Fund Services (the “Fund Administrator”) BNY Mellon Investment Servicing (US) Inc., (the “Sub-Accounting Agent”), any Prime Broker to the Series, and all other Counterparties/Brokers as required. The Subadviser must furnish the Fund’s service providers with required daily information as to executed trades in a format and time-frame agreed to by the Subadviser, Custodian, Fund Administrator, Sub-Accounting Agent and Prime Broker/Counterparties and designated persons of the Fund. Trade information sent to the Custodian, Fund Administrator, Sub-Accounting Agent and Prime Broker/Counterparties must include all necessary data within the required timeframes to allow such parties to perform their obligations to the Series. The Sub-Accounting Agent specifically requires a daily trade blotter with a summary of all trades, in addition to trade feeds, including, if no trades are executed, a report to that effect. Daily information as to executed trades for same-day settlement and future trades must be sent to the Sub-Accounting Agent no later than 4:30 p.m. (Eastern Time) on the day of the trade each day the Fund is open for business. All other executed trades must be delivered to the Sub-Accounting Agent on Trade Date plus 1 by Noon (Eastern Time) to ensure that they are part of the Series’ NAV calculation. (The Subadviser will be responsible for reimbursement to the Fund for any loss caused by the Subadviser’s failure to comply with the requirements of this Schedule A.) On fiscal quarter ends and calendar quarter ends, all trades must be delivered to the Sub-Accounting Agent by 4:30 p.m. (Eastern Time) for inclusion in the financial statements of the Series. The data to be sent to the Sub-Accounting Agent and/or Fund Administrator will be as agreed by the Subadviser, Fund Administrator, Sub-Accounting Agent and designated persons of the Fund and shall include (without limitation) the following:

  • Formal Procedures a. Upon presentation to the Vice President of a petition, signed by one-third (1/3) of the full-time members of the department who are eligible to participate, excluding the Department Chair, stating specific reasons for recalling the Department Chair, the Vice President shall promptly give fourteen (14) days written notice to all full-time department members setting forth the time, date and place of a meeting to consider the recall petition and to vote on either a motion that the Department Chair continue in office or a motion to recommend to the President that he/she declare a vacancy to exist in the chair of the department. The Department Chair may be present at this meeting.

  • General Procedures If at any time on or after the date the Company consummates a Business Combination the Company is required to effect the Registration of Registrable Securities, the Company shall use its best efforts to effect such Registration to permit the sale of such Registrable Securities in accordance with the intended plan of distribution thereof, and pursuant thereto the Company shall, as expeditiously as possible:

  • Informal Procedures 1. If a teacher feels that s/he may have a grievance, s/he must first discuss the matter with the person directly involved in an effort to resolve the problem informally.

  • Payroll Procedures 3.1.1 The payroll period is from the first day of the month to and including the last day of the month. Payroll direct deposit shall be made on the last banking day of the month. The monthly leave reporting period ends the 15th of the month or three

  • AML/KYC Procedures “AML/KYC Procedures” means the customer due diligence (CDD) procedures of a Reporting Financial Institution pursuant to the anti-money laundering or similar requirements of the jurisdiction concerned to which such Reporting Financial Institution is subject.

  • Referral Procedures (a) For signatory Unions now having a job referral system contained in a Schedule A, the Contractor agrees to comply with such system and it shall be used exclusively by such Contractor, except as modified by this Agreement. Such job referral system will be operated in a nondiscriminatory manner and in full compliance with federal, state, and local laws and regulations which require equal employment opportunities and non-discrimination. All of the foregoing hiring procedures, including related practices affecting apprenticeship, shall be operated so as to consider the goals of the College to encourage employment of College residents and utilization of small local businesses on the Project, and to facilitate the ability of all Contractors to meet their employment needs. The Unions will exert their best efforts to recruit and refer sufficient numbers of skilled craft workers to fulfill the labor requirements of the Contractor, including specific employment obligations to which the Contractor may be legally and/or contractually obligated; and to refer apprentices as requested to develop a larger, skilled workforce. The Unions will work with their affiliated regional and national unions, and jointly with the Community Workforce Coordinator and others designated by the College, to identify and refer competent craft persons as needed for Project Work, and to identify and hire individuals, particularly residents of the College, for entrance into joint labor/management apprenticeship programs, or to participation in other identified programs and procedures to assist individuals in qualifying and becoming eligible for such apprenticeship programs, all maintained to increase the available supply of skilled craft personnel for Project Work and future construction of maintenance work to be undertaken by the College.

  • Withdrawal Procedures Upon the withdrawal of the privileges of this Agreement, the Resident shall vacate the Room within the time frame given, and deliver to the Manager vacant possession of the Room together with all of the furnishings, fixtures, appliances and telephone of the Residence, and the furnishings and fixtures shall be in good condition, with reasonable wear and tear excepted. The Resident will follow the Move-out Procedures explained in section 3.02 of this Agreement and all additional directions communicated by the Manager.

  • Procedures If any action shall be brought against any Indemnified Party in respect of which indemnity may be sought pursuant to this Agreement, the Indemnified Party shall promptly cause written notice (the “Third Party Notice”) of the assertion of such Legal Proceeding to be forwarded to the Indemnifying Party. The Indemnifying Party shall have the right, at its sole option and expense, by providing written notice to the Indemnified Party, to (i) take control of the defense and investigation of such Legal Proceeding, (ii) employ and engage attorneys of its own choice (subject to the prior written approval of the Indemnified Party, such approval not to be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed) to handle and defend the same, at the Indemnifying Party’s sole cost, risk and expense and (iii) compromise or settle such Legal Proceeding, which compromise or settlement shall be made only with the prior written consent of the Indemnified Party; provided, that such consent shall not be required if such settlement (x) includes an unconditional release of the Indemnified Party, (y) otherwise provides solely for payment of monetary damages for which the Indemnifying Party shall be responsible and no other form of relief or penalty, (y) shall not increase the tax liability of the Indemnified Party for any taxable year or other taxable period and (z) does not involve the admission of liability or wrongdoing on the part of the Indemnified Party. The Indemnified Party shall, at the Indemnifying Party’s expense, cooperate in all reasonable respects with the Indemnifying Party and its attorneys in the investigation, trial and defense of such Legal Proceeding and any appeal arising therefrom, and the Indemnified Party may, at its own cost, monitor and further participate in the investigation, trial and defense of such Legal Proceeding and any appeal arising therefrom. Notwithstanding the Indemnifying Party’s election to assume the defense of such Legal Proceeding, the Indemnified Party shall have, upon giving prior written notice to the Indemnifying Party, the right to employ one separate counsel and to participate in the defense of such Legal Proceeding, and the Indemnifying Party shall bear the reasonable fees, costs and expenses of such separate counsel for the Indemnified Party if, but only if, the Indemnified Party shall have reasonably concluded in good faith that (x) an actual or potential conflict of interest (including one or more legal defenses or counterclaims available to it or to other Indemnified Parties that are different from or additional to those available to the Indemnifying Party) makes it inappropriate in the reasonable judgment of the Indemnified Party (upon and in conformity with the advice of counsel) for the same counsel to represent both the Indemnified Party and the Indemnifying Party or (y) the claim seeks nonmonetary relief which, if granted, could materially and adversely affect the Indemnified Party or its Affiliates. If the Indemnifying Party elects not to defend against such Legal Proceeding, does not, within fifteen (15) days after receipt of the Third Party Notice (or such earlier date, if the failure to assume the defense by such earlier date would materially impair the ability of the indemnified party to defend such Legal Proceeding), acknowledge in writing its intent to assume the defense of such Legal Proceeding pursuant to this Section 4.3, contests its obligation to indemnify the Indemnified Party in connection with such Legal Proceeding, or fails to defend against such Legal Proceeding with reasonable diligence, the Indemnified Party may defend against such Legal Proceeding, in which cases the costs of defending such Legal Proceeding shall constitute indemnifiable Losses under this Article IV, and the Indemnifying Party shall have the right to participate therein at its own cost. If the Indemnified Party defends any Legal Proceeding, then it shall keep the Indemnifying Party regularly apprised of the status of the Legal Proceeding and the Indemnifying Party shall reimburse the Indemnified Party for the reasonable expenses of counsel engaged by the Indemnified Party to defend such Legal Proceeding upon submission of periodic bills unless (A) the Indemnifying Party is asserting in good faith a bona fide contest to its obligation to indemnify the Indemnified Party and (B) the Indemnifying Party deposits in escrow in a manner and with an escrow agent reasonably satisfactory to such Indemnified Party all amounts that would have been payable to such Indemnified Party under this sentence in the absence of such a contest as and when such amounts would have been payable. In no event shall the Indemnified Party be entitled to compromise or settle any Legal Proceeding without the prior written consent of the Indemnifying Party, such consent not to be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed. If a claim for Losses (a “Claim”) is to be made by any Indemnified Party not in connection with a Legal Proceeding instituted by a third party, such Indemnified Party shall give written notice (a “Claim Notice”) to the Indemnifying Party reasonably promptly after such Indemnified Party becomes aware of any fact, condition or event giving rise to Losses for which indemnification may be sought under this Section 4.3. If the Indemnifying Party notifies the Indemnified Party that it does not dispute the Claim described in such Claim Notice, the Losses identified in the Claim Notice shall be conclusively deemed a liability of the Indemnifying Party. After any final judgment or award shall have been rendered by a court, arbitration board or administrative agency of competent jurisdiction, and the time in which to appeal therefrom has expired, or a settlement shall have been consummated, or the Indemnified Party and the Indemnifying Party shall have arrived at a mutually binding agreement with respect to a Legal Proceeding hereunder, the Indemnified Party shall forward to the Indemnifying Party notice of any sums due and owing by the Indemnifying Party pursuant to this Agreement with respect to such matter and, unless the Indemnifying Party in good faith disputes any such amounts, the Indemnifying Party shall promptly pay such amounts.

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