MONITORING AND TRAINING. A. The Agency Official shall provide the signatory parties with an Annual Report, generated through HEROS, in January of each year summarizing all projects that were reviewed under this Agreement, and if requested by the signatory party, shall schedule a meeting with them to discuss the Report.
B. This Annual Report shall include:
1. a list of projects that used the exemptions in Stipulation II and Appendix A of the Agreement to conclude Section 106 without further consultation, categorized by name (or street address) and town;
MONITORING AND TRAINING. A. The Agency Official shall provide the signatory parties to this Agreement with an Annual Report in January of each year summarizing all projects that were reviewed under Stipulation II and Appendix A of this Agreement, and if requested by the signatory party, shall schedule a meeting with them to discuss the Report. Data for the Annual Report may be derived from HEROS and should be submitted to SHPO using PA-SHARE.
B. The Annual Report shall include:
1. a list of projects that used the exemptions in Stipulation II and Appendix A of the Agreement to conclude Section 106 without further consultation, categorized by name (or street address) and town;
2. a summary of staff and consultant training held;
MONITORING AND TRAINING. The Agency Official shall provide the signatory parties with an Annual Report, generated through HEROS, in January of each year summarizing all projects that were reviewed under this Agreement, and if requested by the signatory party, shall schedule a meeting with them to discuss the Report. This Annual Report shall include: a list of projects that used the exemptions in Stipulation II and Appendix A of the Agreement to conclude Section 106 without further consultation, categorized by name (or street address) and town; a list of projects that underwent standard Section 106 review, categorized by name (or street address), town, whether or not a historic property was involved, determination of effect, and whether an archeologist or architectural historian (or both) was contracted to carry out reviews under the terms of this Agreement; a summary of archeological activities conducted; a summary of staff and consultant training held; staff and consultant training proposed for the following year; views of the Agency Official regarding the effectiveness of the Agreement; suggestions for additional actions that could be considered for inclusion in the Exempt Activities list. Upon written request from one or more of the Signatories of the Agreement, the SHPO may conduct training workshops to assist the Agency Official, Recipients, and consultants to understand the technical requirements of the Agreement.
MONITORING AND TRAINING. When the HUD Environmental On-line Review System (HEROS) is available and used to track Part 50 project reviews, and the HEROS report function is operable, HUD shall provide the SHPO with an Annual Report in January of each year [or other suitable timeframe] summarizing all projects that utilized the exemptions in Stipulation I. of this Agreement, and if requested by the SHPO, shall schedule a meeting with the SHPO to discuss the Report. Until such time as HEROS is available to generate the report stipulated in V.A. above, HUD shall convene a meeting in January of each year with SHPO and any other signatory parties who express an interest to discuss the implementation of the Agreement during the previous year and suggestions for any changes to the Agreement. Upon written request from HUD, the SHPO shall participate in training workshops to assist HUD staff, applicants, and consultants to understand the technical requirements of the Agreement.
MONITORING AND TRAINING. When the HUD Environmental On-line Review System (HEROS) is available and used to track Part 50 project reviews, and the HEROS report function is operable, HUD Office of Housing shall provide the SHPO and HUD Office of Environment and Energy with an Annual Report in January of each year [or other suitable timeframe] summarizing all projects that utilized the exemptions in Stipulation I. of this Agreement, and if requested by the SHPO, shall schedule a meeting with the SHPO to discuss the Report. Until such time as HEROS is available to generate the report stipulated in V.A. above, HUD shall convene a meeting in January of each year with SHPO and any other signatory parties who express an interest to discuss the implementation of the Agreement during the previous year and suggestions for any changes to the Agreement. Upon written request from HUD, the SHPO shall participate in training workshops to assist HUD staff, applicants, and consultants to understand the technical requirements of the Agreement. DISPUTE RESOLUTION If, at any time during the implementation of the measures stipulated in this Agreement, a signatory raises an objection to any measure or manner of implementation, HUD shall take the objection into account and consult with the objecting party and the SHPO to resolve the issue. HUD shall represent itself in all matters of dispute resolution that pertain specifically to this Agreement. HUD shall Forward all documentation relevant to the dispute, including the HUD’s proposed resolution, to the ACHP. The ACHP shall provide HUD with its advice on the resolution of the objection within thirty (30) days of receiving adequate documentation. Prior to reaching a final decision on the dispute, HUD shall prepare a written response that takes into account any timely advice or comments regarding the dispute from the ACHP, signatories and concurring parties, and provide them with a copy of this written response. HUD will then proceed according to its final decision. If the ACHP does not provide its advice regarding the dispute within the thirty (30) day time period, HUD may make a final decision on the dispute and proceed accordingly. Prior to reaching such a final decision, HUD shall prepare a written response that takes into account any timely comments regarding the dispute from the signatories and concurring parties to the MOA, and provide them and the ACHP with a copy of such written response. All responsibilities of the signatories to carry out action...