PERFORMANCE PROVISIONS. (a) The PHP agrees to render partial hospitalization services to eligible beneficiaries in need of such services, in accordance with this participation agreement and the 32 CFR 199. These services shall include board, patient assessment, psychological testing, treatment services, social services, educational services, family therapy, case management, and such other services as are required by the 32 CFR 199.
(b) The PHP agrees that all certifications and information provided to the Director, DHA, incident to the process of obtaining and retaining authorized provider status is accurate and that it has no material errors or omissions. In the case of any misrepresentations, whether by inaccurate information being provided or material facts withheld, authorized provider status will be denied or terminated, and the PHP will be ineligible for consideration for authorized provider status for a two year period. Termination of authorized PHP status will be pursuant to Article 13 of this agreement.
(c) The PHP shall not be considered an authorized provider nor may any benefits be paid to the PHP for any services provided prior to the date the PHP is approved by the Director, DHA, or a designee as evidenced by signature on the participation agreement.
PERFORMANCE PROVISIONS. GENERAL AGREEMENT (a) The RTC agrees to render RTC services to eligible TRICARE beneficiaries in need of such services, in accordance with this Participation Agreement and the TRICARE regulation (32 CFR 199). These services shall include room and board, patient assessment, psychological testing, treatment services, social services, educational services, family therapy, and such other services as are required by the TRICARE regulation (32 CFR 199).
PERFORMANCE PROVISIONS. 3.1 GENERAL AGREEMENT (a) The SUDRF agrees to render treatment of SUDs to eligible TRICARE beneficiaries in need of such services, in accordance with this Participation Agreement and the TRICARE regulation (32 CFR 199). These services shall include board, routine nursing services, ancillary services, patient assessment, psychological testing, case management, and all mental health treatment determined necessary and consistent with the treatment plan established for the SUDRF patient, and accepted by DHA or designee.
PERFORMANCE PROVISIONS. (a) The RTC agrees to render RTC services to eligible TRICARE beneficiaries in need of such services, in accordance with this Participation Agreement and the TRICARE regulation (32 CFR 199). These services shall include room and board, patient assessment, psychological testing, treatment services, social services, educational services, family therapy, and such other services as are required by the TRICARE regulation (32 CFR 199).
(b) The RTC agrees that all certifications and information provided to the Director, DHA, incident to the process of obtaining and retaining authorized provider status is accurate and that it has no material errors or omissions. In the case of any misrepresentations, whether by inaccurate information being provided or material facts withheld, authorized provider status will be denied or terminated, and the RTC will be ineligible for consideration for authorized provider status for a two- year period. Termination of RTC status will be pursuant to Article 13 of this agreement.
(c) The RTC agrees that it shall not be considered a TRICARE authorized provider nor may any TRICARE benefits be paid to the facility for any services provided prior to the date the facility is approved by the Director, DHA, or a designee as evidenced by signature on the Participation Agreement.
1) Contractor's performance under this Exhibit A, Attachment I, shall be monitored by DHCS during the term of this Intergovernmental Agreement. Monitoring criteria shall include, but not be limited to:
a) Whether the quantity of work or services being performed conforms to Exhibit B;
b) Whether the Contractor has established and is monitoring appropriate quality standards;
c) Whether the Contractor is abiding by all the terms and requirements of this Intergovernmental Agreement;
d) Whether the Contractor is abiding by the terms of the Perinatal Services Network Guidelines 2016 (Document 1G); and
e) Contractor shall conduct annual onsite monitoring reviews of services and subcontracted services for programmatic and fiscal requirements. Contractor shall submit copy of their monitoring and audit reports to DHCS within two weeks of issuance. Reports should be sent by secure, encrypted e-mail to: or Substance Use Disorder - Prevention, Treatment and Recovery Services Division, Performance Management Branch Department of Health Care Services PO Box 997413, MS-2627 Sacramento, CA 95899-7413;
2) Failure to comply with the above provisions shall constitute grounds for DHCS to suspend or recover payments, subject to the Contractor’s right of appeal, or may result in termination of the Intergovernmental Agreement or both.
B. Performance Requirements
1) Contractor shall provide services based on funding set forth in Exhibit B, Attachment I, and under the terms of this Intergovernmental Agreement.
2) Contractor shall provide services to all eligible persons in accordance with federal and state statutes and regulations. Contractor shall assure that in planning for the provision of services, the following barriers to services are considered and addressed:
a) Lack of educational materials or other resources for the provision of services;
b) Geographic isolation and transportation needs of persons seeking services or remoteness of services;
c) Institutional, cultural, and/or ethnicity barriers;
d) Language differences;
e) Lack of service advocates;
f) Failure to survey or otherwise identify the barriers to service accessibility; and,
g) Needs of persons with a disability.
3) Contractor shall comply with any additional requirements of the documents that have been incorporated herein by reference, including, but not limited to, those in the Exhibit A – Scope of Work, Provision 6.
4) Amounts awarded pursuant to Exhibit A, Attachment I shall be used exclusively f...
PERFORMANCE PROVISIONS. (a) The SUDRF agrees to render treatment of substance use disorders to eligible TRICARE beneficiaries in need of such services, in accordance with this participation agreement and the TRICARE regulation (32 CFR 199). These services shall include board, routine nursing services, ancillary services, patient assessment, and all mental health treatment determined necessary and consistent with the treatment plan established for the SUDRF patient, and accepted by TMA or designee.
(b) The SUDRF agrees that all certifications and information provided to the Deputy Director, TMA incident to the process of obtaining and retaining authorized provider status is accurate and that it has no material errors or omissions. In the case of any misrepresentations, whether by inaccurate information being provided or material facts withheld, authorized provider status will be denied or terminated, and the SUDRF will be ineligible for consideration for authorized provider status for a two year period. Termination of SUDRF status will be pursuant to Article 12 of this agreement.
(c) On October 1, 1995, the SUDRF will not be considered to be a TRICARE-authorized provider nor may any TRICARE benefits be paid to the facility for any services until the date the participation agreement is signed by the Deputy Director, TMA, or a designee.
(a) The SUDRF agrees to limit charges to the rates set forth in this agreement.
(b) The SUDRF agrees to charge only for services to TRICARE beneficiaries that qualify within the limits of law and regulation, including but not limited to the requirements that the care be medically or psychologically necessary as defined by TMA, and all terms of this agreement.
PERFORMANCE PROVISIONS. The hospice program agrees to render palliative hospice care to eligible TRICARE beneficiaries as required by this participation agreement and the TRICARE regulation (32 CFR 199). The terms and conditions of 32 CFR 199 applicable to the participation or treatment of TRICARE beneficiaries by hospice programs are incorporated herein by reference.
PERFORMANCE PROVISIONS. (a) The OTP agrees to render opioid treatment services to eligible beneficiaries in need of such services, in accordance with this Participation Agreement and the 32 CFR 199. These services shall include patient assessment, case management, and such other services as are required by the 32 CFR 199.
(b) The OTP agrees that all certifications and information provided to the Director, DHA, incident to the process of obtaining and retaining authorized provider status is accurate and that it has no material errors or omissions. In the case of any misrepresentations, whether by inaccurate information being provided or material facts withheld, authorized provider status will be denied or terminated, and the OTP will be ineligible for consideration for authorized provider status for a two- year period. Termination of authorized IOP status will be pursuant to Article 12 of this agreement.
(c) The OTP shall not be considered an authorized provider nor may any benefits be paid to the IOP for any services provided prior to the date the IOP is approved by the Director, DHA, or a designee as evidenced by signature on the Participation Agreement.
PERFORMANCE PROVISIONS. This Contract is a performance-based Contract linked to student performance and academic improvement of the schools within the District. The Principal shall strive to meet the goals during the term of this Contract. The parties agree the goals and indicators are linked to student performance and academic improvement of the schools within the District. Annually, the Principal, with the assistance of his/her administrative team, shall (1) evaluate student performance, which shall include but not be limited to, student performance on standardized tests, such as performance based on state- mandated student assessment(s), successful completion of the curriculum, attendance, and drop- out rates; (2) review the curriculum and instructional services; and (3) report to the Superintendent and the Board on his/her findings as to (a) student performance and (b) recommendations, if any, for curriculum or instructional changes as a result of his/her evaluation of student performance. The presentation of the report shall constitute the achievement of the goals and indicators of student performance and academic improvement as required by Section 10-23.8 of the Illinois School Code.