Notification of Salary. Each teacher shall, prior to receiving their first paycheck of the academic year involved, complete the following:
1. Sign a salary and length of contract notification agreement
2. Sign a verification of sick leave accumulation days
I. Supplemental Salaries
Notification of Salary. Fifteen (15) days subsequent to the adoption by both parties of a new agreement, the District will give each teacher notice of salary for the next school year except where unforeseeable or extenuating circumstances prevail. Adoption of an agreement of long duration is directed to July 1 of the new fiscal year.
Notification of Salary. A teacher shall receive written notice of his/her annual salary for the coming school year. A teacher shall be notified in writing of the stipend or hourly rate for any supplemental position to which the teacher is assigned.
Notification of Salary. Administrators shall be notified of their upcoming annual salary in writing no later than April fifteenth (15th) as specified under “RSA 189:14A”.
Notification of Salary. All continuing contract teachers shall be notified of their contract in writing and salary status for the ensuing year not later than April fifteenth (15th) or within fifteen (15) days following the ratification of this Agreement, whichever comes later.
Notification of Salary. It shall be the policy of the Board that each administrative employee under contract shall be notified by the Board not later than July 1st as to the amount of salary to be paid during the succeeding contractual year. New administrators shall be notified at the time of employment.
Notification of Salary. Each staff member shall, prior to receiving their first paycheck of the academic year, sign a salary and length of contract agreement with verification of available PTO and sick leave days.
Notification of Salary. Administrators shall be notified of their upcoming annual salary in writing within twenty (20) days of the approval of the budget by the empowered legislative body of the current year but no later than April fifteenth (15th) as specified under RSA 189:14A.
Notification of Salary. All employees shall be given written notice of their anticipated salary no later than July fifteenth (15th) of each year of the Agreement.
Notification of Salary. Fifteen (15) days subsequent to the adoption of Board resolution, the District will give the Business Administrator notice of salary for the next school year except where unforeseeable or extenuating circumstances prevail. Adoption of an agreement of long duration is directed to July 1 of the new fiscal year.