Notice of Deficiency. If ITS, upon review of the MWBE Utilization Plan and updated Quarterly MWBE Contractor Compliance Reports determines that Contractor is failing or refusing to comply with the participation goals and no waiver has been issued in regards to such non-compliance, ITS may issue a notice of deficiency to the Contractor. The Contractor must respond to the notice of deficiency within seven (7) business days of receipt. Such response may include a request for partial or total waiver of MWBE participation goals.
Notice of Deficiency. 1. If either HE or UP&UP, in the opinion of the other, fails to comply with one or more terms and conditions of this Agreement, the aggrieved party shall give written notice of deficiency to the other party. The party receiving such notice shall have thirty (30) days from the receipt thereof to remedy the deficiency in order to comply with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. In the event said default is not cured within the 30 day period, the non-defaulting party may terminate the Agreement immediately.
Notice of Deficiency. If, upon inspection or otherwise, the COUNTY determines that SUBDIVIDER has violated its obligations hereunder, the COUNTY shall mail a written Notice of Deficiency to SUBDIVIDER requesting repairs within thirty (30) days; provided, however, that in the event of an emergency as determined in the COUNTY’s sole discretion, an advanced Notice of Deficiency is not required.
Notice of Deficiency. If a deficiency is discovered by the Purchaser, Contractor shall correct the deficiency within (24) hours from the time they were notified of the deficiency.
Notice of Deficiency. If the Trustee has not received the full amount of any Loan Payment by the time the Borrower is required to make the same pursuant to the Loan Agreement, the Trustee shall immediately notify the Borrower, the Liquidity Facility Providers (if any) and the Credit Facility Providers (if any) of such insufficiency by Electronic Means and confirm such notification as soon as possible thereafter by written notice.
Notice of Deficiency. A written notice from the State to the Contractor notifying the Contractor of non-compliance with the requirements of this Contract. Nursing Facility (NF) – A facility that meets the requirements of Sections 1819 or 1919 of the Social Security Act and 42 CFR Part 483 and is licensed and certified as Medicaid nursing facility. (The initial letter of each word in this term is not capitalized in this Contract.) Overpayment – Any payment made to a participating provider by the Contractor to which the participating provider is not entitled to under Title XIX of the Social Security Act or any payment to a Contractor by the State to which the Contractor is not entitled. Outcomes – Changes in patient health, functional status, satisfaction or goal achievement that result from health care or supportive services. Participating Provider – Any provider, group of providers, or entity that is employed by or has signed a provider participation agreement with the Contractor or Subcontractor, and receives Medicaid funding directly or indirectly to order, refer, or provide Health Care Services. A Participating Provider is not a Subcontractor by virtue of the participation agreement. Pathways to Employment (Pathways) – A program developed and administered by various divisions within Delaware State government, with oversight by DMMA, to provide clients with disabilities the option and supports they need to work.
Notice of Deficiency. A document to record non-conforming work, deficient work and/or schedule slippage.
Notice of Deficiency. The State Project Manager will provide written Acceptance for the Deliverable if it meets the Acceptance Criteria and has no Deficiencies. However, if a Deficiency is found, the State shall give the Contractor Notice of its non-Acceptance, with such Notice delineating Deficiencies found as the basis for the State's decision. Upon notice of deliverable deficiency, the Contractor shall within two (2) business days: 1) correct the deficiencies and resubmit the deliverable for Acceptance; 2) submit a written detailed explanation describing precisely how the deliverable adheres to and satisfies all applicable requirements, and/or 3) submit a proposed corrective action plan to address the specific inadequacies in the deliverable. If the Contractor requires more than two (2) business days, the Contractor shall submit a written request and secure a written approval from the Project Manager for the longer period. If the Contractor opts for actions 2 or 3 above, after receipt of the Contractor detailed explanation and/or proposed corrective action plan, the State will notify the Contractor in writing within five (5) business days whether it accepts or rejects the explanation and/or plan. If the Project Manager rejects the explanation and/or plan, the Contractor will submit a revised corrective action plan within three (3) business days of notification of rejection. The Project Manager will within three (3) business days of receipt of the revised corrective action plan, notify the Contractor in writing whether it accepts or rejects the corrective action plan proposed by the Contractor. Rejection of a Deliverable by the State does not allow for slippage of the Schedule regarding subsequent Deliverables or Services. After the Contractor has corrected such noted Deficiencies, the State shall determine whether the Deliverable or Service meets the Acceptance Criteria and lacks Deficiencies and in writing shall either give its Acceptance or not accept it following such review. The Contractor shall continue to correct the Deliverable until Acceptance occurs or the State terminates the Contract.
Notice of Deficiency. When Homeowner discovers a Fit and Finish deficiency that Homeowner believes is covered under this Limited Fit & Finish Warranty, Homeowner must give Homebuilder’s Customer Care Department written notice of the deficiency using “Homebuilder’s Customer Care Request” form, by completing and delivering said form to Homebuilder’s Customer Care Department (at the address identified on page 2 of this Fit & Finish Warranty). Unless it is an emergency situation Homeowner is recommend to list all items discovered within the first 30 days after close of escrow on one Customer Care request form and send in the form at the end of the 30-day period. After the initial 30-day period, if Homeowner discovers any warranted items, please list those items on a Customer Care request form and send the form in eleven months after close of escrow (just prior to Homeowner’s one-year anniversary date). In case of emergency or water leak such notice should be provided immediately upon discovery. An emergency is any situation that may endanger lives, health or property unless corrected immediately. Examples are water leaks that require the main water service to be shut off, total loss of electrical service, total stoppage of the sewer system and complete loss of heat. In the event of an emergency, please contact the appropriate subcontractor listed on the Useful Phone Numbers List included in the orientation documentation, or contact Homebuilder’s Customer Care Department. If Homeowner does not have Homebuilder’s Customer Care Request form, Homeowner may request a copy of the form from Homebuilder’s Customer Care Department. Homeowner’s notice should describe the problem in detail, should state that Homeowner is making a Customer Care claim, and should include the time of day Homeowner can be at home so Homebuilder’s Customer Care Department can schedule service calls. In order to protect Homeowner’s rights under this Limited Fit & Finish Warranty, all repair requests must be submitted to Homebuilder’s Customer Care Department in writing during the warranty periods set forth in the Limited Fit & Finish Warranty; verbally advising Homebuilder’s Customer Care Department or Homebuilder’s field or office personnel will not protect Homeowner’s rights, nor will it guarantee the item in question will be inspected and/or repaired.
Notice of Deficiency. The State’s written statement to the Contractor which formally rejects a Deliverable and identifies items given in Section 5.3.1, Exhibit C, Special Contract Conditions.